Law of Attraction vs. Victim Mentality… Choose!

Law of Attraction vs. Victim Mentality… Choose!

I wrote this article back in 2007, when I was in Pam Ragland’s course…

I want to address the phenomenon of the “Law of Attraction” vs. “victim mentality” in today’s post.

Most of us interpret the Law of Attraction as a kind of “Cosmic Soup Kitchen” where you sit at a table, a waitperson comes and takes your order, and then you wait for your order to come.

Sometimes your order comes, sometimes it doesn’t. Sometimes you get something totally different, something that you didn’t want.

Some people’s order comes faster than yours, some others’ slower, or never.

It all seems random, and capricious. Like the Universe is playing a game with you.

Frustrating to most, happy and great for some. It seems like there are chosen people, or lucky, and something invisible marks YOU as the one who should never get ahead, never get what you want.

Continue reading “Law of Attraction vs. Victim Mentality… Choose!”

How Does Your Personality Effect YOUR Life? Personality is what you interact with…

I wrote this article 12 years ago. I was 60 years old. I had a lot more money than I have now, I wrote my blog only for my personal pleasure, like a journal.

I was the happiest I had been in my life… but I had no idea that I could be happy… every day, no matter what.

That came later… I was still looking for a home, looking for answers to questions, like why am I not liked… as you’ll see in this article.

I am republishing the article because, I think, you’ll see yourself in it… especially the in comparison part.

I am comparing myself to others and I am coming out short… while I fancy myself better… lol.

Comparison is a very potent misery maker.
Continue reading “How Does Your Personality Effect YOUR Life? Personality is what you interact with…”

When you are BEING stupid. Does it mean you are you stupid?

When you are BEING stupid. Does it mean you are you stupid?
knuckleheadHey, when you are BEING a knucklehead… does it mean you ARE a knucklehead?

Or you are just doing the only exercise most people do: jumping into conclusions.

Listen if you can recognize yourself in this story:

A lot of my clients find themselves in a trap…

For example, they make a mistake. They are frustrated. Or they are scared. Or they are angry. Or they are devastated. Even suicidal.

They say to themselves: Here I go again!…

…I am never going to get it right! I am never going to learn this… I better give up while I am ahead! I am stupid! I am a loser! and on and on and on I could go with the examples how people abuse themselves.

Continue reading “When you are BEING stupid. Does it mean you are you stupid?”

The invisible dynamic: resentment: Your Blessings are Trapped… Want Them? Go Get ‘Em

Your blessings are trapped … in other people.

Take back the Light! Go to one person today, with whom you’re having trouble seeing eye to eye, and tell them (in a proactive manner) something they are right about.

The more difficult it is to confront the person, the more Light you will reveal. Now, go get back your Light that you are giving to other people!

This is a Kabbalistic way to say: you’ve been giving away your power to everyone you are “incomplete” with.

Incomplete means that there is some charge on something that happened, they did, they said, or didn’t do, didn’t say. The bigger the charge, the more of YOUR light is trapped there.

And only YOU can release it. Bummer. Continue reading “The invisible dynamic: resentment: Your Blessings are Trapped… Want Them? Go Get ‘Em”