Being stupid opens the door for learning…

Being stupid opens the door for learning…

I am stupid. Being stupid opens the door for learning, curiosity, and a life.‘ ~ Jodie, one of my students.

Today’s shares were like soothing ointment on blistering skin… I have been living with that blistering skin forever, it seems.

What is that blistering skin? The heat I generate in my articles, in my workshops burns my skin, but doesn’t often reach the clients… So I burn and they don’t.

Until just now. Continue reading “Being stupid opens the door for learning…”

Man plans, and god laughs. Not with you. Laughs at you.

Man plans, and god laughs. Not with you. Laughs at you.

A plan is a thought… Man thinks and god laughs. But why does God laugh at the sight of man thinking? Because man thinks and the truth escapes him.

There are plans. And there is planning. Big difference.

Why? Because planning is practice. Most people never do it. Continue reading “Man plans, and god laughs. Not with you. Laughs at you.”

Why is it harmful to live in your own world? Bad for you?

Why is it harmful to live in your own world? Bad for you?

Let me set down this first: worldly success completely depends on your ability to bilocate… In essence the size of your awareness…

Whether you bilocate like the light bulb or multitasking, or are able to be both places at the same time is just a little bit different… both work.

What am I talking about? Continue reading “Why is it harmful to live in your own world? Bad for you?”

When it was the best, was it really really good?

When it was the best, was it really really good?

Too Good to Leave, Too Bad to Stay: A Step-by-Step Guide to Help You Decide Whether to Stay In or Get Out of Your Relationship is the title of the book that had a deep impact on me. I read it some 20 years ago…

That question is underneath most of my life… including my commitment to go where I am celebrated, not where I am only tolerated.

It isn’t about relationships for me, by the way, it is about the question it poses, the only question I remember from the book. The one question that you can ask about anything and allow that question to guide you in your life. Continue reading “When it was the best, was it really really good?”

Why do you need humility to learn anything? Skills, habits

Why do you need humility to learn anything? Skills, habits

learning and humilityLearning is humbling. Especially humbling is learning about yourself, and learning about your need to change.

You have a Precious I. Whether you believe it or not, whether you know it or not, the precious I is in every single person.

And your precious I wants to have and retain the self-image unchanged, the self-image that says you know everything. That you are the center of the Universe. You are special. And it wants to keep the self-image where it is superior. Where you are, therefore, OK. Continue reading “Why do you need humility to learn anything? Skills, habits”

It’s Tuesday… it’s garbage day on my street…

It’s Tuesday… it’s garbage day on my street…

It’s not communism or socialism that is the enemy of freedom and prosperity. It is authoritarian systems.

Authoritarianism=my way of the highway.

I have lived in socialism. People may be lazy there, but creativity, thinking differently, individuality, ability and productiveness is not penalized… Maybe Russia was different. I lived in Hungary.

At this point Hungary’s system is really kleptocracy… stealing power, stealing stuff, stealing rights, stealing freedoms. We are seeing that in the USA happening… I hear that they are copying Hungary, a tiny country in the middle of Europe.

But in authoritarian systems who is calling the shots are the freeloaders. The looters, the moochers, the people who want something for nothing. The enemies of thinking, the enemies of originality, the enemies of production. Continue reading “It’s Tuesday… it’s garbage day on my street…”

How to change your view of life so you can change your life

How to change your view of life so you can change your life
What you see is what gives you your attitude and your actions in life.

So if we can change what you see, we can help you change your life.

I love the analogy of the winding mountain pass where an unsuspecting motorist happens onto a car wreck in the middle of the two-lane road.

His options are to

  1. drive into the solid rock on the left,
  2. into the abyss on the right,
  3. into the wreck in the middle… or to
  4. slow down and drive around the wreck. Slowly.

Continue reading “How to change your view of life so you can change your life”

The organs weep the tears that the eyes refuse to shed

The organs weep the tears that the eyes refuse to shed
Reality and fiction, reality and fantasy, reality and dreaming are occasionally hard to tell apart.

I may dream that I am getting up and even getting to my office… only to discover that I am still in bed, under the covers… It felt so real

I am lucky it is only on cold mornings… Some people spend their lives on the border of dreaming and living. Continue reading “The organs weep the tears that the eyes refuse to shed”

I had been miserable for a few days till…

I had been miserable for a few days till…

I had been miserable for a few days now…

So when this happens I pay attention.

Of course my attention is splintered: some of it goes into feeling sorry for myself, some of it to ‘fix’ the misery… or its seeming cause. and some of it to see what is REALLY going on.

I always say that if you can go through hell with your eyes open and with wide cone of vision, you are going to see what lead you there and what you can do to reduce the likelihood of going through hell again any time soon. Continue reading “I had been miserable for a few days till…”

Rebooting your brain, rebooting your life

Rebooting your brain, rebooting your life

Imagine this scenario: You look up your bank balance, see the number. And suddenly dread grabs your chest and you are off to panic-land.

You see that unless you start generating an income before the end of the month, you’ll be on the dole… at the mercy of others, at the mercy of social services… You’ve run out of money, and you have run out of time.

What do you do now? Continue reading “Rebooting your brain, rebooting your life”