David Hawkins MuscleTesting Vs. MuscleTesting

Originally posted 2011-12-14 10:48:16.

david hawkins muscletesting unreliable David Hawkins Muscletesting Vs. Muscletesting While Connected To Source

I am getting a lot of questions about muscletesting. Most questions are about how reliable the test is.

Unfortunately, the way David R. Hawkins teaches muscletesting, the test is not reliable.

For years, I could ask one question and ask the same question two minutes later, and the answer would be the opposite. I would say that is not reliable.

When I started to work with Theta Healing, I found the same level of unreliability. Same question, different answers. Bummer.

I observed my chiropractor always come up with the same remedy to recommend: the one he got the most commission on. hm.

Then when I really connected to Source, the situation changed. Now I have complete certainty… except certain areas, the future, and other spying-like inquiries are not permitted me to access.
Continue reading “David Hawkins MuscleTesting Vs. MuscleTesting”

It is not so much about how to play the game…

It is not so much about how to play the game…

In life the challenge is not so much to figure out how best to play the game; the challenge is to figure out what game you’re playing. The game of Life or the game of pretense life… Read on, I’ll explain the difference.

Yesterday’s article, email, and the responses have lead me to look at life differently.

Then I had a phone call… and as you may know… phone calls make brilliant things come out of my mouth… because it is hard to be silently brilliant. Lots of thoughts occur when you open your mouth.

Interaction. Continue reading “It is not so much about how to play the game…”

This article may become a wakeup call. I hope you’ll wake up

This article may become a wakeup call. I hope you’ll wake up

Question on Quora:

My friend just died of colon/liver cancer. She lived 5 weeks after diagnosis. We had been on vacation the week before diagnosis and her only complaint was indigestion. How is this possible? What kind of cancer can move this quickly undetected? Continue reading “This article may become a wakeup call. I hope you’ll wake up”

There is always more East to go… before you get there

There is always more East to go… before you get there

There is always more East to go…

No matter how close I get to the absolute core of things, there is always more to the core.

Frustrating. More for you than for me.

Because what seems like a ‘silver bullet‘ doesn’t work for everyone.

I hate to think that what something doesn’t work for some people, it may be my fault. You would too… of that I am certain. Continue reading “There is always more East to go… before you get there”

How to get out of the rut you are in? Get unstuck…

How to get out of the rut you are in? Get unstuck…

Simple answer: You lack skills and capacities…

You can boil water, make coffee in the coffee maker. Drive a car, open your smartphone… You are not quite hopeless… or are you? Not quite hapless either… or are you?

One of the measurements in the Starting Point Measurements is your vocabulary: how well  do you actually know, how accurately know what words mean…

Here we look into words (distinctions) that define your ability to live a good life… skills, competencies, abilities and such. Continue reading “How to get out of the rut you are in? Get unstuck…”

Why you shouldn’t trust muscletesting for most things

Why you shouldn’t trust muscletesting for most things
Why you shouldn’t trust muscletesting for most things

Why you should not trust your doctor, your nutritionist, your muscletesting

Mental Representation…

…an incredibly useful distinction and an incredibly rare capacity Continue reading “Why you shouldn’t trust muscletesting for most things”

I woke up this morning happy. A health turnaround…

I woke up this morning happy. A health turnaround…

I woke up this morning happy. WTF? lol

It was so unusual, I actually tried to remember the last time I felt that way upon awakening. I could not find any…

And if I want to be quite, brutally honest, I can’t recall many times when I felt good… physically, emotionally, psychically… Not many.

So waking up happy was an event… worth investigating. Continue reading “I woke up this morning happy. A health turnaround…”

Indigestion: why is it the number 1 killer?

Indigestion: why is it the number 1 killer?

Most people get fat because of indigestion or poor digestion.

When you have indigestion, the discomfort mimics hunger, and you eat more.

Hunger is essentially a discomfort signal by the stomach…telling you to get some food. Other need signals are the need to drink water, the need to rest, the need to fornicate, the need to eliminate… Valid needs… So obviously, unless you are really clear it is not hunger, you’ll just eat… right? Continue reading “Indigestion: why is it the number 1 killer?”

Why I was interrogated by Israeli Intelligence

Why I was interrogated by Israeli Intelligence

Sometimes it takes reading a book to understand what happened 40 years prior.

Back in 1982 I was interrogated for eight hours by the Israeli whatever… intelligence? It was dinner time. I was freshly off El Al the Israeli airline asking to enter Israel. I kissed the ground and had tears in my eyes… for reasons I don’t know. And then… They ushered me into a small room where I was questioned… no water, no bathroom, no food… for eight hours by several different men. Continue reading “Why I was interrogated by Israeli Intelligence”

Learn to change the context to raise your TLB

Learn to change the context to raise your TLB

I read articles. And I found this one in my inbox today… I could have said: I already know this… and I would have missed a conclusion that is very important to YOU…

Don’t know what TLB is?… It is your Twitchy Little Bastard score… when it is low, you are weak at doing the deed… You run for the hill, you quit, you have no patience, no vision… You are likely a disappointed little victim of life. But you can read this article and get some surprising tools. I’ll summarize it at the end. Continue reading “Learn to change the context to raise your TLB”