What if it is really a 3-year old who is doing your life?

What if it is really a 3-year old who is doing your life?

I HATE non-fiction. Even in audio, listening to it. I hate being when someone lectures me. It makes my brain stop working.

And no matter what the book or course is teaching, I cannot tune in. Even when it is important to me. Why? I cannot feel that I matter to the speaker. And I need to feel that I matter or I switch off.

Whereas when I read novels, it feels like an honor and a privilege to get an over the shoulder private view of what’s happening. And what is happening, at least in the novels I read, is interesting to me. Because I am interested in people, interested in the world.

But not that interested in what non-fiction writers want to teach. They don’t manage to make me want to read it, even when I know I need what they teach. Or that what they teach would benefit me. Continue reading “What if it is really a 3-year old who is doing your life?”

Secret technology to raise your vibration: validation

Secret technology to raise your vibration: validation

Here it is, the secret technology to raise your vibration, instantly and permanently: validation

My Second Phase Activator class just had the hardest session ever: activating validation as a capacity. Continue reading “Secret technology to raise your vibration: validation”