More on what would be emotional intelligence

More on what would be emotional intelligence

reality, occurrence, narrativeThe first thing we need to tell apart, distinguish, is the difference between a feeling and an emotion.

Nothing in reality creates an emotion. Emotions are not in reality…

They show up in your personal reality only. Something happens, real or unreal, and you say something about it, consciously or unconsciously. Mostly what you say: good/bad, right/wrong. And then the feeling you have, having said that, is going to match what you said: good/bad, right/wrong. Continue reading “More on what would be emotional intelligence”

How many people it takes to turn H.Sapiens into Human Being?

How many people it takes to turn H.Sapiens into Human Being?

turn homo sapiens into human beingThe title sounds like the beginning of a a joke, like how many philosophers does it need to change a lightbulb?

Four; one to change the light-bulb and three to say ‘Yes, Socrates,’ ‘Well done, Socrates,’ ‘Good job, Socrates.’ Funny as hell… but not exactly what I wanted to do… although that joke talks to me deeper than it probably talks to you.

But I digress…

This morning I stumbled on a page from Dan Millman’s ‘The Life You Were Born To Live‘ a quasi Kabbalistic astrology book.

I have always disliked it, but today I came to hate it. Continue reading “How many people it takes to turn H.Sapiens into Human Being?”

Turning points: You are not really stuck where you are.

Turning points: You are not really stuck where you are.

turning point choicesAs I promised, I am continuing the discussion about powerlessness… the sense, the feeling, the belief of powerlessness.

This sudden awareness was helped along by Alex Hormozi’s video the other day. He talks, no, he rails against what makes you weak and fragile.

Watch it and learn. Get knocked conscious of what you are doing to yourself!

You may want to listen to it with slower speed… Alex talks really fast!

Now you see why I am in love with Alex… I want to be like him when I grow up! lol. Continue reading “Turning points: You are not really stuck where you are.”

Questions that turn on your power, your personal power

Questions that turn on your power, your personal power

What are the questions that awaken and pull things to yourself to become cause? To get access to your personal power?

Agreement 1: Be Impeccable With Your Word: question: was I impeccable with my word?
Agreement 2: Don’t Take Anything Personally: question: did I take something personally?
Agreement 3: Don’t Make Assumptions. question: did I make an assumption?
Agreement 4: Always Do Your Best. question: did I do my best?

more questions to ask:

  • What could I be responsible for to get access to power?
  • What am I doing?
  • what am I assuming/thinking?
  • What am I taking personally?
  • what is my attitude?
  • What am I expecting?
  • What am I going for/intention?
  • how wide am I looking?
  • What am I stingy about?
  • where am I erring on the side of ‘it’s my way or the highway’?

Until you get responsibility good and going, nothing else can change in your life. Continue reading “Questions that turn on your power, your personal power”

How to insult a whole subcontinent? Say you don’t like…

How to insult a whole subcontinent? Say you don’t like…

insult a whole subcontinentHow to insult a whole subcontinent? Say you don’t like their food…

Back in 1970, my mother hosted a symposium on some urban planning issue… and a few American professors attended. At a dinner my mother asked me to attend, I spoke to those professors, and they liked me… This was a year before I graduated from architecture school, I was offered a scholarship to Princeton University to get another degree, in urban planning. I had no idea what urban planning was really… but regardless I said… No, thank you.

I said, Naaaay, I am not interested. The professors didn’t even blink. Continue reading “How to insult a whole subcontinent? Say you don’t like…”

All emotions are toxic… Like cream, rise to the top…

All emotions are toxic… Like cream, rise to the top…
Toxic emotions?

Most mornings the first thing I look at in the morning is a reddit email with 4-5 reddit posts, And then I read email from You watch Cnn, or Fox news, or whatever… I read these posts.

I don’t watch TV, don’t go to news sites, don’t talk to people, so this is the closest I get to witness what emotions people go through in the world.

This and my coaches’ Social Lair rants… but I definitely prefer Reddit and digg.

Today the ‘harvest’ was rich and heartwarming.

In one reddit thread a dude posted a dozen or so little clips combined into a minute long movie of his girlfriend getting off work and alternately running, flying, skipping, or dragging herself to his car… Watch the video below: Continue reading “All emotions are toxic… Like cream, rise to the top…”

Emotions to the intellect are like plaque for the arteries

Emotions to the intellect are like plaque for the arteries
emotionally innocent…and if that is so, the job is to wipe away the intellectual plaque… emotions

I had a very unique experience on Thursday. I was on a coaching call. I shared one of difficulties with my business.

The coach: vibration 220, IQ: 130, spent 40 minutes, talking back and forth. He taught something that I had never heard, a way of business that I could not even fathom, and it was amazing. I immediately saw how I can use it, how I have been making mistakes not knowing what he was teaching.

It was a zoom call with everyone on camera, and I could observe, connect to, and muscletest the people on the call. What was most striking to me: the degree they weren’t getting the teaching.

Every person on the call had an IQ of 100. In a world where the average is 70, that is pretty good… they are all entrepreneurs able to afford the price of the coaching program. running a business of sorts.

Every person on the call had 200 vibration. Continue reading “Emotions to the intellect are like plaque for the arteries”

What the heck is a worldview and why can’t you see yours?

What the heck is a worldview and why can’t you see yours?

fake it worldviewYou can’t see your worldview. Or said more accurately: everything you see is a worldview.

View stands for what you see.

Your results, your lifestyle, your actions, your thoughts all come from your worldview.

That is why I likened it to the floor you walk on… before you can change your worldview, you need to be OK for suddenly not have a floor to walk on. Continue reading “What the heck is a worldview and why can’t you see yours?”

A smart phone does not reverse the aging process…

A smart phone does not reverse the aging process…

entrepreneur or notI know, I know, I stole that subject line… but… it is so funny. It seem out of context but it isn’t… wait and see.

The line is from Brian Kurtz, marketing master, whose message still goes over my head. I have to confess: I am not a ‘real’ marketer, I just have things I can teach, I have things I can sell, and I do the best I can with what I have… but marketing? I still don’t amount there to much. Kindergarten level.

And that means that business, marketing, making money is never my ‘one thing’ to focus on, never my ‘one thing’ I hope I’ll have time to do, just isn’t.

My one thing is… Continue reading “A smart phone does not reverse the aging process…”

The Bottomless Pit that Greed is and entrainment

The Bottomless Pit that Greed is and entrainment

entrainment to greedNature is weird.

Osmosis is a process in which molecules of a solvent, like water, tend to pass through a semipermeable membrane from a less concentrated solution into a more concentrated one, thus equalizing the concentrations on each side of the membrane.

It is a lot like entrainment, at least in appearance… Continue reading “The Bottomless Pit that Greed is and entrainment”