What does your pretense do to you and your life?

shark and seal I just had a conversation with a long-time student of mine who hasn’t been coming to any of my classes, but still follows my teachings..

She bought the Big Bundle of energies… for the second time, So instead of giving her a refund, I opted to adjust her predatory genes, and also her oldest son’s.

They both had 10 predatory genes active, and they were both miserable… trying to force life to fit them, instead of gently and naturally fit themselves to life… to reality. Continue reading “What does your pretense do to you and your life?”

When something changes in reality, what made it change?

When something changes in reality, what made it change?

doing the necessary, the possible, and then the impossibleWhat makes the difference? When something starts to work: what made it suddenly work? Do you know? Chances are: you don’t. And neither do so-called scientists. It is a guess… the guess that makes them seem right. We are wrong 99% of the time. Why?

We do the same thing when something doesn’t work. We guess why… and we are wrong 99% of the time. Why? Continue reading “When something changes in reality, what made it change?”

From the limited perspective of the human mind…

From the limited perspective of the human mind…

I just had this interesting idea, that your usable intelligence, your overall intelligence may be the number that tells us how limited the perspective of YOUR mind… in actuality, not the potential.

I have students who have a better brain and yet lower IQ. And I have students who have a lesser brain and yet a higher IQ. This is very important: your race, your inherited innate brain power doesn’t limit you, because your ‘mind’ is limited by the perspective you have for life… This is why with training you can get better, a whole lot better. Continue reading “From the limited perspective of the human mind…”

Energy healing: how does the Big Bundle energy know what to do?

energy-healingIf you have been reading my articles… daily, for at least a month, you know that I have been working on extending my life by repairing in my body what has gone wrong. In the case of my body: everything has gone wrong.

For the past two years or so I had been declining to the inevitable conclusion about six weeks ago, that I was dying.

I still feel twinges of self-pity and sadness as I am writing this, even though in the past 32 days my health has dramatically turned around.

The main cause of the turnaround is an energy. The secondary cause is a very stringent diet decided moment to moment…

The energy is a knockoff of an energy healer’s “product” plus two other energies. Why three energies packaged in one audio? So it cannot be attacked by the Dark Side. What is the Dark Side? It’s people. Do I know who? It’s about three billion people… so no, I don’t know them.

This energy has been doing repair and cleansing in my body and my brain for a month now, and until just now I just allowed it to do its work, have gone through healing crisis after healing crisis, without questioning, doubting, inquiring… Continue reading “Energy healing: how does the Big Bundle energy know what to do?”

You are the dragon with the swishy tail. where is your tail?

You are the dragon with the swishy tail. where is your tail?

I have a new downstairs neighbor, after three whole years of no neighbor: that apartment sat empty.

I got used to no noise, no energies, silence… and now, suddenly I need to get used to a new configuration, energetically.

I don’t want to… baaaaah! lol

The new tenant is the landlord’s cousin, and though I have been tolerated thus far, so far for 16 years, I have only been a source of income for the landlord, not a person. Now I am someone who lives in THEIR house… at least that is how I translate her attitude towards me. A bother…

So I find myself, suddenly, needing my own course, the Playground. Now I am not just leading it, I am also a participant/client.

This situation is all about me… that is one of the wake-up questions you need to answer in the script: to what degree, what is happening, is about you. It is all about me.

I find myself feeling fear, really terror, I haven’t felt in years… I wake up when there is noise downstairs, or I can’t fall asleep: I am afraid. Very familiar from a long time ago… Continue reading “You are the dragon with the swishy tail. where is your tail?”

Hopeful or hopeless, both say you don’t want to change

Hopeful or hopeless, both say you don’t want to change

hopefulHopelessness is a wind… a real nasty wind to walk into. And “Why bother… it’ll never change” is the real enemy to personal growth.

I have made a deal with Source about a decade ago, to do Source’s work. Source doesn’t have a thumb… I do..

I had been courting Source, for decades, but I was rejected.

I am a nudnik. Persistent, annoying, a gadfly… I rarely give up. The only thing I have EVER given up on was becoming a Landmark Education Forum Leader. It still hurts. I am the person who you kick out but he comes back through the window. You fire her and she says: you can’t fire me from MY job.

You have to kill me to stop me…
Continue reading “Hopeful or hopeless, both say you don’t want to change”

You never stop needing to heal. The cause is still there

You never stop needing to heal. The cause is still there

is healing for real? can you heal yourself?What does it mean “Healing”?

It is transcending suffering, physical, emotional, intellectual… any suffering.

Why do you need healing? you ask. If you don’t… then you are lucky. Most people do. In fact I don’t know a single person who doesn’t… but, of course, you may be the exception.

No matter how you grew up, how good people your parents were, or other people, or your peers, you got banged up. Hurt.

Being hurt is an experience.

Did you get hurt in reality? Not necessarily. But as long as you live in an unreality where your emotions tell you what is happening, you will remain miserable… and hurt… and suffering. Continue reading “You never stop needing to heal. The cause is still there”

Learn the next piece of how to get unstuck

Learn the next piece of how to get unstuck

get unstuck so you can move againThis article may be short, maybe long… but I am intending it to be an ever growing piece.

I may be different from you, but I don’t think so.

I think every person, you, behave like you know everything there is to know to do what you want to do. And what you don’t know is ignored as if it didn’t exist… until, of course, what you want to do isn’t getting done with what you already know. Continue reading “Learn the next piece of how to get unstuck”

What tools can get you unstuck? Try distinctions

What tools can get you unstuck? Try distinctions

In case you’re stuck – distinctions can come to rescue you, to liberate you, to save the day, save your sanity, save your money, save your life.

You can get stuck, seemingly, in many different ways. You get stuck and things remain the same, your past, your opinions, your truth, your reality… meaning: your occurrence.

Occurrence is a combination of what happens, what truly IS, observable by others, even a Martian, plus your commentary, your meaning, your interpretation.

My Playground program is about taking you from that stuck view of your life, your world, to being able to see what is actually real in your view, and what isn’t. Continue reading “What tools can get you unstuck? Try distinctions”

The occurrence mental model or personal reality

The occurrence mental model or personal reality

free yourself from mental slaveryThis article was removed from Medium.com… I guess it offended a “star” there…

The person whose articles inspired this one has 10 active predatory genes…

In my next article, the one I am working on, I’ll ponder about that high number… As I just did, in my Sunday call with an old friend who is like the perfect mirror to me…

I don’t publish those calls for general consumption: they are a tad gossipy, I talk about people there… but select subscribers can get it… $15 a pop… and worth it, if you are are willing to change your mind… Most never will. You can email me for a link… and I’ll decide if I want you to have it or not.

Mental Models: relate to and solve problems with different, fundamentally different perspectives of reality

Continue reading “The occurrence mental model or personal reality”