A practical and easy method of changing your personality

A practical and easy method of changing your personality
Can you go back to the past and change it? Will YOU change with it? Your personality?

Silly sounding question, but it is not as silly as it sounds.

Because we look at life, at what is happening, through the limited perspective of the human mind, we actually don’t know what is happening, only

  1. a slice of what happened
  2. only a skewed version of what happened

Ultimately we can only experience and react to what we see, and what we see is both limited and skewed.
Continue reading “A practical and easy method of changing your personality”

Biting Microscopic Mites – The Pandora Bug

Biting Microscopic Mites Spreading Across the World – The Pandora Bug

microscopic biting mitesThis post is a reprint of an article from 2005. I didn’t write it, I found it on the internet. It was the article that woke me up that the misery I was experiencing in my own sleepless nights was not unique to me: it was shared by billions of people who are not as aware as myself, yet they suffer. Continue reading “Biting Microscopic Mites – The Pandora Bug”

2 ‘Getting Things Done’ systems, and what people really do

2 ‘Getting Things Done’ systems, and what people really do
getting things done. get rid of the ball and chainI have always liked getting things done.

I like getting things done. Why? Because everything that doesn’t get done is like an energetic attachment, like a ball and chain on your ankle, slows you down, and prevents you from soaring… having a good time, feeling free and unencumbered.

I don’t like feeling heavy, burdened, or guilty, so I learn, test, experiment with methods that allow me to be free.

I even like to be lighter in weight because I don’t like to be heavy in any way, including physically.

I handle problems, issues, doubts, the same way… handle them so the weights can disappear.
Continue reading “2 ‘Getting Things Done’ systems, and what people really do”

What human habit makes others richer than Croesus?

What human habit makes others richer than Croesus?

croesusTalk about Croesus: Human Design, a company, a system, entirely based on date and time of birth, has started, about ten years ago a thing, called eating style.

I get thousands of visitors a month looking for their eating style.

I did, myself, sent money to get my eating style, and what I got back was something… close to what it should be, but not quite.

The system diagnosed me as a ‘separator’. That I should not put even two different foods in my mouth at the time.

Nearly impossible to follow instructions… no salads, no bread, no soups, no stews, no bread and butter, no tea with milk, no coffee… not worth living. Continue reading “What human habit makes others richer than Croesus?”

What causes disease: a lack of ease, feeling bad? Can your health measurements answer that question?

What causes disease: a lack of ease, feeling bad? Can your health measurements answer that question?

health measurements show the 90%, the invisibleI have a number of people who subscribe to getting their health measurements monthly.

Today I measured four of those. I played Freecell in between to cleanse my system.

Of what? Of the previous person’s energy.

This cleansing serves two purposes: 1. I won’t accidentally remain connected to the person I just measured 2. I steel myself to the experience of being them.


Yeah… When I am connected to you, I am, physically and emotionally merged with you. My brain, luckily isn’t, that’s why I can stay connected to Source, that’s why I can measure stuff about you. Continue reading “What causes disease: a lack of ease, feeling bad? Can your health measurements answer that question?”

What made my memory stop working suddenly?

What made my memory stop working suddenly?

zombie cells memory stop workingFor a change of pace I want to talk about something different for today. I want to share two experiments, one is about cancer, the second is about what made my memory stop working unexpectedly.

First: my inquiry into cancer, my ‘conversation’ with Source. And after that we’ll look why my intelligence, my memory, has dropped dramatically in the past two days…

OK, before i start: all of my experiments are unintentional. I just do what i do, following some idea… and bang… I need to pay attention… That is what starts an experiment… Life says: pay attention. Continue reading “What made my memory stop working suddenly?”

Everything is a road to hoe, long, short, hard, easy

Everything is a road to hoe, long, short, hard, easy

methodology of transformation is a process, a road to hoeEverything is a process… a road to hoe. The new methodology of transformation in this article is one step, without which all other steps are ineffective and temporary at best.

Just because you feel brilliant, you may not be brilliant.

Yesterday I felt like I am definitely getting smarter. Felt good. Then I asked Source: Am I really getting smarter? And the answer was ‘no’. Continue reading “Everything is a road to hoe, long, short, hard, easy”

Rant alert! on food, on America, mainly. Just testing your TLB…

Rant alert! on food, on America, mainly. Just testing your TLB…

plumping with toxic waterYesterday’s article was about how inciting one segment of the population against another or others… and how this division has one purpose and one purpose only: to make more money for the 1% and impoverish the rest.

And it doesn’t matter which party wins the election, or the house, or anything… not one single politician isn’t it it for those 1% and for themselves, no matter what they say.

Here are some aspects of this, in the somewhat visible reality, visible for those who have eyes to see:

Nowadays most every food you can buy in a grocery store is bastardized in some harmful way.
  1. They pump water into chicken, beef, lamb, buffalo, so instead of it bake or fry… it boils and is tasteless. Restaurants dry the meat to make their steaks tastier… but drying the meat at home, even in the refrigerator is risky. I have tried… it didn’t quite work.

Continue reading “Rant alert! on food, on America, mainly. Just testing your TLB…”

What happens inside your body if and when your cell hydration is low?

What happens inside your body if and when your cell hydration is low?

cell hydrationCell hydration is different from your overall hydration. The cells, unfortunately, are designed to allow only coherent water to enter the call walls.

Where can you get coherent water? And what is the difference between coherent water and not coherent water?

OK, tough question, because it all happens in the invisible. But…

Coherence, when it comes to water, is that it is at a compatible vibration with the cell.

Raw plant cell water is coherent. Raw animal cell water is also coherent. This is the reason raw diets increase a person’s health: it provides coherent water in the diet. Of course if the dieter only eats stuff that is more solid matter than water, i.e. food that has a low water content, they will not be much better off by eating ‘raw’. Continue reading “What happens inside your body if and when your cell hydration is low?”

Everything is a gift… though it isn’t what you expected…

Everything is a gift… though it isn’t what you expected…

One of the things that most people lack I have in abundance. It’s not all good… so don’t envy me just yet.

First I was born premature… very premature. Less than 2 lbs of bodyweight.

I was fed formula, because, I guess, the hospital thought it was a good idea… or my mother didn’t want to provide breast milk… so I developed a daily/nightly vomiting thing… ugh.

I was, as it turned out, dyslexic, and slightly autistic… which is an of course: dyslexia is on the autistic spectrum.

I would consider myself learning disabled… THEY considered me stupid…

When I was about seven, my father entered the room where my mother was beating me. My father said: Don’t beat her head, she is already stupid!

I was also severely nearsighted… got glasses when I got 9. finally I could see the blackboard. Yay. Continue reading “Everything is a gift… though it isn’t what you expected…”