Knowing is a lot like emotions… give you an eye-patch…

Knowing is a lot like emotions… give you an eye-patch…

knowing realityKnowing is a lot like emotions… give you an eye-patch… or a virtual reality eye piece.

A student of mine reacted to yesterday’s article.

Thank You Sophie,

For being my connection to reality.
Sometimes it seems the world is full of pettiness and silliness and unreality. You are like a beacon of hope and sanity, lighting a path to clarity with relentless determination.

Thank you. I am grateful to have you in my life. And thankful for your patient guidance.

In your post today you said that seeing was more important than knowing, and you said: Knowing is a lot like emotions… give you an eye-patch… or a virtual reality eye piece. Continue reading “Knowing is a lot like emotions… give you an eye-patch…”

What does IQ drop say: stupid or just incurious?

What does IQ drop say: stupid or just incurious?

iq drop... stupid or incurious?The answer to that question, of course, is at the end of this article… I’ll do what I need to do to get you to read it… Why? What would YOU do if you wrote an article every day and only a handful of people would read it? Yeah? I thought so… You would want them to find out why their IQ is low, and what they can do about it, no?

Anyway, I have been playing with my diet.

This has been my ‘style’ for the past, I don’t know… five years?

For a week now I have been eating like a vegetarian. And I am noticing a huge drop in my ability to see, to connect the dots, to see patterns.

This is, by the way, the second time I am eating like a vegetarian… and the second time I am noticing this: I am now about as smart as a cow.

Because I have given myself to the task of distinguishing stuff previously undistinguished by humans, I am simply following Source’s guidance, and every time I follow the seemingly nonsensical guidance, I always see something that surprises me. (By the way, Source is my connection to all-knowledge)

I have vegetarian clients, I know people who are vegetarian, and I even know some vegans.

How come THEY don’t notice that they are dumb?

Two possible reasons, maybe three. Continue reading “What does IQ drop say: stupid or just incurious?”

Don’t you just hate it when you find out that you’re wrong?

Don’t you just hate it when you find out that you’re wrong?

I am working on this whole Vine phenomenon in the world… that has been encouraged for the past two years very visibly…

when you find out that you were wrongthe energy of either you or me…

The energy underneath between arguing factions about race, about rights, about equality, about sex, about just about everything.

The energy of ‘my way or the highway’, the energy of the Oracle that is always right, the despot, the authoritarian, the fascist, the dogmatic, the self-righteous that used to be occasional but now is the norm.

The energy of the villain… Continue reading “Don’t you just hate it when you find out that you’re wrong?”

The Empath’s theory of what went wrong 7,000 years ago

The Empath’s theory of what went wrong 7,000 years ago

theory that we live in a computer simulationWarning: this article is a likely story. A theory. A theory to explain something that doesn’t make sense…

So consume it with a grain of salt. But it’s not fake news… so don’t reject it without reading…

It’s about the current state of humanity, where humanity as a whole is on a dead end, not where the ‘original design’ clearly destined it…

The Original Design is spelled out in the DNA. The blueprint. The tools and the path to take.

Humanity got off this path, according to my muscletesting, seven thousand years ago. Continue reading “The Empath’s theory of what went wrong 7,000 years ago”

The cost of believing in the power of mind

The cost of believing in the power of mind

people don't think... and thinking is power.You are supposedly the peak of evolution… and you supposedly have a brilliant tool: your thinking brain. But when you only use it to do mind-functions, remembering and recalling, you use only 1-3% of its power… and you are a slave. Unless you have the courage to learn to use your brain correctly… you’ll remain a slave.

A famous physics professor, one day, was shaking his head.

‘I can’t teach them physics the way I learned physics’ he complained.

I interview students for my graduate program, and they are all, almost all, unable to think for themselves.

When they show up for the interview, I ask them: Why are you wearing the suit jacket you are wearing?
Continue reading “The cost of believing in the power of mind”

An easy life is not the life worth living

An easy life is not the life worth living

find out your purposeWant an easy life?

Whatever you put your attention moves towards you.

If that is true, then you and your easy life are in trouble. If you want an easy life, that means you don’t like effort, discipline, you hate anything that is not easy… And guess what? Unconsciously that is where your attention goes… and that is what is moving towards you.

What!? I am glad I got your attention.

That statement is really about your UNCONSCIOUS attention… the place your mind wanders to without you even noticing it.

Like you I also craved an easy life… a life with no bumps in the road, a life that was flowing, gently. like a river.

I had affirmations, mindmovies, hypnotic audios all saying: my life is calm, and smooth… but what was coming to me is just the opposite… Continue reading “An easy life is not the life worth living”

The evil C-word, or is it C-words?

The evil C-word, or is it C-words?

I’ll talk about 4 words in this article that make you dead man walking…

  1. That original incident…

Little Harriet is going to be 2 years old on the 8th.

I can see her, I can hear her. I am pondering how a little girl with two loving parents will experience something traumatic at age 3 that will, for life, determine her seed level… Looks very unlikely. Continue reading “The evil C-word, or is it C-words?”

Ask a good question, win $50

Ask a good question, win

Ask a good question… on a health topic of your choosing. It’s worth $50 to me.

If it is a good question, I’ll answer it in an audio, and in addition to getting the answer, you will win a $50. Not credit, but real god honest cash.

I leave the topic up to you, with one restriction: it has to be on health.

Good questions are hard to come by.

There is an entire site dedicated to good question… the ones that get a lot of answers are the best questions. Why?

Because the question reflects what people are thinking of, what is interesting to people, not just you. Continue reading “Ask a good question, win $50”

Seeing sideways… looking sideways… visual field

Seeing sideways… looking sideways… visual field

Look sideways… meaning: see things sideways… not only straight ahead.

This is what Future Self suggested to the three entrepreneurial students on the call and later to me. Continue reading “Seeing sideways… looking sideways… visual field”

Energy for life, energy for growth, energy for having fun…

Energy for life, energy for growth, energy for having fun…
Energy. do you have enough?

Everything is energy, blah blah blah…

It is either true or not, but what is really true: if you don’t have the energy to do the things that forward your life then you are stuck, feel bad about yourself, and start dying.

Knowing how to manage your energy so you can get things done, so you have energy also for joy, fun, humor, creativity, a way to feel alive and valuable, is mandatory… I would say. Continue reading “Energy for life, energy for growth, energy for having fun…”