Whatever it takes, your about-me score, your TLB: what is the connection?

Whatever it takes, your about-me score, your TLB: what is the connection?

Marianne Faithfull in Irina PalmWhatever it takes, your about-me score, your TLB, your twitchy little bastard score: what is the connection?

I am scared. The inauguration is in an hour… I am weeping I am so scared. So I get busy doing what I can… publish this article. I’ll probably publish one more later today…

Just read an article about Marianne Faithfull, a 60’s muse, singer, and a beautiful woman, exactly my age.

She just went through the virus, spent three weeks in hospital, and survived against the doctors’ predictions.

Because of what?

I don’t know the woman. I don’t know her songs. but I saw a movie with her, where she, her character was this ‘whatever it takes’ type of warrior… while the people around her claimed love but did nothing.

You can find your inspiration and spiritual teaching in the most unexpected places… Continue reading “Whatever it takes, your about-me score, your TLB: what is the connection?”

The average truth value of coaching, courses, books is 7%, even though 10% of the truth is known…

The average truth value of coaching, courses, books is 7%, even though 10% of the truth is known…

turn the invisible visibleTruth value. In this article I muse about the low truth value of anything written or spoken, and why it’s so low truth value. I turn the invisible into visible.

It is exactly 53 times more complicated than that!

If anybody says that they know how to help you, run the other way. What? you say I say that? Nah… I don’t. Maybe that is what you heard, but the truth is a whole lot more complicated than that.

Exactly 53 times more complicated… lol.

Sorry, I could not pass this.

Back in Hungary, some 45 years ago I had a bet going with my colleague in architecture, Willy. He was a small little man, with an operated cleft palate… I guess that is what made him do the ‘please don’t kick me’ head tilt to the side. Continue reading “The average truth value of coaching, courses, books is 7%, even though 10% of the truth is known…”

How to have room to build something of your Self?

How to have room to build something of your Self?

How to have room to build something?I have been getting a lot of money after I had all my savings seized… please don’t ask, I won’t tell you the details.

The money comes from clients, students, and -gasp- my nephew sent me money too.

I have noticed that the giver probably feels better about himself than the receiver… So I am happy I was willing to be vulnerable enough to ask for help… Not my usual attitude. It is quite unbecoming for a Forget Thyself soul correction. Continue reading “How to have room to build something of your Self?”

Trump post truth world pdf

Trump post truth world pdf

trump post truth worldWe do live in a post-truth, post integrity world. Trump post truth world.

One sign of that is the number of authors who lend their name to writers who have no name of their own, sometimes deservedly so, other times the borrower could just work his way up: they can actually write, but prefer to piggyback on bestselling authors.

But most borrowers are talentless and poor writers. Boring, colorless, style-less… bad writers.

I first encountered this phenomenon with Neal Stephenson… His ‘Mongols’ had segments written by stub-par ‘writers’, but his The Rise and Fall of D.O.D.O was ‘co-authored’ by a woman, who, I guess, paid Neal Stephenson for his name and popularity. Wretched lady-writer crap…

Very few women write well… OK… very few men write well either.

Most people can’t tell good writing from bad writing… they can’t see the difference. A bad woman writer can appeal to women… I must not be really a woman… lol. Continue reading “Trump post truth world pdf”

The invisible and sinister undertow that pulls you under

The invisible and sinister undertow that pulls you under

Are you one of those who won’t do anything unless you are sure it will pay off? won’t do anything unless you are sure it’s the right thing?

Do you know The old phrase: ‘Give your little finger to other people and they take the whole hand.’?

Well, it is only true if and when the person in case wants your hand…

I have tested it with my cat. I gave her a little… and unless she liked it, ate it, I didn’t give her more… She didn’t want the little finger, she didn’t want the hand.

I also test students. I give them a little finger… and often they don’t see how that will be good for them, take them to where they have always wanted to go… and do like my cat… walk away from it.

And this happens with some regularity with some people in my classes. Unless they can see the ‘whole hand’, they don’t want the little finger either.

Two of my students in particular… Continue reading “The invisible and sinister undertow that pulls you under”

Are you bored? Is life humdrum? Hopeless? Here is what you are missing…

Are you bored? Is life humdrum? Hopeless? Here is what you are missing…

bored, humdrum, hopeless One of the things that make life humdrum, feel long, and colorless is sameness. Boring-ness… if that is a word.

It is easy to be boring, in this world where you are cooped up in your house, and the seeming variety of where to have dinner is replaced with takeout, or gasp… cooking.

But as is with everything, the world is neither boring, nor interesting: it is you, who is boring, and it is you who can see colors and fun where others can’t.

But don’t be mistaken: it takes some work. Continue reading “Are you bored? Is life humdrum? Hopeless? Here is what you are missing…”

Where did the inspiration go?

Where did the inspiration go?

where did the inspiration goI wrote this yesterday asking myself: where did the inspiration go?

I know it’s Christmas morning and you want to open the presents and all that…

but I want to share with you what happened in my house… so you can learn. Instead of presents I got a few emails elves and elvettes? (is that the feminine form of elves?)

Talking about festivities, and holiday season, but no gifts. WTF?

And Spock like pointy ear musings about stuff… except no Christmas spirit.

Inspiration, it seems have gone away with the epidemic, and that is what i want to talk about in this email.

Where did the inspiration go? Continue reading “Where did the inspiration go?”

Want to grow? Master outcome independence!

Want to grow? Master outcome independence!

outcome independenceZen: Chop wood, carry water. An outcome independent series of actions. Outcome independence .

Western Culture: What is your why? Create big audacious goals, take bold actions…

One is outcome independent with an overarching goal of inner peace. Not now, not at this moment, but for life.

The other is outcome dependent, judging every step for the result it produced or not, resulting in misery. Continue reading “Want to grow? Master outcome independence!”

Practical Magic: Do away with depression…

Practical Magic: Do away with depression…

Magic is, according to google: the power of apparently influencing the course of events by using mysterious or supernatural forces

How does magic work: still from google: Magic creates a conflict between the things you think can happen and the things that you experience. While some magicians would like you to believe that they possess real magical powers, the true secret behind magic lies in clever psychological techniques that exploit limitations in the way our brains work.

Well, if you had a clever psychological technique that exploits limitations in the way our brains (mind) work, what would you change? What would you use it for?

It’s a great question, it has only one drawback:

We do have a clever psychological technique… Continue reading “Practical Magic: Do away with depression…”

How to make New Year’s Resolutions succeed? of how to unstuck yourself for good?

How to make New Year’s Resolutions succeed? of how to unstuck yourself for good?

The goal of this article is to show you  why you haven’t been able to grow, and how to unstuck yourself: a new methodology.

The size of your projects is the size of your life. Your New Year’s resolution is a project. big or small shows the size of your life.

If you are not working on it, it is not a project. For it to be a project, you need to work on it. Otherwise it is just a fantasy.

The size of the people your project helps is the size of your world.

Giving away money that you didn’t earn isn’t a project.

Yesterday we had the 3-wishes workshop. It’s a fun little exercise. But we didn’t do it for fun. Most fun exercises have hidden huge learnings: about you, about the size of your world and the size of your life.

What does it have to do with a New year resolution? Patience, I’ll make them connect later. First you want to look at the ingredients… there are no jumps in reality, and when you jump, you do that in your imagination, and your results will be also in your imagination, not in reality… How is that for a learning, learning why your New Year Resolutions haven’t panned out thus far… You did jumps in it.

Projects are like building a ladder and climbing it to the fulfillment… not a jump. Continue reading “How to make New Year’s Resolutions succeed? of how to unstuck yourself for good?”