Most people who will die in the next decade are already sick

Most people who will die in the next decade are already sick

We are in the midst of the Reframing Challenge… aka Creativity Challenge… So that is the context of this article…

Most killing diseases take many years if not decades to grow to the level where they can be detected with traditional methods.

So by the time they are detected, they are so established that healing them is not possible.

The expression ‘your cancer is in remission‘, 98% of the time means: you did not have cancer to begin with. But most cancer treatments are worse than what they are trying to ‘heal’.

So what are you supposed to do? Wait for death? Continue reading “Most people who will die in the next decade are already sick”

How the words you say, the words you think make you dumb

How the words you say, the words you think make you dumb

One of the most insidious and invisible parts of being human is that words we use for everything are already meanings, not facts.


And we don’t know it.

We think things are what we say they are. Maybe not.

And because we think the meaning is the thing, we are wrong much of the time. In fact the truth value of language is 30% only… instead of what we think it is… of course 100%.

Not so. Continue reading “How the words you say, the words you think make you dumb”

Why can’t, why won’t the Source energies work on you?

Why can’t, why won’t the Source energies work on you?

Why can’t, why won’t the Source energies work on everyone?

This is a very timely question… even though I probably should have asked this question a long time ago…

This question applies to healing… 1-on-1 or in an audio. It applies to activators… whether they come in an audio, or directly from me. Whether the activator tries to activate a feeling or a DNA capacity.

Anything where Source is asked to do something for you.

What is the problem?

Source will NOT violate Free Will. Continue reading “Why can’t, why won’t the Source energies work on you?”

How you keep yourself the same, even when you want to change

How you keep yourself the same, even when you want to change

I have been doing energy healing, healing with energies for 23 years now.

In the first six years I used man-made energies… What?! Yeah. All energies healers use are man-made. On average they are placebo… or 10% effective. So a client with no faith won’t get healing…

I started the healing regimen of a woman on Monday. Distant healing.

I normally do my healing after I go to bed… It also helps me fall asleep, and healing while naked and on my back is easier on my body.

Except… Continue reading “How you keep yourself the same, even when you want to change”

Why the United States is one of the unhealthiest countries

Why the United States is one of the unhealthiest countries

I have always wondered why the United States of America is one of the unhealthiest countries.

And today I got my answer:

In America it is not hip to be sick or ill.

It is only hip to continue doing what you have been doing, work, being a hero, and still expect to get well.

Why? Because you know better? You have no idea!

What do you think heals you? Medication? Healing energy? Continue reading “Why the United States is one of the unhealthiest countries”

Why am I harping on the shoulds… is there any more to see?

Why am I harping on the shoulds… is there any more to see?

Today I got to go deeper in the shoulds.

I actually saw that every single thing that causes you, causes Man to be miserable, is a should in one form or another.

What lead me on is this:

I woke up, as planned, at 3 am.

But I didn’t immediately get up. I wanted to measure if my healing client has maintained the healing I worked so hard last night on.

She didn’t. So I grieved a little… and then fell asleep. Next time I woke up it was 4:30. I heard in my head: I should have gotten up when I woke up. Continue reading “Why am I harping on the shoulds… is there any more to see?”

Sometimes you need a do or die situation to open your mind

Sometimes you need a do or die situation to open your mind

I am on a ‘cooking Hungarian’ spell…

So yesterday I looked up how others make spinach in Hungary.

To my utter surprise and maybe mortification, more than half of the recipes put bread into the dish.

That’s not how I know it! I can’t eat bread!

Both of those are hidden ‘shoulds’…

So today I made the dish exactly like they say. Continue reading “Sometimes you need a do or die situation to open your mind”

When you are sick, your only job is to be sick

When you are sick, your only job is to be sick

When you are sick, your only job is to be sick. NOT to heal yourself, but to be sick. Not to pretend to work, pretend to be well.

When you are sick, be sick.

What happens when you are trying to heal?

Then you resist reality… you replace reality with a should-be-reality.

Can your body do its job of healing you if and when you do that? No. It can’t. Continue reading “When you are sick, your only job is to be sick”

Organized medicine: 3% truth value, Alternative? Healers? 1%

Organized medicine: 3% truth value, Alternative? Healers? 1%

Every age has a favorite way to explain diseases, symptoms, and every age has been wrong.

There was a brief period in the 80’s maybe later. It started by Dr. Hulda Clark, and it was about parasites. And it was about enriching herself.

But she wasn’t altogether wrong, or not as wrong as organized medicine. Her method’s truth value was a whopping 7%… Still shabby, but less shabby. Continue reading “Organized medicine: 3% truth value, Alternative? Healers? 1%”

Commerce is king… and you are a peon, or maybe a rook.

Commerce is king… and you are a peon, or maybe a rook.

Judge Kenesaw Mountain Landis handing out a sentence to an old bank robber
’30 years’
‘Your honor, I’m 75 years old, I don’t have 30 years to serve’
‘Then do the best you can’

This joke pretty accurately summarizes our lives.

The odds are not on our sides to live out our lives fully.

I could say ‘by design’, but that would not be accurate.

What the heck am I talking about? About the conflict between you and commerce… Continue reading “Commerce is king… and you are a peon, or maybe a rook.”