What programs contributed to my success?

What programs contributed to my success?

contributed to my successWhat programs contributed to my success? What will contribute to yours? This is what we are going to look at in this article.

I planned this article to be a Vibrational Review of T. Harv Eker and his programs. But something shifted as I was writing… so it is both more and less than that.

Recently T. Harv Eker came out of retirement. He is doing his work now online, on a site his son, Jesse manages. He also writes his emails, etc.

Jesse and Harv could not be more different people. Jesse has no fire, while Harv is fire galore. Continue reading “What programs contributed to my success?”

How do you model after a successful person? Emulate him.

How do you model after a successful person? Emulate him.

model after a successful personHow do you model after a successful person? You emulate him. But what can you emulate?

Do you do what they say? Do you do what you see?

They say if you want to become successful, you need to find a mentor and model after him. Emulate him.

I have a very successful teacher who teaches what he does: email marketing.

I am on quite a few people’s mailing list who are also his students.

I watch what they do. I read their emails. And I can see that they model after his email style, they model after his relentless work ethic, some models after his edginess, but none has seen or felt, or taken notice to what degree he cares about his customers. He says he doesn’t, but he does. Deeply. Continue reading “How do you model after a successful person? Emulate him.”

Work and effort: what’s the connection to vibration?

Work and effort: what’s the connection to vibration?

Occasionally I check in with google to see what brings people to my site.

It’s still the two main topics: ‘your eating style’ and ‘the vibration of money’.

I’ve been busy with checking people’s water energizer setup, trying to guide them to success, sustainable success, so once they are beyond the ‘work’ phase, they can just invest a little bit of work to remain hydrated.

I read somewhere Edison quipping: Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work

Almost all your questions are about avoiding work. Continue reading “Work and effort: what’s the connection to vibration?”

Stupid is as stupid does… is it good news for you?

Stupid is as stupid does… is it good news for you? what does THAT say about you?

stupid as stupid doesYesterday’s “Trapped” article made some splashes and produced some “no echo” dead silence.

It spoke to rule-making, and defined stupid in a new way.

It separated the label “stupid” from the person and placed it on the behavior.

Stupid, as a label on a person, is a future tense “sentence”… sentence as in “the judge sentences you to a lifetime of stupidity”. No appeal… Final decision.

Meaning: no matter what you do, who is doing it is a stupid person, and THEREFORE what you ACTUALLY do cannot produce the result you want.

You don’t need any more proof of language not even approximating reality, that sentence, that meaning is all you need to see that if you are trapped in the customary language, especially your “self-talk”, and take it at face value, you are doomed. Doomed to the attitude of “no matter what I do”… Continue reading “Stupid is as stupid does… is it good news for you?”

Boys don’t know how to be boys. They won’t be men

Boys don’t know how to be boys. They won’t be men

“If you want to emasculate a guy friend, when you’re at a restaurant, ask him everything that he’s going to order, and then when the waitress comes … order for him.” It’s funny because it shouldn’t be that easy to rob a man of his masculinity — but it is.

I am doing good work with the participants of my accountability program. 1

One of the things that have been coming up is this: what did it do to you to be influenced more by your mother than your father?

Don’t be mistaken: man and woman, boy and girl, father and mother are different beings… almost as different as if they were two different species. And it should be.

Now, I admit that our “civilized” world makes the two roles more similar looking, but just like in eating, what works best for you is eating according to your DNA, the same is true about gender behavior. Continue reading “Boys don’t know how to be boys. They won’t be men”