Buyers are liars

“Not what we say about our blessings, but how we use them, is the true measure of our thanksgiving.”

– W.T. Purkiser

Most people claim that they want to change their lives… because truthfully, how it is now, is not much fun.

Only a tiny fragment of them will be willing.

What is the reason?

One reason is that they are lying. Habitually. And maybe, just maybe, they don’t even know it.

  • I remember the times when I had no idea what I liked and what I didn’t like.
  • I remember when the only way I knew I was hungry is because I found myself eating.
  • I remember when I didn’t know I had to go to the bathroom until I found myself there. 1

So ultimately you know what you like, what you want, who you are only from your actions. Not from what you say. Continue reading “Buyers are liars”

How you do anything is how you do everything

How you do anything is how you do everything

Your how matters more than your what… the How you do anything is how you do everything’s how

Using the “See Reason” capacity is pointing out things to me that are not obvious. Not obvious when it comes to mistakes, not obvious when it comes to successes.

The areas I am looking at, because what there is to look at is what you are actually doing… so these are MY areas:

  • my back/leg pain
  • my digestive issues and clarity of mind and quality of sleep
  • Freecell
  • learning to respond instead of reacting (My Human Design strategy)

Continue reading “How you do anything is how you do everything”

Connecting the dots in the right order: cause and effect

Connecting the dots in the right order: cause and effect

connect the dotsConnecting the dots in the right order… seeing cause and effect accurately

Seeing what-causes-what is missing. Yesterday I said 99.99% of humanity lacks it… I wasn’t exaggerating. It’s really 99.999%… ten times more that lack it.

In essence one in 100,000 people, or ten in a million have it even partially, in one area of life.

It’s an intellectual capacity, fundamentally essential to success in the world

This is why Mathematics, Physics, and Geometry is so hard for people. Continue reading “Connecting the dots in the right order: cause and effect”

What happens when you cannot see causality? 99.99% of humanity can’t…

Yesterday I wrote about seeing reason, seeing the causal relationship between things.

I confess that it is a hard thing to see. Not just me, but everyone. Cause is in the invisible realm of reality… it is there, but it is rarely seen.

The Butterfly Effect comes to mind, that says through a string of invisible cause and effect happenings, a butterfly flapping its wings in Japan will cause a tornado in Arkansas. According to Wikipedia: Butterfly effect: In chaos theory, the butterfly effect is the sensitive dependence on initial conditions in which a small change in one state of a deterministic nonlinear system can result in large differences in a later state.

So it is not easy. But… and this is what this article is about, most people lack even the curiosity necessary to see causal relationships: they don’t care.

If you don’t have a capacity, you also lack the capacity to see what would it entail to exercise that capacity.

Continue reading “What happens when you cannot see causality? 99.99% of humanity can’t…”

What does it exactly mean? What do THEY exactly mean? What am I supposed to do exactly?

butter on breadWhen I write an article, when I give instructions, when I teach, what people do is as diverse as if I told them all different things… even though I said exactly the same thing. It could be my intonation: they were on the call at the same time, or read the same article, and yet.

You listen approximately, hear more of your commentary and interpretation than what is actually said, and then you follow your commentary, not what was said. And, to boot, you never actually take the time to understand what the words really mean. Your vocabulary is approximate… and you may not even know it.

I have been telling my Playground student to retell their life incidents in movie mode, so they can see what actually happened, without their feelings, without their interpretation, without their meaning, without the drama, without they remember… just the facts… on a movie. Continue reading “What does it exactly mean? What do THEY exactly mean? What am I supposed to do exactly?”

How do you change the future? By changing the past…

opposable thumbsEver feel like you are just the thumb Source needs to get things done? Things that need a thumb… Physical things…

I used to have a cat. And cats teach you about yourself things you never wanted to know, like how insignificant and useless you are.

But one thing they also teach you that has served me well is teaching me that I have thumbs. Opposable thumbs. And in spite of their contempt for me otherwise, I can be useful because I can operate the can opener.

And god… whatever god is, is a lot like my cat. It needs a human with opposing thumbs to get things done in the physical universe. God doesn’t have a thumb. God is an energy, in all, through all, it is omnipotent… but lacking physical manifestation, it lacks a thumb… lol. So, us, humans, are here to make things happen.

For the most part, this has been my experience of that energy I call Source. Especially when I play Freecell.
Continue reading “How do you change the future? By changing the past…”

Human Design… a different view a different focus…

Human Design… a different view a different focus…
Human Design… a different view, distinction, looking glass, focus…

I wrote this article six years ago… I have learned and figured out a few things since… but this is still a good article…  90% truth value…

  • Human Design Institute: 190
  • Ra personal vibration: 300
  • accuracy of interpretation of charts: 10%
  • charts: not useful
  • truth value: 20%
  • useful: yes
  • idea of false self: useful (eliminates ego concerns)
  • eating recommendations: useful
  • type identification: not useful
  • action/initiation mode: incorrect, not useful. All types should be ‘responding’, mostly to Self, instead of being not-self

I muscletested these again, and the results were the same.

So, if the numbers are so low, why am I saying that many of the stuff they have is useful?
Continue reading “Human Design… a different view a different focus…”

DNA tests for diets… are they useful, or are they a fraud?

DNA tests for diets… are they useful, or are they a fraud?
Your DNA and your food list… The Ancestral Diet, DNA diet… a vibrational review

I started to research this area out of my desire to get more clients for health consultation.

Essentially when I do a health consultation with a client, what I do is muscletest

  • Muscletest their nutritional deficiencies against a 90 nutrition list I swiped from Joel Wallach,
  • I test their food allergies, sensitivities and intolerance,
  • their optimal way to eat.
  • their current health number (1-100) and their current cell hydration number (1-100)
  • and when I am done with that, I muscletest them against an about 500 food long list.

Now, what does this have to do with your DNA or ancestral diet, or DNA diet? Continue reading “DNA tests for diets… are they useful, or are they a fraud?”

A hoax perpetuated on people is muscletesting.

A hoax perpetuated on people is muscletesting.

Why would anyone believe that you can simply test your muscles about any topic, mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical: it boggles the mind.

I first noticed that simple muscletesting is totally and utterly unreliable, when I was trying to pick a hand position when I was doing The Healing Codes.

Eventually concluded that I make a better decision about that by flipping a coin, or just doing any odd hand position. This last one proved a winner: it turned out that the hand positions don’t matter… what matters is looking at the issue underneath the spiritual blockage.

If you think that this is a harmless hoax… you should have to talk to people who are no puffed up with pride how wonderful they are, how they have this archangel walk with them, or some other absolute untruth.

My second time to suspect that muscletesting is harmful unless it is truthful is at the chiropractor. Continue reading “A hoax perpetuated on people is muscletesting.”

How to get smarter with the same brain … Or dumber…

How to get smarter with the same brain … Or dumber…

How to get smarter with the same brain you had yesterday… Or dumber… this is the direction most people go

I wrote this article on Thursday… two days ago. I just didn’t want to jam up your pipes…

Lots of people are looking for some remedy, some solution for low IQ. Interestingly most of them are from developing countries. Mainly from Asia.

But occasionally Westerners also notice that they are not very smart, that they cannot think well. Same IQ, different experience. Continue reading “How to get smarter with the same brain … Or dumber…”