As a man is, so he sees. you project yourself on everything

The idea that you can get smarter needs to get clarified.

Why? Because people cannot see smart, cannot see how smart shows up, cannot see… anything other than filtered through themselves, how THEY are. Continue reading “As a man is, so he sees. you project yourself on everything”

What is consciousness? And vibration? Connection?

what is consciousness... fragmented viewWhat is consciousness?

Is it the mind?

Here is from the Wikipedia entry: Consciousness is the state or quality of sentience or awareness of internal or external existence. Continue reading “What is consciousness? And vibration? Connection?”

From the limited perspective of the human mind…

From the limited perspective of the human mind…

I just had this interesting idea, that your usable intelligence, your overall intelligence may be the number that tells us how limited the perspective of YOUR mind… in actuality, not the potential.

I have students who have a better brain and yet lower IQ. And I have students who have a lesser brain and yet a higher IQ. This is very important: your race, your inherited innate brain power doesn’t limit you, because your ‘mind’ is limited by the perspective you have for life… This is why with training you can get better, a whole lot better. Continue reading “From the limited perspective of the human mind…”

Predatory Genes and Quantum reality: disorder or order?

Predatory Genes and Quantum reality: There is order in the universe, even if it is not readily observable to you

The visible order, what you can see, is just the top 1%. Below that there is 99% that is order, but you can’t see it.

The more you are of the persuasion that there is a way the world should be, you should be, society should be, to the same degree you are blind, and unsuccessful if you act, and stuck if you don’t.

Of course you expect the order to be obvious, with clear rules, so you don’t have to be responsible for thinking, observing, adjusting your actions to how it is… and ultimately for any of your actions, any of your results.

Too many or too few predatory genes combined with human culture are deadly, deadly in its consequences. Continue reading “Predatory Genes and Quantum reality: disorder or order?”

Why we you not as smart as we could be? Can it be reversed?

Your eating style is more important than you would think.

After all, in sounds innocuous (not harmful or offensive). Everyone knows that what you eat is important but how you eat? Hogwash, say most people, scientists included, but most people are always wrong.

I am fighting the fight of my life now… Attempting to get an extra year or two past my expiration date.

“They” say that your telomeres are responsible for your life expectancy, the length of your telomeres, but they are lying. Why they say that? Because it is a source of much money, that’s why. You, the payer, don’t have to be responsible for anything, they will do whatever magick they do, and you pay. And that is that.

And people pay through their noses… Because they don’t know any better. Continue reading “Why we you not as smart as we could be? Can it be reversed?”

What DNA capacity does a great detective have?

good detectivesI love to read. My newest favorite writer at this point is Blake Banner, a mystery writer. His books are perfect for one day reading… around 150 pages each.

What I like most about these books, apart from their language which is often delightful, is that the author pits two kinds of detectives against each other, the one who looks at the evidence, and immediately weaves a likely story and then defends it with all their might. And the other who doesn’t make a decision but researches more until he can actually prove it… which is often a lot later. Continue reading “What DNA capacity does a great detective have?”

What makes you a slacker? or a never do well?

What makes you a slacker?
The smarter you fancy yourself, the stupider your behavior. The big picture of your life…

This article is slightly philosophical, I cycle through many ideas to get to a conclusion that makes a difference. You can jump to the end, to the conclusion, and we’ll know what you are… This article is about you.

Life’s way is to handle one thing at a time… make it work and keep it working. Then, when it’s working reliably, Life will start on the next thing.

Most of Life is continuing… not starting. Or modifying and continuing. Or adding and removing. But continuing… Getting better and better. Growing. Continue reading “What makes you a slacker? or a never do well?”

Generators, Manifesting Generators: what is the difference

Generators, Manifesting Generators… what is the difference in Human Design?

My Precious I doesn’t like it… I am sure yours doesn’t either…

I remember when I considered being a Generator a slight. Like someone didn’t recognize my creativity, declared me a working bee… I hated it. But…

Years earlier I had the same reaction to finding out that I was a finisher… in the ‘system’ starters vs. finishers, I learned from Alex Mandossian, who was my mentor for a little while… I healed him and he mentored me… Here is a link to an interview that explains Continue reading “Generators, Manifesting Generators: what is the difference”

More on the strategies of your Human Design type…

One of the tricks of gurus and teachers is to be vague. It is that they seem to be vague… per se, by itself… No. They seem to be really clear… while in execution they allow everyone to make up their own interpretation, and thus fail.

Just look at meditation: I am an empath and I watch/feel what people are doing when they are supposedly meditating… Not.

Two kinds of results from followers:

  • some lie and say: they followed the instructions, and hit solid gold. They either followed the instructions or didn’t… If they did hit solid gold, my hunch says they would have hit solid gold without the instructions…
  • The rest: they think they followed their interpretation of the instructions but are afraid to say: it didn’t work… Just like the crowd won’t trust their own eyes to say: the emperor has no clothes.
This is exactly what happens with followers of the modality to live by your design: The Human Design System.

Continue reading “More on the strategies of your Human Design type…”

Until you know what you are REALLY MISSING…

Until you know what you are REALLY MISSING… you can’t give it to yourself…

…And until you know how… knowing what you really need won’t help a bit

In fact, although I can’t find a picture to illustrate it, but if you fill in a word that doesn’t fit into a crossword puzzle… the whole puzzle will be like your life… utterly unsolvable… miserable… wretched… and in fact it is, for most people.

I could say “all people”, and it would be accurate, and would make you stop reading… so I’ll settle for “most people” to appease you.

Solving the puzzle of a human life, to get a person on the right track after decades of only achieving misery in most of life is not easy… Because the forces conspiring against it are immense, and complicated to boot. Continue reading “Until you know what you are REALLY MISSING…”