More Money Course: Part 5: change, grow below the surface

More Money Course: Part 5: change, grow below the surface

As you see, every project for change, for growth needs to start and maybe even stay for some time below the surface. It has to start with the roots.

Why? Because unless you attend to the invisible, the visible can only change temporarily, and then, by law, it will go back to how it was.

It’s a worldwide epidemic to expect results inconsistent with the quality of the roots.

A rotted root system cannot bear a healthy tree, whether it is a person, a relationship, a society, or a business… A rotted root system can only produce a rotted tree… It just can’t produce a healthy tree. It cannot. But more important than to note: it won’t. It is true everywhere. It is nature’s law. Continue reading “More Money Course: Part 5: change, grow below the surface”

What is the vibrational frequency of money?

What is the vibrational frequency of money?
What is the vibrational frequency of money? And how do you match it so you can have lots of money?

It was an email in one of my throwaway email accounts. an email from Stephanie Mulac. She claims that she can cause you to have a vibrational jump. so you too can attract money to your heart’s desire.

So I checked her vibration, and it is 100… Maybe she is bathing in money, but 99% of humanity doesn’t… 100, the same as her, is the average vibration on the planet right now.

I understand you want more money.

It seems that money is the solution for all that ails you. boredom, lack of direction, lack of joy. lack of meaning. your weight, your low income, your drudgery called your job, if you even have one. Continue reading “What is the vibrational frequency of money?”

How much do you fancy your hour is worth? And your life?

How much do you fancy your hour is worth? And your life?
mai tai or how much your life is worth without itValue, worth is a very interesting concept. It tells everything anyone needs to know about you.

Commerce, and most interactions are value-exchange-based when healthy.

But who defines what is value and how much?

Before we can go deeply into that, let’s look what you have that is of value…

Some of it is of value to you, some of it is of value to someone else.

You have your time. Instead of doing anything you want with it, some of it you’ll turn into value that you can sell. In exchange of something that you value more or equally as your time Continue reading “How much do you fancy your hour is worth? And your life?”

Your complaints: What is the source of your misery?

Your complaints: What is the source of your misery?

paradise lost your complaintsI have been pondering a student’s email all morning.

Today I was observing as the machine isn’t interested in going through a process to win: it prefers winging it… Go directly to the top, or zig-zag… with no rhyme and reason.

And then… suddenly, uninvited, a series of connected memories surfaced.

The the captivating story of a 13 year old killing his abusive father, becoming a cross-dresser… pondering if homosexuality is genetic, or imprinted (brain plasticity). I think about the Royals’ sexual behavior. I think about the beautiful enchantress becoming pockmarked from smallpox… to yet another movie’s heroine, face marred with smallpox… rejected by many, and accepted by the one she loved.

And at that I cried.

The insight: the crying, came from a ‘wrong’ I experienced as a child. Continue reading “Your complaints: What is the source of your misery?”

You can live your life randomly, or consciously, by design

You can live your life randomly, or consciously, by design

living by-designCharles M. Schwab was one of the ‘robber barons’ of the early 20th century. He was, at the time, one of the richest men in the world. He was president of Bethlehem Steel, but his ambition to become more and more was insatiable.

He hired famed productivity consultant of his time, Ivy Lee… Ivy charged nothing for his service.He requested 15 minutes with each executive of Bethlehem Steel, and said: at the end 90 days (13 weeks) write me a check for what it was worth to you. Continue reading “You can live your life randomly, or consciously, by design”

Thou Shall Prosper: the fourth commandment of money

Thou Shall Prosper: the fourth commandment of money

not perfection... valueWhy do we need this commandment? should’t you thrive to perfection?

No, you shouldn’t. Measuring yourself against perfection makes you look and feel inadequate… and therefore you stop generating anything.

Money is a value exchange. And for value to be there, what you exchange for it doesn’t have to be perfect, it just needs to have value in the eyes of the purchaser. Continue reading “Thou Shall Prosper: the fourth commandment of money”

Thou Shall Prosper: Know Yourself aka self-awareness

Thou Shall Prosper: Know Yourself aka self-awareness
self-awareness, know yourselfThe Third Commandment: Get to Know Yourself… aka self-awareness

Awareness, and within it self-awareness ranks really high on the list of what are the most predictive capacities for a successful life.

Why? Because unless you interface with reality, with the world, with others, with what there is to do accurately, your actions will be misdirected… your energies are going to be used to fight windmills, and those are not the hallmarks of a successful person… in fact, to be successful, you need to use all you’ve got to live well, act rightly, and think rightly. Continue reading “Thou Shall Prosper: Know Yourself aka self-awareness”

Thou Shall Prosper: Money comes to you via people

Thou Shall Prosper: Money comes to you via people
expand your networkThe Second commandment of Prosperity: Extend the Network of Your Connectedness to Many People…

Before I continue on why and how your relationships are probably the most important component in making money… let’s look at the difference between rich and prosperous.

Prosperous is not only a state where you have abundance of stuff, it is also a sense that you are growing, expanding, getting more from life than if you weren’t prosperous, regardless of the money aspect.

Stagnant, not growing, doesn’t delight the soul.

Some 35 years ago I heard a profound interview where the interviewee said that only when someone looks at the future and sees growth that they experience themselves rich, while stagnation fills the heart with fear, anxiety, and a whiff of death.

When you just want to make money you are missing this important distinction.

Here are two quotes: Continue reading “Thou Shall Prosper: Money comes to you via people”

Thou Shall Prosper: Money is Spiritual

Thou Shall Prosper: Money is Spiritual

Thou Shall Prosper: The Ten Commandments For Prosperity: The Spiritual Laws of Money That You Have Not Known Or Ignored And You have been Paying The Price

Is Money Spiritual? If it is spiritual then Only Spiritual Laws Apply to it, and only by spiritual means it can be attracted.

This is a long article. It is by no means a complete exploration of the topic, but it has enough useful information for you to start overhauling your whole concept of money. When you get successful at the overhaul, you’ll start increasing your wealth. Even if you just manage in one area, the results will start to show, almost instantly.

That is: When you understand the commandments correctly. Continue reading “Thou Shall Prosper: Money is Spiritual”

Want a better life? Enough to break through for it?

Want a better life? Enough to break through for it?

break throughBreak through to a better life?

It takes years using many different methods to cause a person to actually break through. Break through the resistance of the narrative they made up when they were a mere child.

I didn’t break free for 20 years from being a victim and all the other baggage I carried. And during those 20 years I was diligently participating in many courses and seminars and training without any breaks.

Can everyone break through?

First off: what would it mean for you to break through?

If and when you can suddenly see that all the power is yours… Continue reading “Want a better life? Enough to break through for it?”