4 types of animals… which one sleeps like you should

4 types of animals… which one sleeps like you should
A sleep doctor says 4 types of animals represent how people sleep — and these are the ideal daily routines for each

When it comes to health and productivity, it’s not just about what you do — eating right, exercising, and working hard — it’s also about when you do it.

Chronobiology is the study of internal clocks, how they differ among people, and how you can adjust your daily schedule to suit your unique biological rhythm. Each person’s rhythm, or chronotype, is different.

According to psychologist and sleep specialist Dr. Michael Breus, there are four chronotypes, which he labels dolphins, lions, bears, and wolves. Roughly half the population is made up of bears; the rest is split among dolphins, lions, and wolves.

Breus’ website includes a diagnostic quiz readers can take to try to identify their chronotype.

In Breus’ book “The Power of When,” he outlines the ideal daily routine for each chronotype. Below, you’ll find the highlights of those schedules.

Keep in mind that it’s virtually impossible to have a perfect day every day, so make the changes you realistically can.


reprinted from Business Insider

Does what you know about eating serve you well?

Does what you know about eating serve you well?

I wrote about skill building yesterday.

One of the skills you need to build is to eat right.

The information out there is faulty.

Just like the person who commented on my site this morning, people, who are clueless, misguided, delusional, have as much right to post on the internet as people with legitimate knowledge. And they do… in droves.

It is as if you went to a school where the teachers were volunteers from all walks of life, and you can’t tell the difference between what they teach and what is so.

A lot like church. If you say it fervently enough, it must be true.
Continue reading “Does what you know about eating serve you well?”

What clued me in that Tinnitus is probably an energetic disturbance, like an energetic attachment?

What clued me in that Tinnitus is probably an energetic disturbance, like an energetic attachment?

When I watched that video on the Reddit method… it is an energetic method to disrupt negative energy… I have learned versions of it from a guy who used it as a ski instructor to remove clients’ fear… It works and it’s energetic.

So if that is the case, all the methods out there that are not energetic, claiming to do something with Tinnitus are B.S.

So, with the limited knowledge I have, let me look what I think “energetic disturbance” is.

For one: it is in the invisible realm. So when someone is told: it is all in your head… dismissing them and their complaints, the most likely cause is: energetic disturbance.

  • Tinnitus seems to be only in your head… it isn’t.
  • Fear… irrational fear. Seems to be only in your head… maybe it isn’t.
  • Schizophrenia… seems to be only in your head, though some claim that they can see it in an EEG… but, of course, EEG checks energetic stuff…
  • Many blockages are energetic.

Electrical, chemical communication… energetic. Continue reading “What clued me in that Tinnitus is probably an energetic disturbance, like an energetic attachment?”

Tinnitus and energetic attachments. Can attachments be the cause of Tinnitus, the ringing of the ears?

Tinnitus and energetic attachments. Can attachments be the cause of Tinnitus, the ringing of the ears?

baby-tinnitusI have one client with Tinnitus.

Tinnitus is a noise you hear in your ear… It can be whistling, rustling, the sound of rushing blood…

It can interfere with your sense of well-being.

I have had a pulsing noise (pulsing to the rhythm of my heart beat) in my ear for some time… but because of all the emotional load on me, I am tough as nail… so it was just “par for the day”… for me.

But my client really suffered.

So… on Sunday there was a video in my “Digg” email about how a simple technique created silence for Tinnitus sufferers. The video didn’t say for how long. I said: OK…
Continue reading “Tinnitus and energetic attachments. Can attachments be the cause of Tinnitus, the ringing of the ears?”

Are you a zombie? There are reasons for that…

Are you a zombie? There are reasons for that…

are you a zombie?For the second night in a row I am dreaming of spices.

My dreams repeat until I get and acknowledge what they are teaching me.

In case of this dream, the fact that the reason we eat spices because they have the trace minerals we need to live. To be healthy. To be well.

In Hungary, every meal has a compatible salad, which is NOT some leaf and salad dressing like in America, but some vegetable, some spices, and some vinaigrette of sort.

If it is not fresh vegetable in the winter, then it is a preserve. That has mustard seeds, or dill, or some other spice or spices.

The food we call vegetables has practically nothing useful for us in them, with the exception of the innocent looking zucchini, which is practically our only source of Manganese. And without Manganese we can’t sparkle. We can’t step dance to work. No energy, no shine. Why? Because most enzymes, the miraculous chemical agents, can’t be manufactured without them in the body. No enzymes, you dull. No enzymes and you are sluggish, you are sickly, you lack energy. Continue reading “Are you a zombie? There are reasons for that…”

Hemp kernels… the perfect food that’s also tasty

Hemp kernels… the perfect food that’s also tasty

I don’t remember why I first bought hemp seeds but I did… and ate a tablespoonful here and there. Last September, I think…

It made no noticeable difference. I guess the hulled seeds and little bits of hull staying in the mix didn’t make it that appetizing. Had to brush my teeth after it… the kernels stuck to my teeth.

But when about a month ago I found out that coffee was going to kill me, lol, I was looking for something that could help. I wanted to go back to drinking tea, but I can’t drink tea without milk. And tea without milk also tests too acidic for me. That was also the problem with coffee. I have a sensitive stomach and a damaged esophagus.

So I looked for information on how to make almond milk at home, and found out that hulled hemp seeds made great hemp milk… Tested it and lo and behold, they do. Much smoother and richer than almonds.

And because I am a tea addict, I am drinking a godawful lot of hemp milk with my tea… and I am getting better. Healthier. Stronger. Younger looking. My wrinkles are smoothing out, which I didn’t much care about, but others do. Continue reading “Hemp kernels… the perfect food that’s also tasty”

You got well… Yeah, but what did you do?

You got well… Yeah, but what did you do?

My health number is at 60%. I am not healthy. Yet.

I know you expect me to be healthy, given that I give you health advice.

But what qualifies me to give health advice is not my current number. It’s increasing my health number from 7% to 60% in a year! That is what qualifies me to give health advice. And of course that I can muscletest stuff for you and me

You see, most people have a much lower health number, even though they are a lot younger than me. I am nearing 70 years old. And I am from a family with not very high life expectancy.

Longevity is not a Jewish trait.
Continue reading “You got well… Yeah, but what did you do?”

You can raise your energy by listening to a simple audio

You can raise your energy by listening to a simple audio

I don’t quite know why it works so well, but it does. So let me try to decipher. and see why it works, what it does, how it creates such a dramatic difference in your energy level… OK?

As usual, my students, volunteering to be guinea pigs, tested it. And this morning I connected to them and measured their cell hydration… and the numbers are proof: the audio works directly on their cell water level, meaning the cells are willing to use more water because more water is coherent inside your body.

Coherence is like the difference between orderly and chaotic. Cells are not willing to use chaotic, incoherent water. Coherence, just like boiling point, is at a set level of energy: 653 on the vibrational scale. Being that natural waters found on the planet are between 150 and 250 vibration, it takes a lot of energy to make water coherent. Continue reading “You can raise your energy by listening to a simple audio”

How do I avoid becoming sick… and what do I do when I do get sick?

How do I avoid becoming sick… and what do I do when I do get sick?

how to prevent a full blown coldIt’s the season of colds. Why? Because the weather is changing and unless you change with it, you are screwed.

In evolutionary terms the two capacities/behaviors that almost guarantees survival are awareness and changeability.

Yesterday I violated both.

I have had this cold lurk inside for for six weeks now, and when I woke up yesterday and had signs of sore throat, I opted to drink my tea, instead of spraying my throat with my throat remedy.

By early afternoon I was chilled. Then I opted to finish my Duolingo exercise, instead of going to bed and get well.
Continue reading “How do I avoid becoming sick… and what do I do when I do get sick?”

Are not getting well on the diet I muscletested for you?

Are not getting well on the diet I muscletested for you?

Some people’s health number first rises and then plummets again. One in ten, on average.

What do the people whose health number behaves like this have in common?

First off, let me say that they mean well… but…

They violate some basic ground rules of the system I suggest for well-being.

The system is based on the theory, that if you eat and behave consistent with what your personal genetics suggest, then you will be well. But it seems that a food list used in the 21st century way is not able to do it for most people.

What is the 21st century way? You have vegetables, supplements, spices, fruits from all the five continents. Many are hybridized. Many are GMO. Many are sprayed to stay fresh, irradiated, cooked, pasteurized… All of which was impossible for your ancestors, and only came about in the past maybe 50-100 years. The same time span that people are getting fat, getting chronic diseases, and human intelligence, creativity, and hardiness are diminishing.
Continue reading “Are not getting well on the diet I muscletested for you?”