What is the shelf-life of your word? Any idea?

What is the shelf-life of your word? Any idea?

This is part two for whatever day it is. Thursday.

So what I said in the previous segment is that until you can tell the difference between what you say and what the machine says, there’s no chance that you can change your context.

Now, it’s a little bit deeper than that. Because … and that’s why without integrity nothing works. Continue reading “What is the shelf-life of your word? Any idea?”

Prison break! or a battle cry that wakes the spirit

Prison break! or a battle cry that wakes the spirit

A battle cry is a saying…

Joel Salatin had a lot of sayings. That was the first thing Tai Lopez noticed about him.

One of his sayings is: I want just one thing from my people: ‘no mistakes‘.

Or here is another: The worst thing in life is to get older and realize you got good at the wrong thing.

I also have a lot of sayings… One of them is ‘it is all in a day’s workContinue reading “Prison break! or a battle cry that wakes the spirit”

Are you one who has asked me to adjust your baby-genes?

Are you one who has asked me to adjust your baby-genes?

Are you one who has asked me to adjust your baby-genes?

I get up in the morning and I have no idea what I am going to write about. None.

Sometimes my dreams hint, vaguely, what is maybe a direction, but dreams are clear as you see them, vague from the moment you open your eyes and reality seeps in and takes over.

I could go and see what I must write about, what I wrote about yesterday, but I am resistant to have-to’s, so I don’t…

I can see that lately I am not connecting to my readers… But I don’t know what exactly I am saying that has the power for people to say ‘nah, don’t want to read’ add frown, wrinkled nose, sign of disgust. Yours.

So this is where we are… So hell yeah, I don’t want to say what I should say, teach you, give you, lead you to the promised land… Obviously that is not what you want.

But what do you want? Add chuckling… Mine this time.

So I go to my trusty finger-on-the-pulse ‘thermometer’ called Reddit, to look and see.

Dude/dudette post a hand that is very wrinkled after washing the dishes for 20 minutes.
Continue reading “Are you one who has asked me to adjust your baby-genes?”

Why would he with a 160 IQ produce low truth value science?

Why would he with a 160 IQ produce low truth value science?

iq vs characterOr an even better question: can that same dude see clearly that his science is only 10% truth value?

And another puzzling question: what does it feel like being a shyster?

Does it matter that he is a Pisces?

The issue is, I say, character.

What is character and why is it more important than IQ?

This dude’s soul correction is the same as mine… Forget Thyself. Is lying part of my soul correction? Hm.

Soul correction is a machine with a set of character defects. Lying is a character defect.

Continue reading “Why would he with a 160 IQ produce low truth value science?”

What’s the difference between homo sapiens and human being?

What’s the difference between homo sapiens and human being?

from homo sapiens to human beingSurprisingly the difference between homo sapiens and human being is in one and only one thing… and it is not a yes/no issue, nor a succeed or fail issue, it is a question of degrees.

How someone answers and then executes the answer to this question will depend on one and one one thing. Here is the question: Life itself is empty and meaning-free… What are you going to fill it with?

So you want to get a great life. You want to make a difference. You want to matter. You want to feel good about yourself. Some of you want to become Expanding Human Beings. Some of you want to become producers. Some of you want to become loving.

There is just a little problem with what you want. There is something there… and there is something missing.

Easy peasy you say… so let’s see.
Continue reading “What’s the difference between homo sapiens and human being?”

Commitment… the c-word… and saving grace

Commitment… the c-word… and saving grace

I bet when you read ‘c-word’, you were thinking of something else… But don’t be mistaken, people are more afraid of commitment than the c-word you thought I meant…

Here is a quote from Rob Brezsny: When a crocodile slams its jaws shut, the energy it summons is powerful. But when the beast opens its jaws, the force it exerts is weak. That’s because the muscles used to close the mouth are much more robust than the muscles used to open.

Humans, you? shy away from commitments: Commitment is jaws open… allowing. Why?

Because commitment feels like bondage, like voluntary enslavement, like saying a lot of no’s to a lot of nice things… the end of a life of liberty. Life opening up, and you need to stay open.
Continue reading “Commitment… the c-word… and saving grace”

The twinkie defense gets you off the hook

The twinkie defense gets you off the hook
twinkie defense getting off the hookCommitment vs. getting off the hook

I am noticing marked difference in the way people of different religious, geographical, or ethnic background perform in my courses. Also I see marked difference between island people and continent people.

This is due to social evolution differences, they are not individual.

One area of difference is this: some are interested. Some are committed… or on the way to becoming committed. Some will never be committed.

What is the difference between being interested and being committed?

The story of the chicken and the pig comes to mind. They want to invite the other animals to a brunch, and want to serve ham and eggs. In that endeavor the chicken is interested, the pig is committed.

The pig has to give up something of himself. It needs to cut deep into his thigh… for the ham.

When you are committed, you are willing to pay the price.
Continue reading “The twinkie defense gets you off the hook”

Mastering your word to make things happen

the power of your word to make things happen

mastering your wordWhy can’t you make things happen? Why can’t you make your life work…

You’ll hate me for this… but hate me as much as you want, this is why: Your integrity is shot.

Without integrity nothing works. Sounds very general, and definitely doesn’t seem to have anything to do with you: you are always on time, you brush your teeth twice a day, you keep your diet, you don’t cheat on your spouse… so what am I talking about?

I’ll explain it in a little bit, but let me just say something more:

Whenever ANYTHING doesn’t work about my life, about any of my relationship, about my health, about my work, about my money, I automatically go to my integrity.

I say: what is the integrity issue that I have that this is what I see… the area not working.

The out-of-integrity can be in many different ways, so I have a checklist: 1

    • have I been keeping my word? to myself, or to anyone…
    • is anything hidden? half-truths? pretenses? misleading others? hidden agendas? false statements?
    • have I skimped on any of my work, my diet, my exercise, my hygiene?

Continue reading “Mastering your word to make things happen”

How is the Tree-of-Knowledge alive and well today?

How is the Tree-of-Knowledge alive and well today?

Tree of Knowledge : sleepIn this article I will tell you about the health aspects of the Tree of Knowledge… 1
William, a rehabilitation trainer from South Africa sent me one of his clients’ DNA testing.

It would have been interesting to also get the client’s picture, so I can compare the results with muscletesting, with what Source has to say about her health… but I think that is pushing it… we’ll see if William is willing.

Hey… I just checked… and found the client’s picture… But I will muscletest her AFTER I publish this article… If you want to know what I find, email me at [email protected]. Continue reading “How is the Tree-of-Knowledge alive and well today?”

The secret to 10x your life in spite of fear

The secret to 10x your life in spite of fear

10x your lifeExperiencing pain? emotional? physical? Where does pain come from?

Most people cannot properly, accurately identify what they feel inside. On one hand self awareness is low, on the other knowing what the inner dynamics are is not taught in any school, or by any ‘guru’.

Given that it is not taught, you’ll have a hard time, I guess, to accept that all pain is the result of resistance… emotional, physical… all pain.

But what about fear?

Fear, what you call fear, is resistance. No matter what name you call it, anxiety, worry, it is still resistance and it causes pain.

This article was inspired by two things, maybe three? Continue reading “The secret to 10x your life in spite of fear”