People, language, conspire to keep you off the path

People, language, conspire to keep you off the path

I am re-reading the book Chop Wood Carry Water.

It’s a 3-hour read at my slow reading speed.

It is a veritable storehouse of all ‘mind bugs’…

You can use the book as a coach… by the way.

So let’s say you are bummed out. Discouraged. Down on yourself. ‘I am never going to succeed!’ says the little voice. Continue reading “People, language, conspire to keep you off the path”

Do you have mind parasites? How would you know?

Do you have mind parasites? How would you know?

This article is about forces that work against you and forces that work for you.

Some 14 years ago I witnessed a partnership that broke up.

Then both of the previous partners went on, and got themselves another partner. I watched them grow. Continue reading “Do you have mind parasites? How would you know?”

What is unhappiness? Is it the opposite of happiness?

What is unhappiness? Is it the opposite of happiness?

Occasionally I find myself mumbling to myself: ‘I am not happy.‘ Add the scrunched up face…

What does that mean that I am not happy?

How do I know I am not happy? Continue reading “What is unhappiness? Is it the opposite of happiness?”

The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation explained

The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation explained
The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation. What is called resignation is confirmed desperation.

A stereotyped but unconscious despair is concealed even under what are called the games and amusements of mankind. There is no play in them, for this comes after work. ~ Henry David Thoreau

But what is underneath?

I have written about the Kabbalistic concept of time, that says: time is there so you don’t immediately see cause and effect, forcing you to choose with foresight… consciously.

I love that concept.

One cousin once removed of that is how it takes something to actually see the invisible roots of a situation… a backward seeing. If the other is foresight, would this be ‘backsight?’ lol.

How does it look? How does it work?

Continue reading “The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation explained”

Do you live your life without preparation? Winging it?

Do you live your life without preparation? Winging it?

There is a saying ‘Always be selling’, but I think ‘Always be preparing’ is a better saying.

It doesn’t just apply to everyone, it also is more useful.

There’s a quote famously attributed to Alexander Graham Bell: ‘BEFORE anything else, preparation is the key to success.’

Today’s parents, today’s people don’t think they are unprepared. I have read about a woman who homeschools her children, and decided that they don’t need to learn basic maths… Continue reading “Do you live your life without preparation? Winging it?”

But what about fear? What shall I do if I am always afraid?

But what about fear? What shall I do if I am always afraid?
Alexander the Great supposedly said:

Through every generation of the human race there has been a constant war, a war with fear. Those who have the courage to conquer it are made free and those who are conquered by it are made to suffer until they have the courage to defeat it, or death takes them.

Now, looking at it from the viewpoint of the fixed mindset versus the growth mindset you can see that the fixed mindset promises you to keep you safe. Continue reading “But what about fear? What shall I do if I am always afraid?”

I don’t believe in the Law of Attraction.

I don’t believe in the Law of Attraction.

If I could stand on the rooftop and yell it to every person who visits my site, I would have a mailing list that has eliminated the weak, the slothful, the unable to think for themselves crowd.

So, what is the ‘famous’ law of attraction myth and what are the common characteristics of the people who believe in it?

In the New Thought philosophy, the law of attraction is the belief that by focusing on positive or negative thoughts a person brings positive or negative experiences into their life. The teaching is based upon the idea that people and their thoughts are both made from ‘pure energy’, and that through the process of ‘like energy attracting like energy’ a person can improve their own health, wealth and personal relationships.

The concept of law of attraction received criticism in skeptical essays, such as Robert Todd Carroll’s The Skeptic’s Dictionary.

Law of attraction is an example of a pseudoscience.

Continue reading “I don’t believe in the Law of Attraction.”

What can make you, force you to come out of the cave?

What can make you, force you to come out of the cave?

It was 1979. I was 32 years old. The ambulance was using its blue lights and the siren to rush me to the hospital. Of course it was Sunday… no doctors…

X-ray… it wasn’t clear what was wrong. I was in and out of consciousness. Internal bleeding. Continue reading “What can make you, force you to come out of the cave?”

The end of having to fix what’s wrong is nigh

The end of having to fix what’s wrong is nigh
Why wouldn’t we want to fix what’s wrong?

Because nothing is wrong. It is what it is, it is how it is, and it is just a phase, it is just a place, it is just how it is, for now.

I am sure you are asking yourself: has she finally gone completely insane?

But I have always been like this… because this is the only place where you can be happy, growing, doing what you want to do… when nothing is wrong. Continue reading “The end of having to fix what’s wrong is nigh”

You don’t see… and you don’t even see that you don’t see

You don’t see… and you don’t even see that you don’t see

you don't seeYou don’t see… and you don’t even suspect there is anything to see

Almost all the things you want are there, already, but you can’t see… They are not hidden, they are in plain view, but you look straight at them, and to you they are invisible.

What the F… right? Continue reading “You don’t see… and you don’t even see that you don’t see”