The role of thinking, mindset, attitude in life and death

The role of thinking, mindset, attitude in life and death

When I do the health measurements for people, the last step is to see what causes or will likely cause big troubles if nothing changes.

The first of such causes (thinking/emotional errors, attitude) is what I want to talk about in this article… because I am just going through, or have just gone through something that even I didn’t expect, despite all my experience to the opposite.

I have been waiting to die.

I felt it inevitable. My mother died at my age… so I will too.

Yesterday was the day I was exactly, to the day as old as my mom was when she died. And I didn’t die. Continue reading “The role of thinking, mindset, attitude in life and death”

Times are a-changing… are you prepared?

Times are a-changing… are you prepared?

Are you secure enough in who you are to look at things that are of no personal relevance to you?

That sounds like a ‘so what?’ question, but it isn’t.

You see, one of the most important measures in predicting your happiness and success in life is your cone of vision plus your about-me score.

Ultimately the two measures, combined, give me how much of all-knowledge you are willing and able to see… so you can navigate life, the economy, relationships, health, successfully.

The smaller the combined measure is, the less you are willing to see. Your reaction to it: ‘it doesn’t apply to me‘ and you just block it out. You don’t even entertain it for a moment. (I can see it in your 67-step reports clearly. Or in what articles you open… or not) Continue reading “Times are a-changing… are you prepared?”

The fastest way to get better in every area of life…

The fastest way to get better in every area of life…
…or how you are a one-legged person trying to win an ass-kicking contest

I have been experimenting.

I have run two experiments among the many that have brought results I did not expect. Results that told me that I have been one of these one-legged people. Continue reading “The fastest way to get better in every area of life…”

I woke up this morning happy. A health turnaround…

I woke up this morning happy. A health turnaround…

I woke up this morning happy. WTF? lol

It was so unusual, I actually tried to remember the last time I felt that way upon awakening. I could not find any…

And if I want to be quite, brutally honest, I can’t recall many times when I felt good… physically, emotionally, psychically… Not many.

So waking up happy was an event… worth investigating. Continue reading “I woke up this morning happy. A health turnaround…”

Consolation vs Transformation, Lobotomy vs Freedom

Consolation vs Transformation, Lobotomy vs Freedom

Consolation vs. Transformation?

This may be the first time you’ll read about anything like this: arm yourself: it won’t be pleasant news.

Most everything that you can get or buy today is consolation. Their function is that you bear being a slave, being a wreck easier. Like Soma in Brave New World.

Health care, mental care, emotional care, all the so-called transformational, energy, healing, meditation programs are all consolation.

Continue reading “Consolation vs Transformation, Lobotomy vs Freedom”

What do I mean when I say ‘human design’ or ‘the design’?

What do I mean when I say ‘human design’ or ‘the design’?

What am I saying when I say ‘the design of human being’, or when I say ‘humans are designed to be…’?

Where do I look?

The Old Testament, the Five Books of Moses says that God created Adam to his own image.

Trying to reconstruct god from humans is a tricky proposition.

What we would get is a passive, combative, argumentative avoider… who has more common characteristics with sheep than with someone or something that created worlds.

So that direction of thinking is not going to lead us to what the design must be. Continue reading “What do I mean when I say ‘human design’ or ‘the design’?”

What are the requirements for healing? Self or otherwise…

What are the requirements for healing? Self or otherwise…

energy-to-heal-yourselfI think it was Hippocrates who said: ‘Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food

He didn’t know that what we call food in the 21st Century isn’t food. That there are more chemicals in what we call food than in actual medications. Continue reading “What are the requirements for healing? Self or otherwise…”

How to open up the tiny box or your mind you live in

How to open up the tiny box or your mind you live in

Today’s article will be illustrated differently. I’ll use unrelated funny pictures… like the New Yorker magazine does.

Why? One of the ways I have opened up my tiny box is reading humorists’ take on the world. See the funny in everything. In every single thing.

Another way to open up your small box is to read, watch good movies or TV series from different cultures. Continue reading “How to open up the tiny box or your mind you live in”

Paying the piper for a decision my 2-year old self made

Paying the piper for a decision my 2-year old self made

My article writing teacher says that the way to write a good article is to have three topics and let people know what they are, ahead of time.

This is the same dude who takes three months of vacation every year… maybe he knows something most don’t, and therefore it is worth listening to him?

So here are the three topics:
1. work-life balance: how the masses are wrong
2. your straitjacket… a detrimental early decision
3. what you eat… how it makes you ill or keeps you well. Continue reading “Paying the piper for a decision my 2-year old self made”

Indigestion, weight gain, your money roots, crossed signals

Indigestion, weight gain, your money roots, crossed signals

It is undeniable that we have an indigestion epidemic.

Why? The causes are many…

Here are a few:

eating too much
you don’t chew your food properly
you combine foods that don’t digest well together
eating food that contains ingredients that your body cannot process Continue reading “Indigestion, weight gain, your money roots, crossed signals”