Whatever it takes, your about-me score, your TLB: what is the connection?

Whatever it takes, your about-me score, your TLB: what is the connection?

Marianne Faithfull in Irina PalmWhatever it takes, your about-me score, your TLB, your twitchy little bastard score: what is the connection?

I am scared. The inauguration is in an hour… I am weeping I am so scared. So I get busy doing what I can… publish this article. I’ll probably publish one more later today…

Just read an article about Marianne Faithfull, a 60’s muse, singer, and a beautiful woman, exactly my age.

She just went through the virus, spent three weeks in hospital, and survived against the doctors’ predictions.

Because of what?

I don’t know the woman. I don’t know her songs. but I saw a movie with her, where she, her character was this ‘whatever it takes’ type of warrior… while the people around her claimed love but did nothing.

You can find your inspiration and spiritual teaching in the most unexpected places… Continue reading “Whatever it takes, your about-me score, your TLB: what is the connection?”

Being Needy keeps you from getting what you want?

Being Needy keeps you from getting what you want?

needy wantyBeing needy, being want-y is low vibration… about 100 on the vibrational scale.

I order my grocery through Instacart. This way I never have to leave my house, I never have to see or get near another person. I ‘blame’ the pandemic… lol.

But today, when I stood behind my front door, waiting for the Instacart delivery person, Angel to leave my grocery at the door, I shouted: ‘Thank you Angel’, and then I started to sob. Continue reading “Being Needy keeps you from getting what you want?”

The invisible and sinister undertow that pulls you under

The invisible and sinister undertow that pulls you under

Are you one of those who won’t do anything unless you are sure it will pay off? won’t do anything unless you are sure it’s the right thing?

Do you know The old phrase: ‘Give your little finger to other people and they take the whole hand.’?

Well, it is only true if and when the person in case wants your hand…

I have tested it with my cat. I gave her a little… and unless she liked it, ate it, I didn’t give her more… She didn’t want the little finger, she didn’t want the hand.

I also test students. I give them a little finger… and often they don’t see how that will be good for them, take them to where they have always wanted to go… and do like my cat… walk away from it.

And this happens with some regularity with some people in my classes. Unless they can see the ‘whole hand’, they don’t want the little finger either.

Two of my students in particular… Continue reading “The invisible and sinister undertow that pulls you under”

What are you here for? Can you get it here? Let’s look together, shall we?

What are you here for? Can you get it here? Let’s look together, shall we?

Everyone who comes to me or to my site, yourvibration.com, on some level wants to be more, wants to have more.

Most visitors come here AFTER they research how to get what you want… in whatever area of life they feel a lack.

So people come here with a sense of lack, neediness, and a hope that I can tell them what they need to have, or maybe can even give them what they need to have, so they can have what they want.

Unfortunately 99% of my site’s visitors leave disappointed… yet again.

Did I not give them what they need to have? I have, at a rate of about 70% goes away looking for someone who doesn’t tell them that they need to DO something… that wasn’t what they wanted… they didn’t want doing. Continue reading “What are you here for? Can you get it here? Let’s look together, shall we?”

Revealing some secrets… secrets you probably don’t expect…

Revealing some secrets… secrets you probably don’t expect…

The secret why you are poor, struggle financially and emotionally

I would have never known, hadn’t I signed up with a dude about a year and a half ago… take his advice to heart about a year ago, and observe some struggling and unhappy (flat?) people this past year… latest a few minutes ago.

I was on a call learning some technical stuff useful in running my business. At the end of the call the dude took his time to promote some ‘change your life’ online summit, a multi speaker event going often for days… So I butted in, and ask if the speakers are selling their stuff…

He protested, saying that this is a do-gooding event… I said: if you have something that makes people’s life better, and you are not offering it, you are a criminal. Evil, stingy… a criminal.

He protested. Found out in what he said that his definition of selling is pushing something at you that you don’t want.
Continue reading “Revealing some secrets… secrets you probably don’t expect…”

Emotional detox? What can it do for you??

Emotional detox? What can it do for you??

Before you can go up, you need to go down! Just like in building a house.

Because unless you clear off the “stuff” and then dig deep to know what’s under the top soil, your house will be warped and collapse in a hurry, often while you are building it.

For most of you this is really bad news, because you are hellbent on staying phony happy, phony loving, phony well… delusional high self-esteem-ed, and you are unwilling to even look at what is real. But what’s real is real, and if you ignore it it will bite you in the a-s-s. No compassion, no looking, just continuing what isn’t working, and never will work is stupid… Here, I said it. Stupid. Continue reading “Emotional detox? What can it do for you??”

Energy for life, energy for growth, energy for having fun…

Energy for life, energy for growth, energy for having fun…
Energy. do you have enough?

Everything is energy, blah blah blah…

It is either true or not, but what is really true: if you don’t have the energy to do the things that forward your life then you are stuck, feel bad about yourself, and start dying.

Knowing how to manage your energy so you can get things done, so you have energy also for joy, fun, humor, creativity, a way to feel alive and valuable, is mandatory… I would say. Continue reading “Energy for life, energy for growth, energy for having fun…”

If you can’t grow, you don’t grow, you can’t fit growth into your life…

If you can’t grow, you don’t grow, you can’t fit growth into your life…

I have been thrown a curveball…

Most people deal with stuff being taken away from them… But what do you do when stuff is added to you… like a gift?

But when you buy into any of my programs, you will need to deal with this: too much to deal with.

You already have too many irons in the fire… if you even have any, your hands are full, and now you need to grow new hands if you don’t want to drop the ones you already have.

This is what happened to me this week, and I predict I’ll deal with this for a while… until I reorganize myself and my life to the increased activity I am taking on.

Many people buy programs, try to adjust earnestly, but abandon ship… because organization, especially re-organization is most people’s weak skill. Continue reading “If you can’t grow, you don’t grow, you can’t fit growth into your life…”

Before anyone can help you, before you can help yourself…

Before anyone can help you, before you can help yourself…

Before anyone can help you, before you can help yourself, you need to accurately identify the blockage, the problem, the mess you are in.

It is hard. Why?

Because there is too much data. It is trying to find footprints under the snow… you don’t know where to look, and even if you managed to shovel away all that snow, who knows if you can see the right footprints…

The difference between a good detective and a normal guy, gal, is their ability to tell the difference between what has ‘diagnostic’ value and what doesn’t. Continue reading “Before anyone can help you, before you can help yourself…”

Why do we have an ego? how can we make it useful?

Why do we have an ego? how can we make it useful?

Why do we have an ego, and how can we make it really useful? You don’t have any part that is not useful!

I just had a ‘conversation’ with a student, where I suggested that she uses ego to support her growth.

From her answers it has become clear that ‘using ego’ is not a commonplace conversation, and that it needs instruction.

Culture condemns ego… as if it were a bad thing.

So let’s see what ego is, and what it isn’t.

Ego is a lot like a kitchen knife: you can use it for good, for useful, or for harm… kill with it. You can also use it to clean it under your nails… somewhat useful, but not the right tool… Continue reading “Why do we have an ego? how can we make it useful?”