How to beat the ‘human condition’ successfully

How to beat the ‘human condition’ successfully

How to beat the ‘human condition’ successfully and become a happy person at no one’s expense?

I spent a few hours this week reading really old emails from two of my clients. I was especially interested in their early emails… maybe so I can see what changed?

When you talk to someone nearly every day, it is hard to notice the changes…

So periodically going back and seeing some of the things they said six years ago is really useful in this regard.

I have my customer/client emails saved, all of them, grouped by client, so I didn’t even have to search… Just pick a client, and read…

One of these guys went on and on and on how much he doesn’t want to be human. How much he doesn’t want to be part of the human condition. Live in the Valley of the Shadow of Death. Continue reading “How to beat the ‘human condition’ successfully”

One Word That Should Never Follow “I Love You”

One Word That Should Never Follow “I Love You”

It’s been very difficult for me to bring examples to the phenomenon “or-ness”, in spite of the fact that it is all over. I was trying to define it, but it’s eluded me.

Here is an article I didn’t write. It is a beautiful illustration of the principle of how to replace “or” with “and” and give birth to a lot better, a lot more loving life than it was before. Really nicely done: Continue reading “One Word That Should Never Follow “I Love You””

Demanding, extorting to be treated well? What would be your excuse if they did?

Demanding, extorting to be treated well? What would be your excuse if they did?
Why is your ITCH ultimately evil?

Evil, inside the reality based work we do here, is defined as ‘desire to receive for the self alone’.

Your ITCH is putting the onus, the responsibility, the demand, and the duty on another to make you whole and complete.

In that process everything they actually do is judged as ‘wrong’. You give them no equal rights to have their opinion, their style, their preference, their likes and dislikes, you want them to adopt your preferences, so you are dominating.

People can’t be free to be themselves around you, because you consider everything they do, say, express as wrong, because it is not what you wanted. Not what you demand, whether you say so or not.

In your ITCH the only person to win is you, and that is what’s evil about it. Continue reading “Demanding, extorting to be treated well? What would be your excuse if they did?”

A wave of suppressed memories, feelings surfacing

A wave of suppressed memories, feelings surfacing

I have been looking at the memories surfacing in the past month… allowing me to look at them, like you would look at physical memories in an attic or a storage facility, and reminiscence and then put them back where they were, or in the garbage.

The first wave was shame.

I dealt with tens of instances in my past that I am ashamed of. Yeah, yours truly… I did all those things I am ashamed of now.

I have also gone back and watched some actors I grew up loving, now dead. Some theater plays. Some singers. And wept. Good cleansing tears.

And I am not even on my deathbed… as far as I know… lol. Continue reading “A wave of suppressed memories, feelings surfacing”

What does a Hungarian joke have to do with your life script?

What does a Hungarian joke have to do with your life script?
Teacher: list five African animals
Morris: two tigers and three elephants

There are a few jokes that I brought with myself from Hungary… that describe the human condition very well.

One of them is an elementary school joke:

Morris is asked to say the multiplication table… with 8.

He starts to chant… lalala-lala lalala… lalala lala lalala…

What is this? Asks the stunned teacher? Oh, I remember the tune, but can’t recall the words… answers Morris.

Several of my students, maybe all, got stuck in an early childhood age, resulting from a decision to fix a traumatic incident. Continue reading “What does a Hungarian joke have to do with your life script?”

If you talk a lot… even if it is only in your head…

If you talk a lot… even if it is only in your head…

I am finding that the level of coherence I have enjoyed for almost four years is suddenly dropped. Dropped only 30%, but that is enough for me to experience difficulty in thinking, being able to write, to move through life with grace and ease.

If you remember, coherence is the degree to which your inner energies, especially your intellectual energies, thoughts, are music as opposed to cacophony.

Each one has a different level of coherence. Grace and easy and power are only possible when one is reasonably coherent for longer periods of time.

Every upset, every interruption, everything you resist cause incoherence.

My downstairs neighbor, the woman, is at home. Muscletest says: she is sick with the virus. Instead of resting she is banging away in the apartment, and when her beau comes home she whines, shouts, complains, for an hour or two. Continue reading “If you talk a lot… even if it is only in your head…”

What can you see and hear in the sideways view?

What can you see and hear in the sideways view?
little red riding hoodEven if you have the driftwood capacity activated… Even then you have to learn to be looking that way.

Yesterday’s article about assumptions should clue you in: you mostly are stuck with your assumption: you have never really looked and seen the facts… Reality defined in the simplest way: reality is facts.

It seems that to observe, to look, to look until you see something is not a low-vibration person’s activity, and most people ARE low vibration… so most people never look.

The ones that do are famous at least in what they do for a living.

Quentin Tarantino… Albert Einstein, Ayn Rand.

It really seems that this capacity to look and see is very rare. Continue reading “What can you see and hear in the sideways view?”

The roller coaster of your inner life… the highs and the lows… Nerve wrecking

The roller coaster of your inner life… the highs and the lows… Nerve wrecking

People are starting to recognize themselves in my articles.

I often struggle to say things in a way that matches the inside language of people… How they say it to themselves.

For example this whole idea of the swinging back and forth between the delusional and the devalued opinion of yourself… Continue reading “The roller coaster of your inner life… the highs and the lows… Nerve wrecking”

How to change your future by changing your story

How to change your future by changing your story

Your stories are boring, repetitive, and rigidly fixed. You tell them the same every time, and that gives you a life of gloom and doom, an ever narrowing, ever more impoverished version of the Life you could have.

This article is about blowing some life into your story, so you can have more life.

“Know something, sugar? Stories only happen to people who can tell them.” – Allan Gurganus

Gurganus is right. The truth happens to everyone, but stories only happen to people who can tell them. And tell them well…
Continue reading “How to change your future by changing your story”

What you don’t want to look at is the space around…

What you don’t want to look at is the space around…

My first suspicion came when I noticed that leaders, people who ‘selflessly’ gave of their time to the organization, died, left and right, of cancer.

Kabbalah says that certain diseases are opportunistic, like the Dark Side, they enter your body on cracks between who you claim you are, and who you really are… the space between you and you.

Even little kids have that…

You are fed by your mother. You choke on the food. Your mother doesn’t know how to help you. You don’t die. Your parents rejoice and hug you and kiss you.

Normally they don’t express feelings, but this trick did it… so you ‘invent’ for yourself a new way to be: don’t do anything. don’t say anything. Don’t cry… and then it will go away and the praise, the kisses will come.

Eventually you are a grown person, having had tens of incidents and experiences when it didn’t work, when it only bought you grief and humiliation, incidents of sexual attacks, inappropriate touch, and some maybe even more painful… but in your little mind that hasn’t moved from the choking incident, you tell yourself: the kisses and the reward are surely coming… Continue reading “What you don’t want to look at is the space around…”