One of the genius moves of Kabbalah is to call…

One of the genius moves of Kabbalah is to call…

One of the genius moves of Kabbalah is to call the little voice, the evil inclination, The Opponent.

That is to say anything that takes you out of your natural state of goodness, expanding, being in harmony with all of it, Kabbalah calls it the Opponent.

Compare that with how YOU think: I am, I did, I was…

The little voice, all the shoulds, and all the labels, and all that totally paralyzing stuff isn’t said by you. It is the Opponent.

All the wants. All the needs. And all the fears… It is the Opponent that is doing it. Continue reading “One of the genius moves of Kabbalah is to call…”

Word-cages… The means of keeping you powerless

Word-cages… The means of keeping you powerless

I woke up at 3 am today. Shall I get up? I asked myself. Yes…. said something…

And then I asked, what part of me that wants me to get up.

My body, my intellect,

My psychology…

What is Psychology? Feeling science… right?

I want to be proud of myself. Continue reading “Word-cages… The means of keeping you powerless”

By nature, men are nearly alike ~ Confucius

By nature, men are nearly alike ~ Confucius

By nature, men are nearly alike; by practice/culture, they get to be wide apart. ~ Confucius

or by another great Chinese philosopher, Mengzi:

…if the people ‘are full of food, have warm clothes, and live in comfort but are without instruction, then they come close to being animals

Can you, do you ever contemplate what is the measure you could change? Change so you can be a high achiever, a high earner, a popular person, or even just healthier? Continue reading “By nature, men are nearly alike ~ Confucius”

What is Natural Growth and how to Accomplish it

What is Natural Growth and how to Accomplish it

unnatural growthGrowth feels good… People who grow experience being fully in life, in a dance with life…

Growth feels good… and yet, most of the people I know are either stagnating because they don’t put themselves in a situation where they need to grow, or they put themselves in the courses and seminars and coaching programs to grow, but they don’t grow because …

Well, what comes after that ‘they don’t grow because’ is what this article is about.

Continue reading “What is Natural Growth and how to Accomplish it”

There are fixers and there are are creators. Producers.

There are fixers and there are are creators. Producers.

If you look fixers want to fix the world. You, me, things. Everything. They are most people. The campaigners, the reddit, twitter, etc posters… They want to fix you, and they want to fix the world.


Because it is not the way they want you to be, they want me to be, things to be.

They are never happy, they are never fulfilled. They just complain, and label, and go around telling you, me, things, the world how we should be. Continue reading “There are fixers and there are are creators. Producers.”

A house divided against itself cannot stand

A house divided against itself cannot stand

A house divided against itself cannot stand, said Abraham Lincoln, invoking a biblical truth.

Congruence = agreement or harmony; compatibility. Congruent = in agreement or harmony.

Pretense, lying, you and your actions not saying the same thing leads to no success.

An inner division, lack of integrity, lack of authenticity is the main reason you are not successful, because your energies are divided and fight against each other, instead of using that same energy to get things done. To accomplish. To produce.

Criminals are happier than you. Hitmen are happier than you.

You need to decide who you are… and stick with your decision. In words and in action.

Continue reading “A house divided against itself cannot stand”

What is your life-raft that helps make sense of it all?

What is your life-raft that helps make sense of it all?

Most people have no usable knowledge, knowledge that would take them from A to B.

The kind of knowledge that is useful everywhere, that acts like the foundation, so they can have an experience of standing on two feet. Two feet to feel grounded, to feel powerful, to feel that they can do anything.

Religion used to give that, the sense of who I am. Something you are certain. And nothing can change that. Nothing can dislodge that.

And then, to that foundation, one can attach other things. It is like a life-raft, you can grow it…

Mine was that I was a Jew. Continue reading “What is your life-raft that helps make sense of it all?”

When a bee stings you, it leaves its stringer in your flesh

When a bee stings you, it leaves its stringer in your flesh

I stepped on a bee in the park once and it stung the foot of my sole.

But my mother was so afraid of bees, and they stung her every time she got close to them… Then, for days on end, she could be the center of attention…

This article uses the bee-sting as an analogy… to show how an early incident effects your life… forever.

The bee sting and the stinger

Do you know when a bee stings you, it leaves its stinger in you? And unless you can dig it out, it is the source of infection, swelling, and much much pain. Continue reading “When a bee stings you, it leaves its stringer in your flesh”

It is in the code books stupid! Look in the codes!

It is in the code books stupid! Look in the codes!

I woke up this morning with a question.

What feels good?

Being good, doing good feels good. Doing bad doesn’t feel good to me. And when I am asking my clients, they claim it doesn’t feel good, but then why are they doing it?

I pondered this for about half an hour when I suddenly, like a lightning, saw that good and bad are human constructs. Continue reading “It is in the code books stupid! Look in the codes!”

Integrity: Anything less than 100% is not integrity yet

Integrity: Anything less than 100% is not integrity yet
integrityThe invisible dynamic of integrity

Less than a year after I graduated, I worked as an architect at this company, walking distance from my home.

I didn’t know that I was an empath at the time. Interestingly not knowing didn’t prevent me from feeling it.

It was an office building on the corner of my street and a big street… forgot its name. I haven’t been there almost 39 years.

So one day I walked home to get lunch. On my way back I actually saw  the building collapse. The streets were closed for weeks… No one got hurt: the crew was out to lunch. Continue reading “Integrity: Anything less than 100% is not integrity yet”