The key to the evolution of the human species discovered…

Can evolution be triggered? Caused? Midwifed?

In a lot of ways this has been a question, I think, for a long time. People who were ahead of their time asked this question, in one way or another.

So far there haven’t been any successful attempts at causing mass evolution. Maybe an individual, but not a group, or a species.

There are fairy tales of some incidents, but muscletest shows that they are just that: fairy tales.

One of them is the story of the Hundredth Monkey. Continue reading “The key to the evolution of the human species discovered…”

How well do you know yourself? And do you like yourself?

How well do you know yourself? And do you like yourself?

When I was about 20, still a full time student, I had a guy. He wasn’t even a boy friend, just a guy I liked. We had casual sex. Then he met a girl who he said was a nymphomaniac, and he never had anything to do with me again.

Fast forward 30 years…

I was living with this dude, who would spend whole nights with this other woman… come home only to change clothes for work. Continue reading “How well do you know yourself? And do you like yourself?”

What does it mean: love your neighbor as yourself?

The word: love is misleading in that commandment. Humanity, until they reach the next evolutionary stage, human being, is incapable for love. Or caring. Or compassion.

But even at this stage, a human can tell if they want what they want only for themselves, or want for everyone.

Wallace D. Wattles talks about the man in Toledo, Ohio Continue reading “What does it mean: love your neighbor as yourself?”

Why are you weak-willed when it comes to growth?

strategy: something magical will happen

weak-willedI have tons of people asking me to activate the capacity of self-discipline, and will power. And although I CAN activate those capacities, they don’t come ‘online’ unless your behavior already proves that you can use them… I.e. that you have SOME will power. And most people don’t… we’ll look at what you can do about it in this article.

You had dreams, you had nightmares, you had aspirations, and you had many disappointments.

You watched adults and you KNEW that your life will be as good or better than theirs.

But when you got to adulthood it never worked out.

Here are a few real examples for how weak-willed identity developed: Continue reading “Why are you weak-willed when it comes to growth?”

Stuckness, blockages, are they all about what you need?

I want to live!

I want to live!Life is happier when it’s less cluttered. Your house will be bigger! Your teeth will be whiter! Angels will sing! You’ll be a better dancer. Go to 1-800-blahblahblah and prepare to be amazed. This is a commercial for GotJunk, but it could be a commercial to the removal of blockages my Integrity Workshop does beautifully.

I take my inspiration from where I find it.

Writing an article a day, leading 4-5 webinars a week, having two podcasts a week… that is a need for a lot of inspiration, wouldn’t you think so?

So I find inspiration, I search for inspiration, and more often than not I find inspiration.

Yesterday’s inspiration was enough for two calls… some inspiration has a longer ‘shelf-life’.

Your inspiration depends on your inspirability… and so does the inspiration’s shelf-life. Continue reading “Stuckness, blockages, are they all about what you need?”

Ugly emotions… what can you do about them?

ugly emotions

ugly emotionsUgly emotions are normal, but emotional intelligence is needed to express and sublimate them.

The not so funny thing about the world we live in is that 30% of the world is full of piss and vinegar (aggressive energy), screaming their heads off about some cause and against everything else, and the rest of us either cow, hide, or fume, of wish for a world of nice and quiet. Or celebration. Or love. Or play… but not this.

I have noticed that even the mention of anger, or hate, or disgust, or any animosity makes people not to want to read the article. They (you?) are afraid of being contaminated.

What you don’t allow to be, won’t allow you to be either. Including ugly emotions

Because someone expressing hate is mirrored inside you… and you don’t want to allow it.

In this article I teach you some ways you can conquer and allow peace and good feelings to win.

Continue reading “Ugly emotions… what can you do about them?”

Is ranting gossiping? Is ranting complaining?

rantingComplaining implies expressing dissatisfaction about a situation or behavior. Ranting is all about expressing anger by shouting in frustration. And gossiping is talking about a person who isn’t present. So this article, at least the first part is all three. But it is also a teaching opportunity.

Every Tuesday I am on a group coaching call with one of my coaches.

I don’t like him. I say this upfront so I can watch if I have a prejudice… while I am writing about him.

Anyway, I have once written an article that I can’t now find where I say that even if you copy everything visible about a person who is doing better than you, you won’t be like him, and your results probably won’t be like his. Continue reading “Is ranting gossiping? Is ranting complaining?”

How do you know that I love you?

what does it take to love yourself?

what does it take to love yourself?Everybody has a different criteria to say if someone loves someone else, or how to know.

Most people say it is a feeling. And truth be told, when you actually love someone, it does feel gentle, and expansive, and warm.

But that is not my question, or not really.

How do you know if someone loves YOU?

You definitely can’t feel it. Love is not an energy, even if some guru said that it is. So how do you know?

And here is where your definition, cultural and personal, comes to play.

Landmark Education’s definition is “love is a commitment to love… regardless of behavior, regardless of circumstances”
they also have another one, saying “love is accepting another exactly the way they are and exactly the way they aren’t” Continue reading “How do you know that I love you?”

Does Your Life Lack Meaning? Purpose? Organizing Principle?

According to some statistics, 30% of humanity lack meaning in their lives.

I think that this statistics is off by a lot. It’s more like 91%… according to Source. Continue reading “Does Your Life Lack Meaning? Purpose? Organizing Principle?”

What you don’t want to look at is the space around…

My first suspicion came when I noticed that leaders, people who ‘selflessly’ gave of their time to the organization, died, left and right, of cancer.

Kabbalah says that certain diseases are opportunistic, like the Dark Side, they enter your body on cracks between who you claim you are, and who you really are… the space between you and you.

Even little kids have that…

You are fed by your mother. You choke on the food. Your mother doesn’t know how to help you. You don’t die. Your parents rejoice and hug you and kiss you.

Normally they don’t express feelings, but this trick did it… so you ‘invent’ for yourself a new way to be: don’t do anything. don’t say anything. Don’t cry… and then it will go away and the praise, the kisses will come.

Eventually you are a grown person, having had tens of incidents and experiences when it didn’t work, when it only bought you grief and humiliation, incidents of sexual attacks, inappropriate touch, and some maybe even more painful… but in your little mind that hasn’t moved from the choking incident, you tell yourself: the kisses and the reward are surely coming… Continue reading “What you don’t want to look at is the space around…”