There are no good energies and bad energies…

There are no good energies and bad energies…

There are no good energies and bad energies. There are no light energies and dark energies. There is only energy.

Good and bad, dark and light, are moral judgments, also called systemic judgments, or black and white worldview.

What is prompting this topic is that today is Day or Power, which means a huge energy influx from the Light… the Energy Source of the Universe.

Energy dissipates, and for the world, the universe to keep on going, it is getting a twice a month energy infusion from where it has all come.

I am not saying this is the truth, but by all measures, this seems to match my experience, and my muscletesting through Source, also known as the Zero Point Field. Continue reading “There are no good energies and bad energies…”

Why you don’t deserve to enter the Kingdom of Heaven

Why you don’t deserve to enter the Kingdom of Heaven

I am not religious.

If I practiced any religion, I guess, it would be Judaism… given that I am Jewish…

Until a certain point in my life I adhered to the “religion” of dialectic materialism, which teaches that matter is the defining and spirit is secondary. I even argued with my Jewish philosophy teacher.

I admit, I am not smart enough to even know what that means. That is what I learned. The words. Continue reading “Why you don’t deserve to enter the Kingdom of Heaven”

You don’t do well because you major in minor things

One of the distinctions I have never heard anywhere else is this “Majoring in minors” 1 distinction. It’s from the 67 steps.
It is about choosing to invest time, energy, money into something that is not going to return a big benefit.

If we look at any area of life, the biggest difference between astute people and the rest is how they invest their time, energy, and money.

Obviously, if you fritter away your time, energy, and money on frivolous or low-benefit activities, your life will be below what it could be. Continue reading “You don’t do well because you major in minor things”

Living life as an experiment is an attitude. It is an approach to life… Unemotional

I haven’t been feeling well. I feel dumb, I don’t remember what I am talking about, I am foggy. I don’t remember names like normal, and in the evening I just want to sleep, instead of reading.

I could be worrying, and I am hovering on the border of worry and “this is what it is”…

I could ask “what’s wrong”, but that would lead to a fix-it mode… and I am not interested in that.

Instead I am saying: this has been an experiment, this is an experiment, albeit an unplanned one… Let’s see what we can see, what we can learn from this experiment?

Obviously this is not a question most people think to ask. In the age of reacting, in the age of thinking we know everything, we are asking stupider and stupider questions, and get ourselves into deep trouble.

So, if you can learn my methodology: that methodology, that attitude is the key that whatever and whoever has been trying to kill me, hasn’t been able to. Had it been you, I assert, you would be dead already. Or wish you were…

OK, so here is what I have done: Continue reading “Living life as an experiment is an attitude. It is an approach to life… Unemotional”

Selfish, selfless, wanting, forcing, pushing on a string…

Selfish, selfless, wanting, forcing, pushing on a string…

When you are a value recognizer, you see value, for you, everywhere.

Seeing value, recognizing value, is a very high vibration capacity, and I literally don’t know anyone who has it fully open… meaning the DNA capacity.

It’s Tuesday, and I had no idea what to write about today. The way it was looking, life was going to be mundane, maybe even boring today…

But I opened my horoscope from Rob Brezsny, and it all changed when I read it. It brought back yesterday, and the whole past month.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): How sexy is it possible for you to be? I’m referring to authentic soul-stirring sexiness, not the contrived, glitzy, counterfeit version. I’m alluding to the irresistible magnetism that wells up in you when you tap in to your core self and summon a reverent devotion to your life’s mission. However sexy it is possible for you to be, Virgo, I suggest you unleash that magic in the coming weeks. It’s the most reliable strategy for attracting the spiritual experiences and material resources and psychological support you need.

In the 30 dry days… that seemed to pass through the land of commerce, I learned a lot about scarcity, about abundance, about being Selfish and being selfless, wanting, forcing, and pushing on a string. Continue reading “Selfish, selfless, wanting, forcing, pushing on a string…”

5-ways-to-pinpoint-your-strengths so you can move

5-ways-to-pinpoint-your-strengths so you can move

5-ways-to-pinpoint-your-strengths so you can move towards the good life: success, health, happiness

Politically correct living, living for someone else’s sake robs you of seeing who you really are.

I am talking about everybody. Empaths are a special case… they really don’t know much until they become conscious empaths.

Life cannot be lived authentically, unless you know who you are.

Authentic living means being the same inside and out. The more you are authentic, the higher your vibration.

So finding out who you are is mandatory if you want to be well, feel well, and do the best with what you got. This is what this article is helping you to do.
Continue reading “5-ways-to-pinpoint-your-strengths so you can move”

What if you find that your word has no power?

What if you find that your word has no power?

One of the hardest things for anyone is to know themselves. 1

And not knowing yourself is the cause, not just correlation, of the most misery.

Why you don’t know yourself? Thousands of reasons… knowing yourself also obeys the Anna Karenina Principle.

This article will not be about that. This article will be about the price you pay for not knowing yourself.

Continue reading “What if you find that your word has no power?”

The Dark Side. is there a Dark Side? if there is what is it?

The Dark Side. is there a Dark Side? if there is what is it?

In my view, there is no god, there are no angels, entities, and such. There is also no devil, no hell, no heaven, no afterlife.

But, because humans even on this level of evolution where we are, can create stuff with their thoughts… gods and angels and entities and other stuff.

So at this point (it may change in the future if research and experiments reveal stuff I am not seeing now) my theory is that there is Dark Side and it is created by humans. It’s all thoughts.

Now, with that said, where does it come from what I say, that the voices you hear in your head are the Dark Side? Or the memes…

Because I say that.

So, what do I consider Dark Side? Continue reading “The Dark Side. is there a Dark Side? if there is what is it?”

Do you disappear when you die? And does it matter?

Do you disappear when you die? And does it matter?

be responsible for the energy you bringI have been spending quite some time with the dead.

I am finding that when you die, your energy doesn’t die with you. So all the billions of people who ever lived are still represented here by their energies. Are they souls? No. Do they every ascend? No. They are not… these are energies… something you can connect to, something that can commingle with your energy and wreak havoc.

This fact, the people who lived leave their energy behind, justifies my measurements that some of the most significant people who shaped humanity’s thinking actually never lived. They were constructs of many people. So they never died, never lived.

Jesus, Moses, Lao Tzu, Sun Tzu… King David Continue reading “Do you disappear when you die? And does it matter?”

How to stop rotting away at home

Jordan Peterson: His vibration is 170. The truth value of what he says is about 10%. That is not as bad as it sounds, the truth value of your knowledge is less than 1%, so who are you to judge?

Anyway, 170 is not bad, and some of the things he does with what he has is quite brilliant. One of the capacities is to find patterns in disparate dominions and connect them.

Watch his body language… it is mighty difficult to hold it together…

It is definitely worth watching.

I am curious what you hear… so if you feel generous, let me know what you heard, for yourself. OK?

It’s even worth watching twice Continue reading “How to stop rotting away at home”