We humans have a strong need to be something

We humans have a strong need to be something

Actually, it’s the ego that has that need… but we all have an ego.

So if you know that, and you are intelligent, then you may ask the question: but how do you do that in a world with eight billion people, that are as smart or smarter than you are.

I said: if you are intelligent.

Chances are: you are not intelligent. Today’s world doesn’t seem to foster intelligence. Continue reading “We humans have a strong need to be something”

Idee fixe… or how the mind and the mind-dwellers operate

Idee fixe… or how the mind and the mind-dwellers operate

Where do you listen from? An important distinction

According to many awareness is the most missing when you are poor, sick, and miserable.

But what IS awareness? Aware of what? And with what organ? What sense? What equipment?

I call the awareness, really the same thing SEEING.

Why? just a personal preference… even though I probably would do better if I called it what smart people call it.

Awareness, the word, includes a certain level of conscious seeing…

Continue reading “Idee fixe… or how the mind and the mind-dwellers operate”

What you see will give you your emotions, your actions

What you see will give you your emotions, your actions

When I find an issue that a student is struggling or not dealing well with, I write an article.

The issue here, I guess, is universal.

It has two parts:

  • you can’t see the big picture, the forest, for the trees. You are stuck with your ONE interpretation of facts. One of anything is dangerous! You are rigid. You have no imagination. And you have a fixed mindset. You have believed the myth of ‘is’…
  • you are not good, practiced, skillful at taking advantage of the practices I have taught.

A student of mine has a daughter. The daughter decided to join the swim team. She is 13 years old. The only person who can take her to her swimming is my student. Continue reading “What you see will give you your emotions, your actions”

3 Coaches, Avoiding Confrontation, What’s Your Filter?

3 Coaches, Avoiding Confrontation, What’s Your Filter?

confrontation3 Coaches, Avoiding Confrontation, What’s Your Filter?

I now have three coaches. Three different people, three different styles, three different worldviews. the only thing that is common among them is that they represent a worldview that is the polar opposite to mine.

Why would I hire coaches so different from myself? Continue reading “3 Coaches, Avoiding Confrontation, What’s Your Filter?”

What can you do with what you don’t want, don’t agree with?

What can you do with what you don’t want, don’t agree with?

I am tired. The kind of tired that doesn’t want to budge from sleeping, or resting. It is not ordinary tired.

I have had it before.

It’s between my ears. Mental tiredness… I think. Continue reading “What can you do with what you don’t want, don’t agree with?”

The secret to a meaningful life, a life you love

The secret to a meaningful life, a life you love

Humans’ tenacity to cling to life, even when it’s empty and meaningless is puzzling to me.

Life itself is empty of meaning… and if your life has meaning it is because you put it there.

Most people I meet have flimsy meaning, meaning that is temporary… or they have no meaning at all. Continue reading “The secret to a meaningful life, a life you love”