How to eat, what to eat according to muscletest

How to eat, what to eat according to muscletest


Before I go into the meat of the article, I want to share something that you probably don’t expect.

I do small-group, tiny group experimental courses to test out topic and methodology. One of these small groups is two people Last week I had to stop the session, because both participants were dull, stupid, and nothing I said registered for them. So we rescheduled the session for yesterday. Continue reading “How to eat, what to eat according to muscletest”

The principle of compounding is not only about money

The principle of compounding is not only about money

The principle of compounding is not only about money

It is also in attaining the good life: health, wealth, love and fulfillment.

But not understanding the principle, having a narrow cone of vision will rob you of a chance for a life you love and live powerfully. If that is what you want… listen up. This may be the most disturbing and the most beneficial article you have ever read. Continue reading “The principle of compounding is not only about money”

My secret weapon or what I use in healing myself and others

My secret weapon or what I use in healing myself and others
Energy Healing

The Big Bundle is what I use to heal 90% of the time. Another energy is the Heaven on Earth (bundle) and the Source Light Energy.

We all hear and read about energy healing. And we hope they work… But most of that healing doesn’t work or it’s disappointing. Why? Continue reading “My secret weapon or what I use in healing myself and others”

I am learning something I hoped I’d never learn…

I am learning something I hoped I’d never learn…

People, when they are diagnosed with a life-threatening disease, they are willing to change what got them to have that disease.


With only a few exceptions. My younger brother is one… He had a triple bypass AND gall stones a few years ago. About 10 years ago.

He dropped all his access weight, started to move a whole lot more, started to eat differently… for a while.

I just measured his health measurements… and he is not well… again. Continue reading “I am learning something I hoped I’d never learn…”

Your health and your soul correction: what’s the connection?

Your health and your soul correction: what’s the connection?

More often than not, what makes you sick, ill, is you doing what you feel will make you feel better.

No discipline, and very narrow cone of vision.

Let’s look at that: what you think is making you well, or going to make you well.

What is there is low tolerance or no tolerance to feel how you feel. No willingness to be present, to observe it, to let it talk. You react.

TLB is the degree that you are reactive. Twitchy Little Bastard… TLB. Continue reading “Your health and your soul correction: what’s the connection?”

We are all in business one way or another.

We are all in business one way or another.

What is business? The purpose of a business is to get a customer.

Customer means: someone we sell something. Ourselves, a product, our time… our knowledge… our pretenses… our lies.

So, ultimately we are all in business, and we all have others who want what we have… Here is an older article of mine about who is your customer…our customer. A really useful way to look at life and at your relationships.

OK, now with that established, I can repeat what I heard yesterday… and it will make sense to you. Continue reading “We are all in business one way or another.”

If life looks and feels like it’s the same old, same old…

If life looks and feels like it’s the same old, same old…

If life looks and feels like it’s the same old, same old…

And for most people it does…

And it does look the same old, even though the only thing we know for sure that in reality the only constant is change… So why doesn’t what you see, change?

The answer can be unsettling… I hope for your sake that it is. Continue reading “If life looks and feels like it’s the same old, same old…”

What is the difference between fake and real healing?

What is the difference between fake and real healing?
Healing means: restoring to perfect health… the original state. How you are meant to be.

Doctors, healers, ‘medical intuitives’ make up diseases that then they can ‘cure’. No restoration. There is no money in health.

I don’t do made-up diseases… Source doesn’t see them as disease…

Made up diseases sit on a foundation of wrong… even though there is no ‘wrong’ in reality… only in words.

There are man-made, self-made conditions, that are not diseases, although they can be very unpleasant. Continue reading “What is the difference between fake and real healing?”

Better late than never… my newest battle cry

Better late than never… my newest battle cry

One of the annoying secrets of communicating with Source through muscletesting is that the questions need to be precise and specific.

I can touch a food and ask if it is good for me. And the answer is as imprecise as the question.

If I ask: is this food generally good for me? that’s a whole lot better.

As a rule of thumb Source considers every question as ‘right now’… and if you want to know if it will be good for you tomorrow, then ask that.

Often because of what else you have eaten on a given day, a perfectly good food will test as ‘no’.

Observing people, and myself as well, our tendency is to assume that the person or Source knows what we mean. This is the source of a lot of mischief… Continue reading “Better late than never… my newest battle cry”

Scarcity, fear of not enough, reciprocal altruism…

Scarcity, fear of not enough, reciprocal altruism…

Recently I learned some things… And when I learn something, I turn around and open my eyes widely… so I can see the big picture, so I can see how many and how far the dots are that belong to the same thing.

This article will document some of my learnings, and will let you see the dots that are not readily visible as part of the same distinction. Continue reading “Scarcity, fear of not enough, reciprocal altruism…”