What I say can change nothing for you, only what you say can

What I say can change nothing for you, only what you say can
What I say changes nothing for you, only what you say will

Unless, of course, I am a judge and my word is law…

But most people aren’t judges, and even if they judge: nothing changes. It is just words… And words only have power if the person who speaks them has the power to say.

Imagine Bill Clinton turn to his bedmate at night and say ‘I think the Russians have oversteps their boundaries. I think I’ll start a war.Continue reading “What I say can change nothing for you, only what you say can”

What does it take to get lots of joy in your life?

What does it take to get lots of joy in your life?
joy: just the right amount of sleepJust the right amount of sleep!

That is what I say when I wake up with a light-clock… its light comes on at 3 am slowly, and by 4 am, between sleep cycles. I wake up and have a choice to get up or to sleep more.

Today I got up. But I was very sleepy. It felt like someone inside, not me, wanted desperately to sleep more. It’s been an hour now, and the ‘person inside’ is still whining, insisting that i go back to sleep. Continue reading “What does it take to get lots of joy in your life?”

Your outer world truthfully reflects your inner world

Your outer world truthfully reflects your inner world

Your outer world truthfully reflects your inner world.

But the question begs to be asked: what do you mean ‘inner world’?

People, teachers, even psychologists all talk about the mind, then they expand it to beliefs, but if that is your inner world, then you are stuck.

Nothing will change the mind, nothing will change beliefs, directly. Continue reading “Your outer world truthfully reflects your inner world”

Do you spend time with yourself? Or are you too busy?

Do you spend time with yourself? Or are you too busy?

Do you spend time with yourself? Or are you trying to be busy all the time? What does that say about you?

Your soul, your spirit, knows right from wrong

If your soul only had an opportunity to talk to you. To be heard. You’d probably consider stopping doing the wrongs, the unproductive, the irrelevant things that you do. If only to have peace inside, to have less tension, to have more joy. Continue reading “Do you spend time with yourself? Or are you too busy?”

The organs weep the tears that the eyes refuse to shed

The organs weep the tears that the eyes refuse to shed
Reality and fiction, reality and fantasy, reality and dreaming are occasionally hard to tell apart.

I may dream that I am getting up and even getting to my office… only to discover that I am still in bed, under the covers… It felt so real

I am lucky it is only on cold mornings… Some people spend their lives on the border of dreaming and living. Continue reading “The organs weep the tears that the eyes refuse to shed”

I had been miserable for a few days till…

I had been miserable for a few days till…

I had been miserable for a few days now…

So when this happens I pay attention.

Of course my attention is splintered: some of it goes into feeling sorry for myself, some of it to ‘fix’ the misery… or its seeming cause. and some of it to see what is REALLY going on.

I always say that if you can go through hell with your eyes open and with wide cone of vision, you are going to see what lead you there and what you can do to reduce the likelihood of going through hell again any time soon. Continue reading “I had been miserable for a few days till…”

How did the 1000 manage to become the 1000?

How did the 1000 manage to become the 1000?

The book ‘The Art of Hunting Humans‘ calls them the Superiors.

The 1000 are the producers of the world… and believe it or not, they got there and stay there by CONSISTENTLY PRACTICING certain ways of being and behaving that are very different from how others behave. Continue reading “How did the 1000 manage to become the 1000?”

You can be in love with yourself and yet not love yourself

You can be in love with yourself and yet not love yourself

I just finished listening to a 30-minute audio where the dude was sharing how great he was, what great things he does, and how much money he was going to make with it.

I muscletested. His narcissistic measure from the Starting Point Measurements) was 99%.

Then I muscletested if he loves himself… and the answer was no.

Self love is a function of integrity.

Continue reading “You can be in love with yourself and yet not love yourself”

Do you have enough energy to build a life you love?

Do you have enough energy to build a life you love?

I measure a ton of starting point measurements. People ask for their starting point measurements because they are experiencing something they don’t want.

Lack of energy, lack of aliveness, lack of inspiration… Continue reading “Do you have enough energy to build a life you love?”

The only thing that increases intellectual capacity is…

The only thing that increases intellectual capacity is…
The only thing that increases intellectual capacity is reading

Reading NOT for knowledge but to increase mental acuity.

That is a 70% truth value statement.

One of my coaches’ paid newsletter for January says, I quote:

How to stay mentally sharp

Read! Continue reading “The only thing that increases intellectual capacity is…”