New health article on my other blog: your digestion and your mood

I have been experimenting. I have also been muscletesting what supplement to take, for 2-3 weeks now. Before I only muscletested some minerals but took, every night, the stuff that helps me poop.

To my surprise, the muscletest didn’t agree with my habits: Intestinal Formula to move my bowels was needed every other day, and my extra strong probiotics was “yes” every third day, and the day in-between the regular probiotics was “yes”. Turns out, the regular probiotics has a different combination of beneficial bacteria.

I am still pooping every day, but the stool is firmer, and there are no recognizable food particles in it.

So, I have come to a conclusion that I’d like to share:

Food gets broken down, digested by bacteria in our intestinal track. But each type of food needs a different type of bacteria.

Read the rest of the article here

Drinking 8 glasses of Water Makes You Fat?

Drinking 8 glasses of Water Makes You Fat?

Drinking 8 glasses of water a day makes you FAT?

Yes, water that is not compatible with your body, that is not coherent, will cause you to put on weight. And the same is true with any food that is not a perfect match to your body.

All foods are toxic… but some your body is used to, through thousands of years of your ancestry developing a tolerance to the toxin in those few foods.

That’s what scientists are saying, and you’ll never guess the reason why. (Hint: It’s NOT water weight they’re talking about) Continue reading “Drinking 8 glasses of Water Makes You Fat?”

Why is it that you don’t like yourself, and your life?

Why is it that you don’t like yourself, and your life?

drinkingMore conspiracy theories that can open your eyes

Could you identify the many ways you don’t like yourself and your life?

Most likely, these areas are areas where conspiracy distorted your behavior, distorted your thinking, distorted your expectations.

Consciously, willfully, with malicious intent.
Continue reading “Why is it that you don’t like yourself, and your life?”

Two new posts on my healing blog

I’ll be 67 next week, so being well, getting better is a frequent thought. Working on myself is an activity I don’t find pleasure in… but luckily, as an empath, my hands on healing modality is healing by proxy, so when I work on a client I work on myself as well.

One of the things I seem to need regularly is liver flushing. Why? I don’t know, I don’t care, I only car that it gets done. But, and it is strange to me too, all the energies get stronger when there are recipients, so cleansing my own liver takes a lot more effort, than cleansing someone else’s and get my own done in the process.

So I strive to have at least one steady client at any one time, even if it is not a paid client.
Continue reading “Two new posts on my healing blog”

Healing, Curing, Self-Healing… a case study and a half

Healing, Curing, Self-Healing… a case study and a half

I just hung up with my friend. He sounded week…

Turns out he spent the past week in bed, has fever, and seems to have a systemic infection.

I, of course, volunteered to look around, see what I see, and do some healing work if I can.

He has a bacterial infection, a food carried bacteria, food poisoning, specifically he ate salad in a restaurant on his trip to Georgia the week before.

The doctor gave him a wide spectrum antibiotic.

The cause of weakness, and discomfort is now from the excretion of the bacteria.

Bacteria makes you ill by its byproduct… this bacteria seems to have a nerve toxin as a byproduct: my friend’s whole right side is shutting down, his right arm is already starting to be numb.
Continue reading “Healing, Curing, Self-Healing… a case study and a half”

Am I a healer because I seem to be healing certain things?

pic30I refuse to be categorized as a healer. I have energies, I have knowledge, I have empathic “sight”, I can “diagnose”, not legally but factually, I can recommend… but I am not a healer… and yet.

Almost 30 years ago I was in a program called “Emotions Anonymous”, a 12-step program. I wanted to deal with my anger. My anger came out in really threatening ways, sending both myself and others towards the hills…

It was, on one hand, a learned behavior… both my parents had a difficult time handling their anger towards me…

One of the participants in the group was Hungarian, and very miserable. I visited him one afternoon. His place was up to knee deep in newspapers, every room, the garage, the kitchen, every inch except for a two foot wide path to crucial places.
Continue reading “Am I a healer because I seem to be healing certain things?”

Are you holding your breath? Republished

holding your breathI never thought much about breathing… after all: who does?

But, because of my insomnia, because of my inability to fall asleep, because of the horrible nightmares, I took a class on relaxation techniques, and it was a breathing technique.

I don’t even know if I was just making it my own and changed the instructions, but the “my version” worked fairly well for decades. I took deep breaths and combined and made continuous the the in-breath and the out-breath… After a minute or two I got so lightheaded, that I drifted of to sleep.

Worked like a knockout… literally… lol.

But since I have raised my vibration, my body is not willing to participate in anything as drastic as that…

The reason breathing came up is not insomnia, but because I just finished a private session with a client, and want to share something with you:
Continue reading “Are you holding your breath? Republished”

Without integrity nothing works…

integrity-scoliosisI know you can’t feel anything, you have told me enough times. But if you considered that it isn’t true, that you feel, but aren’t conscious of it, that you suppress your feelings because they are unpleasant, then you could glean powerful guidance by your unpleasant feelings, if you could make yourself start to feel them.

Today I’d like to talk about the feelings that are like a ding, diiing, diiiing or a squeeze, squeeeeze, sqeeeeeeeeze. Don’t laugh, it is really difficult to create written symbols for feelings, music would be much better… but this should do. The feeling comes on sharply, and then it becomes dull, and duller…

You either feel it in your heart (that is where I feel it) or in your stomach. And yet other people feel it in the tightening of their throat. These are the three categories that I have distinguished, but it could be that you actually physically trip, feel weakness, or nausea.

We are going to hunt for feelings, but first we need to recognize them, so we’ll do an experiment first.
Continue reading “Without integrity nothing works…”

Depression: could it be caused by your sleep habits?

Depression: could it be caused by your sleep habits?

134006499Summary: when you declare that the state that you are in is depression, a loss of aliveness, a loss of piss and vinegar, then you suddenly have access to a power that you didn’t when you were just experiencing the exact same symptoms, without a label. This article is about what to do after the declaration

  • When life loses its taste
  • When sleeping tastes better than life
  • When you are not starting a project or stopping one you are in the middle of because you can’t see your way through it or because you don’t see that it can win
  • When you’d rather do menial stuff or watch movies
  • When you are obsessed with your sleep

Then you are, most likely, depressed.

Depression can be so low grade that most people would say it’s normal. Like with everything, you need a control, something to compare yourself with.
Continue reading “Depression: could it be caused by your sleep habits?”

More on fructose… what is causing your psoriasis?

I was doing research on Psoriasis: a lot of my clients have Psoriasis… very unpleasant, ugly, and can turn cancerous. I found this article… and it is about my favorite politically incorrect topic, fructose… here is the article in its entirety

Fructose: undoubtedly one of the most dangerous items in our food supply right now

Our food supply is being subjected to dramatic changes with untested chemicals, additives, and processing techniques. Continue reading “More on fructose… what is causing your psoriasis?”