You have a chip on your shoulder… help me take it off

You have a chip on your shoulder… help me take it off

You are offended. Most everything offends you.

Things don’t go the way they should: they take too long, they are hard, they don’t pan out.

People do things they are not supposed to. And even you do things that you consider wrong, and that offends you. You don’t know how to do it… arrrgh. Continue reading “You have a chip on your shoulder… help me take it off”

What do you think: can you learn from someone you despise?

What do you think: can you learn from someone you despise?

Yesterday I found out more than I wanted to… all bad news.

It’s all about what people can achieve working with me, working with my products.

The good news would be that they get exactly where they want to get… Which is what I teach: Feeling and being.

    • feel/be free to be yourself,
    • feel that you and your life is in harmony with all of it, with Life, with the Spirit, that you and your life are OK
    • have a sense that you are growing… a sense that you are alive, that life is beautiful, and it is worth to be alive
    • feel that even though you are not exactly where you would like to be, but life is a process, and you are in motion towards what you want

Wherever you are in the process, you are successful. Continue reading “What do you think: can you learn from someone you despise?”

How your relationship to money says everything about you

How your relationship to money says everything about you

Just so you know, when I wrote that title I had suddenly a sharp reaction in my gut… Fear…

I’ll spend the rest of the day looking at that… very interesting. The word that set it off was the word ‘everything’… So if you reacted the same way… let’s look together!

Your relationship to money, revealed, will shed light to everything in every area of your life.

But it is harder to see them in other areas of life, while in the area of money it, they are easier to see and catch.

The movie Trading Places was funny but wholly and totally psychologically unfounded… Its authenticity ended just after the scene where the Black dude (played by Eddie Murphy) shoves expensive stuff in his pocket to make them his. That was both believable and authentic. Continue reading “How your relationship to money says everything about you”

Are You Jinxing Your Success or Expressing Gratitude?

the israelites the reed sea the pharaoh's chariots Are You Jinxing Your Success By Sharing About It?

There is a curious phenomenon, that sounds really counter intuitive. It also sounds counter to the teachings of teachers that teach how to become prosperous, etc.

The phenomenon is as follows:

You have a little bit of success. So quickly you tell everyone about it. You write home about it. You celebrate. Then you watch as it dissipates, fizzles out, goes away. Flash in the pan. Continue reading “Are You Jinxing Your Success or Expressing Gratitude?”

Do you have an unhealthy relationship with money?

Do you have an unhealthy relationship with money?

I thought I would report on the Moneyroots workshop… given the seemingly no interest… Four people, the same four people paid for both workshops.

That made it very easy for me: I didn’t have to repeat anything… I am not good at repeating, my brain isn’t good at that. My brain is like the adventurers of the North Pole… may stop to sleep, to refuel, but then it charges on.

Anyway, forgive me when I say it: anyone who didn’t sign up is a moron. Continue reading “Do you have an unhealthy relationship with money?”

My most influential teachers teach new expectations

My most influential teachers teach new expectations
can you, will you change your mind?My most influential teachers teach new expectations through invalidating the ones that create a life of misery.

Ben Settle is one of those teachers.

I subscribed to his newsletter and then quit it after a year or two. Why? because for a time he was more interested in world building and world domination than what concerned me more: a healthy business that served me. And he was more political than I could stomach… so I quit.

I had benefited from my subscription… How? I managed to double my monthly income and at the same time reduced the amount of work it took. I also doubled my self-respect… hm. Continue reading “My most influential teachers teach new expectations”

What gives away your worldview… to yourself?

What gives away your worldview… to yourself?

You may think that procrastination is reserved for lesser people like you, but you would be mistaken.

I have been observing this famous dude procrastinating, waiting, and not doing much for the past year or so…

He is a well-known public speaker, highly effective coach who has made many people very very rich. Continue reading “What gives away your worldview… to yourself?”

The gap between reality and your personal reality

The gap between reality and your personal reality

I am re-reading a book I read years ago. Happiness is a Serious Issue

It has a truth value of 10%. Relative to other books, it’s high truth value.

Sometimes truth value is low because the author propagates deliberate lies, or personal misunderstanding. Continue reading “The gap between reality and your personal reality”

What’s the lesson you haven’t learned that makes you poor?

What’s the lesson you haven’t learned that makes you poor?

The lesson that had you learned it you would now live productively and joyfully… And abundantly.

I recently offered my 54th invisible dynamic audio for sale. And I gifted my current intensive course’s participants with it too.

The response was a big thick silence.

Then I found the session we had after that session…

Let me backtrack. Continue reading “What’s the lesson you haven’t learned that makes you poor?”

The more we witness the more money we can make

The more we witness the more money we can make

I have a mirror I got in a course some ten years ago. It is a mirror and on the board it is glued on are the words: ‘I see you‘.

Being seen and NOT being judged, being seen for who you are… and neither be adulated, nor be diminished is a rare experience.

People on social media put on lipstick to be seen not as they are, but as others seem to want them… They are afraid to be seen for who they are, for fear of being judged.

But you are your worst judge… aren’t you? You are NOT witnessing yourself and your own life! Continue reading “The more we witness the more money we can make”