REALMeditation: why and how should you meditate

REALMeditation: why and how should you meditate

concentrate-the-mind-on-theThe purpose of meditation is to be able to live in the present, powerfully. That is to say: not an experience, some some mystical “meditation experience” like you thought it would be. Meditation experience, if any, is the booby prize… and many fall into that trap… Clear indication that they went into some la-la-land, half-asleep, all mind-induced. I have students like this, they are miserable in their lives.

The purpose of meditation is to be able to live in the present, powerfully… and be happy, joyful, fulfilled… and all that lovely stuff you say you want. Continue reading “REALMeditation: why and how should you meditate”

How is mindfulness meditation different than other kinds of meditations – a Quora question I answered

How is mindfulness meditation different than other kinds of meditations – a Quora question I answered

I sometimes participate in Quora, by answering questions. I like to be challenged, it is the spice of life, and I enjoy being forced to think, solve problems, get out of my little box.

I don’t enjoy reading the answers of others, though it gives me a cross section of what so called intellectuals think and teach and live… Sad story.

I thought you would enjoy reading my answer:

Mindfulness meditation is, in fact, an oxymoron of some kind. Meditation’s purpose is to lead you away from the mind. But the reason some people use this expression, because what they want to say “awareness meditation” and they don’t understand that awareness is not a mind-function, awareness is a consciousness function. Awareness is bigger than the mind, and it is also bigger than you.
Continue reading “How is mindfulness meditation different than other kinds of meditations – a Quora question I answered”

Meditation: What is it and why is it useful?

Meditation: What is it and why is it useful?


I wrote this article a year and a half ago. I never published it, but I will, now. Why? Because I have a lot more insight about meditation I can share, and because I offered a famous marketer to teach him meditation, and he hasn’t even bothered to answer my email.

I write many of my articles as a way to poke the Universe for answers, as a way to force my intelligence into gear.

What is meditation and what is the role of meditation?

Quoting from Wikipedia: Meditation is a practice in which an individual trains the mind or induces a mode of consciousness, either to realize some benefit or as an end in itself

I will examine this question as a non-meditator who has tried to meditate and failed.

I am not against meditation. Meditation as a tool, to allow all knowledge to reach you, past the noise of all there is, distinguished as knowledge beyond your own, is invaluable.

I have been quasi meditating the past day or so… the questions I am meditating over are

1. whether God is a sentient being
2. whether the “law” of attraction, the law that says that you can earn something coming to you
Continue reading “Meditation: What is it and why is it useful?”