Trusting only your own decisions keeps you a caterpillar

Trusting only your own decisions keeps you a caterpillar

Should you trust yourself and only yourself? This is the question that keeps coming up… demanding an answer.

But the answer, of course, is not a simple yes or no.

So let’s look what could be the factors that decide if, for you, trusting yourself would be a yes or a no.

I got curious and queried google with the exact search phrase ‘should you trust yourself?’ Continue reading “Trusting only your own decisions keeps you a caterpillar”

How does the brain work? And what does the mind do?

How does the brain work? And what does the mind do?

A number of years ago I bought a home study program, and then I did the live course. It was a super fast reading method, PhotoReading. In that you look behind the pages, flip them one page per second, and voila, you’ve read the book. Truth be told there are other steps, but this was the step I had a problem with.

I didn’t trust it. I didn’t believe that the brain, or whatever it was doing it, would actually see something I don’t consciously see.

Hell, it was a long time ago… I just looked it up and I did the course in 2007. Continue reading “How does the brain work? And what does the mind do?”

Reality? collective hunch at best. Choose your delusion

Reality? collective hunch at best. Choose your delusion

Reality? collective hunch at best. Choose your delusions wisely.

What does this mean for you? That you, by necessity, live in an illusion, or delusion: you live in your own interpretation of what reality is… and your actions will be consistent with that delusional reality. Continue reading “Reality? collective hunch at best. Choose your delusion”

What would be possible if you could choose to be not needy?

What would be possible if you could choose to be not needy?

I am having a strange experience. It is pleasant. Bubbling. Stimulating. Lovely.

I am not the first one, not even the only one to teach what I teach. I am not alone. This knowledge of the human condition and what works and what doesn’t is holographic.

I am competitive. Maybe it’s my soul correction (34). I like to be the best, the first, the only one. And totally counter to that: I like to know that I could have partners and we could soar together.

I found a ‘soulmate’ who teaches a lot of what I teach to a narrow segment of people: who can see that in life you get what you negotiate for successfully. Jim Camp.

In life you get what you negotiate for successfully

Continue reading “What would be possible if you could choose to be not needy?”

Coherence, incoherence, and your vibration

Coherence, incoherence, and your vibration

The lotus is the symbol of coherence… it grows from mud… incoherent… and turns it into beautiful coherence.

If you lotus could speak it would say: ‘I want the world to be the way the world is‘.

OK, so what is coherence and what is incoherence?

Oh… and why should you care? Continue reading “Coherence, incoherence, and your vibration”

When the lightening has no thunder, you can’t hear it…

When the lightening has no thunder, you can’t hear it…

Sometimes, actually quite often, changing one word could be the difference between living a life in quiet desperation and living a life in excitement and eagerness…

But what is the word? What is the word that makes the spirit that has been dormant in you open its eyes and say… let’s go? Let’s fly. Continue reading “When the lightening has no thunder, you can’t hear it…”

Wherefrom comes the energy? and why does it fizzle out?

Wherefrom comes the energy? and why does it fizzle out?

In February 1988 my career as an architect ended with a whimper

It went out like a light.

I was 41 years old.

I was sure I had nothing to offer, I had no value, and I had no future.

It felt like I was on a stormy sea, on a ship, and had no control where the ship was going. I was not the captain, I didn’t hold the levers and dials in my hand.

Until that point I went wherever the ship went, and did what I could: do a good job, or not, wear clothes, read books, and be a passenger. Continue reading “Wherefrom comes the energy? and why does it fizzle out?”

What gives you wings? What do you hope will give you wings?

What gives you wings? What do you hope will give you wings?

When I was a kid I read a book about Sam Small, The Flying Yorkshireman. I read it in Hungarian… It was easier to read in Hungarian than in English… Ugh… that Yorkshire accent in writing… impossible to tolerate.

Anyway, this Sam Small could fly. And I decided that I wanted to fly too. I spent all my imagination… what it would be like to fly.

Unfortunately all my fancies were about escaping… I don’t know what it is about me: I still have nightmares about escaping, and there is always flying. Continue reading “What gives you wings? What do you hope will give you wings?”

Where do your worldview, expectations, beliefs, come from?

Where do your worldview, expectations, beliefs, come from?

I just listened to a Frank Zappa song and I loved it.

Most people I know listen to music. What they call music is songs. You listen to them. And you are put in a trance. The songs areĀ  hypnotic in nature. They implant b.s. in your mind about HOW IT SHOULD BE. About the order of nature. Ugh. (aside: movies too)

I don’t understand the words in American or British songs, but I do understand them in my mother tongue, and those lyrics, although I haven’t heard those songs for 40 years, reverberate in my head. Continue reading “Where do your worldview, expectations, beliefs, come from?”

Royals take it on the chin. Are you really a prince?

Royals take it on the chin. Are you really a prince?

Real Royals… Like Muhammad Ali…

Real Royals take it on the chin… If you were really a princ(ess), you would too.

Disappointments, slights… yeah, those are what I am talking about.

I read every book some writers write. Or have ever written.

One of these is Neal Stephenson. Continue reading “Royals take it on the chin. Are you really a prince?”