Your godlike power awaits

Your godlike power awaits

nefilimI have been pondering, for many years, what influence has caused humanity to deviate and not develop according to the blueprint that is clear from the DNA tree.

Something must have happened…

In a child’s life it’s being introduced to something they are emotionally not prepared for, like molestation, or witnessing the death of a parent, and a slew of other ways adults can and do corrupt a child.

That child never really develops along healthy lines… their development into an adult will be, in some way, corrupted. Interestingly, their corrupted development will be almost certainly predictable by their soul correction. Why? I have no clue.

The other day I was watching a youtube video…. Continue reading “Your godlike power awaits”

Everything you do says one of three things about you

Everything you do says one of three things about you

OK… I know the picture is misleading… this article is not about food… Honest!

I know, I know, the title of this article is terrifying. we are all afraid to be found out, or to find out that what we are doing, how we live is somehow wrong, wrong, wrong.

Or alternatively we arrogantly think that we can do no wrong, that we are always right, and the whole world should come and adore us…

Both are very low vibration… The reality is that nothing is wrong in reality… and yet. Continue reading “Everything you do says one of three things about you”

How do you know that I love you?

How do you know that I love you?

what does it take to love yourself?Everybody has a different criteria to say if someone loves someone else, or how to know.

Most people say it is a feeling. And truth be told, when you actually love someone, it does feel gentle, and expansive, and warm.

But that is not my question, or not really.

How do you know if someone loves YOU?

You definitely can’t feel it. Love is not an energy, even if some guru said that it is. So how do you know?

And here is where your definition, cultural and personal, comes to play.

Landmark Education’s definition is “love is a commitment to love… regardless of behavior, regardless of circumstances”
they also have another one, saying “love is accepting another exactly the way they are and exactly the way they aren’t” Continue reading “How do you know that I love you?”

Intelligence hold conflicting ideas in the mind and function

Intelligence hold conflicting ideas in the mind and function

The quote “The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function.” points to a very important capacity: the capacity of TLB.

TLB is your twitchy little bastard score. Twitchy shows to what degree you are able (and willing) to bring your beingness, your actions, your reactions under your own control. Whether you’ll flinch, twitch, argue, attack, defend yourself, justify, explain, talk talk talk… or not.

It is, ultimately a function of intelligence. How?

Your reaction is literally the result of you not being able to hold two opposing ideas.

It means that you are stuck on the lowest rang of values, the systemic values, it is either this or that, it is either me or you, it is either I am a victim or I am the victor.

Ultimately it’s a maturing process… but growing in years doesn’t necessarily mean you have grown in wisdom. Continue reading “Intelligence hold conflicting ideas in the mind and function”

Common sense and a sense of humor are the same thing

Common sense and a sense of humor are the same thing

‘Common sense and a sense of humor are the same thing, moving at different speeds. A sense of humor is just common sense, dancing.’ ~ William James

One of the surest symptoms of someone not taking full responsibility for how their life is going is a lack of sense of humor. And because responsibility, the capacity is not available under 200 vibration, that means 99% of humanity lives without a sense of humor. Continue reading “Common sense and a sense of humor are the same thing”

The blind chicken syndrome… and the mind

The blind chicken syndrome… and the mind

Even a blind chicken will find a seed here and there… but it may die before it finds enough to survive.

There are statistics that before someone become a millionaire or a billionaire, they went through a few bankruptcies.

One could surmise that it’s a rule… but what no one is saying, at least I haven’t heard… is the blind chicken rule.

If you learn to see through trial and error what there is to see, in business, in relationships, in health, then your next try will have more chances to succeed, if you put in practice what you saw.

There is something about the learning that is unusual: it is non-verbal.

If and when the person turns what they saw into words, rules, the learning disappears.
Continue reading “The blind chicken syndrome… and the mind”

What is word in ‘my word is my bond’ statement?

What is word in ‘my word is my bond’ statement?

Integrity, the bottom line, is your word. WORD.

What constitutes your word, you should ask… Why? Because if you are like most people, you babble all day, inside and outside.

Homo Sapiens lives through babbling.

The evolutionary state humans are at is Homo Sapiens. NOT Human Being. Human Being lives through BEING… not available on the level of Homo Sapiens.

So our most important aspect, babbling, is our Achilles Heel… and that we say more, much more than we are willing to commit to. Continue reading “What is word in ‘my word is my bond’ statement?”

Why your capacities will turn off, one by one

Why your capacities will turn off, one by one

Without integrity nothing works… your capacities will turn off, one by one

I got a good question from a client who can’t or won’t keep her Sight capacity on for any length of time.

She asked: How quickly is the capacity switching off after you re-activate it? Is it switching off before I get the chance to even use it?

I looked, muscletested a few ideas, and started to see what’s happening.

A good question can trigger a lot of looking and if you have The Sight capacity, a lot of seeing.

A saw that seeing what there is to see is very confronting, because now you know you are full of crap. so as soon as the ego sees the light on, it turns it off

What do I mean? Continue reading “Why your capacities will turn off, one by one”

Another wrinkle in authenticity and your strengths

Another wrinkle in authenticity and your strengths

We’ve spoken about authenticity before. My definition of authenticity, I borrowed from a note on someone’s desk I saw some 35 years ago, is this:

Authenticity means: there is nothing in the unsaid. There is nothing that you should say that you don’t.

That doesn’t mean you should say everything… No, no, no. The one who says everything is not authentic, he is a bore. Or she is. And often seemingly saying everything is a smokescreen that covers up what you are not saying.

This topic came up because some of the people I coach are in the middle of starting to use their strengths… or about to start. Continue reading “Another wrinkle in authenticity and your strengths”

You don’t want what you say you want… It’s inauthenticity that’s speaking

You don’t want what you say you want… It’s inauthenticity that’s speaking

Many people want to run their own business, they want to be entrepreneurs.

But when you observe their behavior, everything points to the fact that that is a pretense.

Why would anyone pretend that? Ultimately that is an expensive pretense… like the boy’s you cried ‘wolf’. Ultimately people stop believing you, and only people who are engaged in the same pretense will.

How do you know what you really want?

Simple: you observe yourself, jot down how much time and attention you give to each thing that occupies your day, and do it for a week.

What you want will stand out: that is what you give the most time to. Continue reading “You don’t want what you say you want… It’s inauthenticity that’s speaking”