What a nice cup of coffee has to do with having a Self?

What a nice cup of coffee has to do with having a Self?
How much voice do YOU have in the chorus of the voices that live in your head?

It’s Thursday morning, and I am starting a new experiment.

Yesterday I discovered that I have no idea what it is like to eat when you have an appetite. I observed myself, and I solely eat, have been eating, for taste. Texture. The mouthfeel.

But my physiology wants me to eat for appetite. 1 Bummer, I don’t know the first thing about appetite… 🙁
I look at different languages to get a clue… In Hungarian appetite, the word, says “the desire to eat”. Hm. In other languages there are appetizers… that grow that desire to eat, or maybe to wake up the dormant desire? Continue reading “What a nice cup of coffee has to do with having a Self?”

How to get out of the cave of your mind to live in reality?

How to get out of the cave of your mind to live in reality?

I just had an email conversation with a client. She wanted my review on a marketed healing program, and I reviewed it for her. The person doing it: personal vibration 100, truth value of that program: 3%

The things you are attracted to cater to where you are in your evolution as a human… They talk to your ‘identity’, to your worldview, to who you are.

If you are attracted to a 3% truth value program it is because your worldviews truth value is about 3%. 97% not reality, not truth, 97% b.s. These programs sell like hotcakes… Because this is the level that most humans live on now. And it is getting lower. Continue reading “How to get out of the cave of your mind to live in reality?”

Are you inspirable? Can you even be inspired?

Are you inspirable? Can you even be inspired?
Inspiration… what is it and why do you want to have it?

Inspiration, breathing life into inert or unconscious matter… is the difference between a machine and a Man…

An inspired action, an inspired life, an inspired person is vastly different from most people, most actions, most lives on the planet. How? in that what guides those is what is beyond the 10% reality, and beyond the emotional dramatic interpretation. And beyond the meaning based lives humans live nowadays. Continue reading “Are you inspirable? Can you even be inspired?”

How Does Your Personality Effect YOUR Life? Personality is what you interact with…

I wrote this article 12 years ago. I was 60 years old. I had a lot more money than I have now, I wrote my blog only for my personal pleasure, like a journal.

I was the happiest I had been in my life… but I had no idea that I could be happy… every day, no matter what.

That came later… I was still looking for a home, looking for answers to questions, like why am I not liked… as you’ll see in this article.

I am republishing the article because, I think, you’ll see yourself in it… especially the in comparison part.

I am comparing myself to others and I am coming out short… while I fancy myself better… lol.

Comparison is a very potent misery maker.
Continue reading “How Does Your Personality Effect YOUR Life? Personality is what you interact with…”

Become all you can become? Why? How? Aren’t you?

Become all you can become? Why? How? Aren’t you?

Become all you can become? Why? How? Aren’t you already all you can become?

Yesterday I spent about four hours listening to Jordan Peterson. The material I listened to was a truth value of 30%… not bad. Continue reading “Become all you can become? Why? How? Aren’t you?”

Are you the solution or are you the problem?

I am sitting here. In a few hours I have a brainstorming call with a student of mine, who is, who has been, who is proving to be impossible to train… and I am scared and angry.

This article is the process in which I change my context for the call, so I can make a difference… or not… Inside the current context all I can do is yell… Not what I want my life to be. So, here we go…

Useless vs Priceless

Or said in another way: are you the solution or are you the problem?

As a little boy or as a little girl, you made some decisions about yourself, what it is that you were supposed to get, how to get what you want. Continue reading “Are you the solution or are you the problem?”

A is A. Aristotle was right. Ayn Rand was right. And we have been all wrong.

A is A.

We behave as if that were not true, if we yell loud enough, if we assert our claims enough, if we pretend that it’s a mistake, etc.

I see it on clients, students all the time.

I did a Bach profile for a brand new person this morning. His “linchpin” Bach Energy is the Peacock. Peacock is one of these “I deserve to be beautiful because I eat poisonous berries for breakfast, lunch and dinner.” It is the 40th Bach Energy® Dr. Edward Bach didn’t find before he died. I did. I also found the Yew… #39. The toxic person. Desire to receive for the self alone…

If they listened to themselves they would say:… Are you crazy? Stop eating that stuff, it will kill you!

But no, they feel like a hero doing what they are doing. But they are dead, deadened heroes.
Continue reading “A is A. Aristotle was right. Ayn Rand was right. And we have been all wrong.”

Why is it that you cannot see the strategy, only the tactic?

Why is it that you cannot see the strategy, only the tactic?

Life is a game… a game is something where something is better than something else. That is winning.

In golf having your ball in the cup is better than outside of it.

In basketball: the ball in the basket, in tennis the ball staying in the air longer, in bridge the higher score, in Freecell: the empty board. Continue reading “Why is it that you cannot see the strategy, only the tactic?”

Can depression be alleviated with coaching?

Can depression be alleviated with coaching?
Life wants more life… and when it can’t… when it is not forthcoming, it puts you into depression.

I had a small private workshop yesterday to test out a methodology that works for me to unstuck me every time.

Without a reliable, count-onable, potent method to unstuck yourself, you may get stuck in misery, inactivity, depression, for a long time. Continue reading “Can depression be alleviated with coaching?”

12 behaviors to weed out to become worth a damn

12 behaviors to weed out to become worth a damn

Becoming worth a damn is what people in my 67 step coaching program are working on. But here is an aspect that is not touched on by Tai Lopez and his 67 steps program.

Being worth a damn is a tricky distinction: there are no guidelines to follow. If you want to be worth a damn, where you want to look is what value other people assign to you, how much respect, support, love, etc. you get from other people.

This is also my first time looking at life through this question, and myself have found two behaviors I haven’t eliminated completely, and all the negative social feedback is caused by those. Continue reading “12 behaviors to weed out to become worth a damn”