What can you do to feel better about yourself, about life, about the future?

What can you do to feel better about yourself, about life, about the future?

There is a myth that there are people who are no-person outside of their function… doormen, drivers, conductors, ticket collectors, guards, secretaries…

But it is an illusion.

Just because you talk to someone you don’t consider them a person necessarily. According to my muscletesting, most people, most of the time, don’t consider anyone a person.

So how do you know if you are treating someone as a person or if you are treating them as a thing? And if you are treating them as a thing: what is ‘wrong’ with it?

It’s a theory, but muscletest says it’s true: when you treat someone as a thing, you become a thing. A thing only cares about itself, only worries about itself, is only concerned with its self-interest… to be safe, to win, to be right.

The more you treat anyone as a thing, the more you are like that… not very personlike. Continue reading “What can you do to feel better about yourself, about life, about the future?”

I just had an insight that may be worth sharing.

I just had an insight that may be worth sharing.

Yesterday, or maybe the day before I got an order for a Starting Point Measurements.

I delivered it… and got an answer back looking for the mp3. What mp3? Turns out that the person clicked on a page that talked about the Harmonizer Avatar State audio, but the buy button was coded to sell the Starting Point Measurements.

I checked, I corrected… and offered to refund the buyer’s purchase.

She said: I’d prefer the mp3.

I explained what the mp3 is, so this time there is no misunderstanding, wrong link… My explanation said: do not use the audio through an earphone: the energy is too strong: it can scramble your brain.

She said she certainly didn’t want her brain scrambled.

Simple: don’t listen to the audio through headphones… Continue reading “I just had an insight that may be worth sharing.”

Fly, crawl, be stuck… Or what it takes to become flexible…

Fly, crawl, be stuck… Or what it takes to become flexible…

Why some people fly, others crawl, and most are stuck stuck stuck… Or what it takes to become flexible…

They say: Climb your way to your end goal, one insight at a time… Oh, you can’t? Not willing to be light on your feet? Stuck in your opinion and in your view of yourself and the world?

I had a group coaching session with one of my coaches yesterday.

He taught something that can be useful for everyone, not just marketers and business owners, like we all are in that group.

He made us draw a pyramid, and divide it to three tiers… The bottom tier is knowledge. The middle tear is wisdom. and the top tier is insight. (Insight is the glimpse you get behind the curtain, like in the Wizard of Oz, the insight was that Oz was a little old man… not a god.)

For businesses, the higher your product is on that tier, the less competition you have, and the higher prices you can command.

For an individual, getting higher vibration, better health, more productive lives happens through insights… not knowledge, and not wisdom. Continue reading “Fly, crawl, be stuck… Or what it takes to become flexible…”

Human Design eating style, words… tiny pieces… enjoy

Human Design eating style, words… tiny pieces… enjoy

One of the most important things about humanity is arrogance: I know everything, except a few things… and once I know that, I’ll know everything I need to know.

  • What is knowable is 10% of all knowledge.
  • And a normal person knows about 1% of that 10%.
  • 90% of that 1% he knows wrong… what he ‘knows’ just isn’t so.
  • And he thinks he knows at least half of it.

This is true for everyone, PhD, Nobel Prize winner, Maven… What you know doesn’t really grow, only what you think you know grows…

Just watch the millions of books self-published on Amazon… Average truth value: 3%. Which means: 97% is not true.

13 or so years ago I ordered a report for $97. It came in an audio, a woman with this breezy spiritual voice, you know the voice, said what she said.

The report by Human Design told me how to eat. My eating style that will keep me healthy, smart, and slim. Continue reading “Human Design eating style, words… tiny pieces… enjoy”

What is responsible for the increased rates of pancreas and ovarian issues that I see?

What is responsible for the increased rates of pancreas and ovarian issues that I see?

That’s a great question, if I can answer it… right?

If… I said. Not ‘when’.

From business point of view, ask any hospital, it is good news. You have trouble… I make money. But that is not how it is for me.

So the purpose of the question, from my personal point of view, is to see if it is preventable… the trouble.

As my usual method, this will be meandering… if you don’t want to follow, I sympathize with you.

OK, before I continue, I want to explain something:

Most people think that what prevents them from capitalizing on their knowledge in this world is that they don’t know how to teach what they know. Continue reading “What is responsible for the increased rates of pancreas and ovarian issues that I see?”

Revealing some secrets… secrets you probably don’t expect…

Revealing some secrets… secrets you probably don’t expect…

The secret why you are poor, struggle financially and emotionally

I would have never known, hadn’t I signed up with a dude about a year and a half ago… take his advice to heart about a year ago, and observe some struggling and unhappy (flat?) people this past year… latest a few minutes ago.

I was on a call learning some technical stuff useful in running my business. At the end of the call the dude took his time to promote some ‘change your life’ online summit, a multi speaker event going often for days… So I butted in, and ask if the speakers are selling their stuff…

He protested, saying that this is a do-gooding event… I said: if you have something that makes people’s life better, and you are not offering it, you are a criminal. Evil, stingy… a criminal.

He protested. Found out in what he said that his definition of selling is pushing something at you that you don’t want.
Continue reading “Revealing some secrets… secrets you probably don’t expect…”

Your unholy triad of Bach Energies or the jaws of death

Your unholy triad of Bach Energies or the jaws of death

The middle question of the Bach Diagnostic Profile is, cleverly hidden in the middle. 1

Why cleverly? because unless you hide it, more of the same will come up… but in the middle it somehow brings up an honesty I didn’t expect. Continue reading “Your unholy triad of Bach Energies or the jaws of death”

Coughing furiously: is this the last cough I’ll ever have?

Coughing furiously: is this the last cough I’ll ever have?

Yesterday, somewhere around early afternoon I started to cough. Nothing made it stop… I could hear as my neighbors, even people in the street were listening: here is another victim of the epidemic…

I have been imagining this ever since this thing started, back in March.

An interesting tidbit: for me it started during my exercise class: one of the participants, an 80 year old woman, Pearlie, was coughing. I never came back to the class… in fact a week later it was canceled indefinitely.

Of all the people who were in the class the only person that came down with the virus was Pearlie… She recovered, thank you very much.

But every time I cough I think people listen the way I listened back then: oy… here we go. Another person bit the bullet. lol. Continue reading “Coughing furiously: is this the last cough I’ll ever have?”

Why can a Mongol be well on meat, blood and milk?

Why can a Mongol be well on meat, blood and milk?

Some ethnicities live on a very limited variety of foods, a diet that doesn’t sound healthy… yet they are healthy, vibrant, smart, and vigorous.

Why can’t you? What would happen to you if you suddenly decided to eat like the Mongols in the 12th-14th Century, some 800 years ago?

I am going to entertain you with my tale… of no health…

I used to buy every expensive vitamin and supplement, and yet I wasn’t well. EVER. I really haven’t been well since high school.

All the supplement, superfoods, this and that did not make me well.

Nowadays I muscletest supplements before i take them, and most days I taken none, and occasionally I need one.

My kitchen counter has about a hundred bottles of the unneeded stuff.

What happened?

OK, if your IQ is not at least at or above average, stop reading here… you won’t understand. I don’t mean to be mean, I don’t mean to be rude, but your comprehension is limited, and what I am going to teach here is science. Continue reading “Why can a Mongol be well on meat, blood and milk?”

How to eat just before fall and winter? And why…

How to eat just before fall and winter? And why…

me: The food lists this month feel different… Are you changing your mind about a lot of foods?
Source: yes
me: because of the results you see?
Source: yes

Pay attention to your food list. Read the underlying intention, read the suggestion, read the instructions in it. I am going to help you here a little…

It is late August. It will be winter soon. Source is telling you to use the little time available to stock up on fresh. Raw. Vitamin C. Fresh herbs. Fresh scallion, chives, spinach, kale, and don’t fill yourself with winter food… you’ll get enough of that in the winter. Continue reading “How to eat just before fall and winter? And why…”