True or False. Books, programs, religious beliefs, magic

True or False. Books, programs, religious beliefs, magic

Occasionally people from other ‘disciplines’ email me and ask me to muscletest with Source if what they are taught there, what they believe or want to believe as true or false.

I could get billions of emails like that, because all belief systems, especially religion, have beliefs that are not true.

If you are someone who love your beliefs, stop reading… If your beliefs sustain you in life, stop reading. Continue reading “True or False. Books, programs, religious beliefs, magic”

Do I need to like you to love you? What is love? What is like?

I have a call on Sundays with a guy whom I’ve never met. We did a course together back in 2007, were in the same mastermind on Sundays, and we just continued talking ever since…

I work through a lot of my stuff on those calls. I also get to insight I cannot get to, when my mouth is closed, i.e. I am not talking.

It is hard to be silently brilliant, lots of thought occur when you open your mouth.

And occasionally I talk about my students, and other people. Continue reading “Do I need to like you to love you? What is love? What is like?”

Love, Hate… what is going on? Can you see under the hood?

Love, Hate… what is going on? Can you see under the hood?

I had a weird experience a few minutes ago.

I was working on something for a student of mine and I felt hate. Or maybe disgust.

Then I looked at people I know. I have felt that same feeling towards a lot of people. Like my favorite brother: but I felt that same feeling AND yet I love my favorite brother. WTF, right?

Then I tried it on with my mother, who died this month 24 years ago.

I said: I love my mother and I hate the behavior… and then cried. Really cried. It’s been bottled up for decades, Continue reading “Love, Hate… what is going on? Can you see under the hood?”

How to make decisions the majority doesn’t make?

How to make decisions the majority doesn’t make?

I am republishing this article so you can see how much my truth value have risen in the past 10 months with the current Playground… It is not just you who grows… I grow too.

In the noise of the world, an orgy of misdirection, it is hard to feel, see, hear the guidance…

Awareness, especially Self-awareness is missing…

You have been methodically and systematically trained to be unsuccessful

Who trained you? Other unsuccessful people. Your parents, your teachers, your PhD’s, your blog writers, your youtube Heroes.

And of course you buy their b.s., lock stock and barrel, as if it were the god honest truth.

I was somewhat lucky: my parents didn’t talk to me… so they could not mislead me. My teachers didn’t talk to me, there were no blogs…

But, unfortunately, as an empath, other people’s feelings that felt like mine, did mislead me and I paid for it dearly. Continue reading “How to make decisions the majority doesn’t make?”

Telling the truth will set you free. Counter-intuitive…

Telling the truth will set you free. Counter-intuitive…

The counter-intuitive path to happiness

Most people won’t adhere to a diet that would make them healthy.

Stupidity? Yes, stupidity on a very deep selfish gene level.

The selfish gene is not interested in you being happy, fulfilled, feeling connected, or even healthy.

If you have been eating crap, and still can copulate, the selfish gene says: OK, he is alive, he can procreate, good. Let’s continue with the program.

If you have been a user, a taker, a parasite, never accomplishing anything… the selfish gene will say: good… Let’s continue with the program.

Some cultures call this the ego, but there is a basic and fundamental difference between these two: the ego does have energy, forceful and strong, that is pulling upwards… In the Tumbleweed article, Ego, the triangle sitting on its side is stronger than the “spirit” that is standing on its point, yet you need the strength of the “ego” triangle to get anywhere…

I even teach somewhere how to whisper to the ego to help you overcome the pull of the Selfish Gene that wants you to continue what keeps you miserable, small, and limited to a survival machine.

It’s NOT that they don’t understand the price they are paying.

It’s that they make choices that the genes are making: not making waves, not bringing attention to themselves, not being different, fitting in is more important than being healthy, having energy, feeling good, calm, being intelligent.

Almost everything “social” is gene directed. I say “almost” because I am humble. I don’t know any social that is NOT gene directed, but there could be, maybe.

So what do the selfish genes want?

Continue reading “Telling the truth will set you free. Counter-intuitive…”

If you find yourself falling back to where you started…

If you find yourself falling back to where you started…

Like any mad scientist, I always keep looking to move closer to the horizon that recedes as I am getting closer to it. It seems I am almost there…

But… there is always some boulder is blocking my way.

So what do you do with that boulder in your way?

My answer is quite counter-cultural. I say: you have that boulder there because you need to get familiar, maybe even intimate with it so it will let you continue on your path.

Continue reading “If you find yourself falling back to where you started…”

Take care of what takes care of you

the future will take care of itselfTake care of what takes care of you? 1

There is a book out there that says “Choose Yourself”. Continue reading “Take care of what takes care of you”