The pretense to know… and cancer. The pursuit of smarts

The pretense to know… and cancer. The pursuit of smarts

That’s me on the picture, 20 years ago… Waiting to get wet on the USA side of Niagara Falls… A perfect example of becoming… Scared, anticipating, not knowing what is going to happen.

We, humans, negotiate our way in life… with circumstances, schedules, things, and other people. From cradle to grave… we could say, that is life… negotiating every step, winning some and losing some.

But here is the thing: the rules are not clear, not clean, and not overt.

You cannot be sure what constitutes winning, and what constitutes losing a step… in fact, most steps: you have no idea.

But, as society, as a race, we have trained ourselves to pretend: to look as if we knew… maybe even feel as if we knew. Continue reading “The pretense to know… and cancer. The pursuit of smarts”

The human body is not one size fits all or most

The human body is not one size fits all or most

what is good for me might not be good for youI first had this thought in the title when I read the book: Eat right for your type, some 24 years ago. That is when after 20 years of being slim, suddenly I grew  four sizes… and became a whale. The blood type diet didn’t make me slim… but the germ of the idea that we are not all the same inside took root in me.

My next time to get this idea to strengthen was the ‘eating styles‘ I got from the Human Design Institute. It didn’t make me slim, but it made me have a lot more energy than I had before, and a whole lot less of indigestion.

And lastly, when about 10 years after that I connected to Source, or whatever you want to call what I am connecting to, and started my conversations with it, through muscletesting, I started to see the tremendous differences inside people, the differences that don’t clearly show on their outside, or even in their attitudes. Continue reading “The human body is not one size fits all or most”

Are you the bowler or the bowling ball? in the hands of…

Are you the bowler or the bowling ball? in the hands of…

Are you the bowler or the bowling ball? A bowling ball in the hands of your pancreas and your thyroid…

One of the enemies you need to work against, and I mean WORK against, is the impression other people give you, that if you can see it, you can do it.

That if you see a result, you can have it.

It seems to be sold and bought wholesale by nearly everyone, and buying that, of course, reduces you to a thing that engages in wishful thinking, but does no productive work.

It is so seductive to think that forcing yourself to do work belongs to lesser people. That to actually learn how to climb the mountain, get the right gear, get the right guidance is something you’ll never have to do… because you are special, you are better.

And, obviously, we are not only talking about climbing a mountain, we are talking about things you want to, you could achieve, but you don’t, in any area of life. Continue reading “Are you the bowler or the bowling ball? in the hands of…”

Let’s repair your thyroid and your pancreas

Let’s repair your thyroid and your pancreas

When I turned 10 I started to put on weight. With starving myself, I was slim for about 20 years of my life, pleasantly plump and occasionally fat the other 40. I am 72 now, and my weight is creeping up. Again. It’s at 145. It was 125 at the start of the lockdown. I am 5’4″, 163 cm.

I am sure I am not alone with weight issues. I move less, and I eat more. Douse nervous energy with eating. The caged animal syndrome.

In these three months I put on 20 pounds.

So I have been searching for ways to slim down: my willpower is low nowadays, so real dieting and going hungry is out of the question. I can’t do it, I won’t do it.

I watched many sales videos and I think I have found what I was looking for… at least that is how it seems.

I started to take this supplement a week ago, so I have taken it seven times. I take three capsules. I muscletested. Muscletest says: take 3.

This is what happened: I have no hunger. None. Not even for snacking. I have been a grazer all my life… I am having no cravings. I checked and I am consuming between 1000 and 1200 calories, because my mind says: you need to eat… but I am not hungry.

I have dropped three pounds. If this keeps up, I’ll be at my normal weight again in two months.

Honestly, being 72 years… this is not about being petty… too late for that… but

My panties are tight
I am tolerating the heat poorly
My ankles are welling, and I don’t want to exercise, or go out for even a brief walk

Want to see out what I found?

But before you go and buy it, let me check if it is going to work for you. I don’t think everything works for everyone.

I need a picture of you to be able to connect to you… So just send me a picture of yourself and a request to measure if the thing will work for you… I’ll do it right away… unless, of course, I am busy otherwise.

That is an affiliate link… I get paid if you buy through it. That is why I am willing to give you a bonus: measuring your health measurements. It’s a $25 value. It will tell you what’s off with your body and what are the causes. If it is an illness, I’ll even attempt to identify what it is for you. You need to send me your receipt from buying.

I am also looking what it is I can do to counter my sluggish thyroid and my misbehaving pancreas… I can’t see myself eating less right now.

Source tells me that I can heal them both with Light energy… the same I use for liver and brain cleanse… But will that be enough? Will I be better and fat? lol.

Source says: maybe. My pancreas and my thyroid gland will work well, but we’ll still have the loss of sensitivity of my cells to insulin. Continue reading “Let’s repair your thyroid and your pancreas”

Take away from longevity studies regardless your age

Take away from longevity studies regardless your age

Ever since I discovered that I can measure numbers about health, the health of different organs, and even biological age, I have been interested in listening to anti-aging, longevity “experts”.

I admit, my grasp, my understanding is sketchy at best, and yet some of the health measurement numbers and my knowledge about the person they belong to start making more sense, than not.

So I am going to share with you, here, some of the valid insights I have gained. I say valid because I muscletest and Source says “true” “not true” “truth value” Continue reading “Take away from longevity studies regardless your age”

Can you be sick and be well at the same time?

Can you be sick and be well at the same time?

what-i-wantSome days the DS energies are stronger than others. Today is one of those days.

The energies can effect the emotions (just like the ones in the Heaven on Earth! just the opposite way: make them stronger instead of weakening them), other days the energies are like physical pain… if you imagine someone using a voodoo doll to torture you, by proxy.

I have an appointment at 3 and I need to decide if I should cancel it.

I connect to Source, and I muscletest: “Am I going to be well at 3?” The answer is yes. I know that the question was “illegal”, I am not allowed to divinate, ask questions about the future. Hm… I ask another question: “Am I OK now?” and the answer is yes.

I laugh and laugh and laugh. It’s funny.
Continue reading “Can you be sick and be well at the same time?”

Deception abounds in all areas of life… not just politics, not just fake news…

Deception abounds in all areas of life… not just politics, not just fake news…
The number of doctor-driven sales videos of scientifically put together herbs and components is proliferating in my email box.

I have spent some time, actually many hours, to listen to these sales videos, and diligently muscletested what is true about them and what is lie about them.

This is what I’ve found:

The scientific/experiential basis of these ‘remedies’ is relatively sound. The average truth value, in this aspect, is 30%, with some as high as 70%, and some as low as 10%. The scientific base… not their product!!! Please read that again. Thank you. Continue reading “Deception abounds in all areas of life… not just politics, not just fake news…”

Will you breeze through or will you die from the virus… if you get it?

Will you breeze through or will you die from the virus… if you get it?

My only friend who doesn’t keep to staying home, and still does errands for me and for other old people like me, just picked up a package from me to take it to the UPS store for me.

She was crying… everyone is on her case… including her daughter. I was on her case even yesterday.

Today I was grateful to her for being a rebel… rebelling against mandatory behavior modification… so much that it made even me think and start doing alternative thinking.

I admit, I have been behaving like the six million Jews (among them 34 of my family) who allowed themselves to be herded into cattle carts and into gas chambers…

Oy. Continue reading “Will you breeze through or will you die from the virus… if you get it?”

What if you’ve been wrong? What if I have been wrong? Get a different view…

What if you’ve been wrong? What if I have been wrong? Get a different view…

My downstairs neighbor is a healthcare worker, a private company making housecalls to old folks who can’t take care of themselves, but insist on living at home, instead of institutions.

About 10 days ago she suddenly started not going to work, and being really fearful… unfortunately as an empath I have to suffer through that with her.

One day she had some fever and stayed in bed… nothing since then. She is in good mood most of the day.

I have been asking Source to tell me who has the virus and who doesn’t, and Source has been inconsistent with that: that is a clear indication:

Source is saying: this is a stupid question… huh?

So I have been getting intensely curious… Continue reading “What if you’ve been wrong? What if I have been wrong? Get a different view…”

The role of the size of your visual field in life

The role of the size of your visual field in life
tunnel visionTunnel Vision

One of the barriers to a successful life is your tendency to look at the world with a tightly narrowed cone of vision.

You only see a tiny sliver of what-is, and you make your decisions from that.

It’s like doing grocery shopping in a pitch dark grocery store you are not familiar with, having access only to a pen-light… you would have to look at everything and it would take you hours what would only take me minutes.

But worse than that: what you actually see at the light of the pen-light, you now drag it into your man-cave… your mind, and start chewing on it… or denying it… either way: You stopped looking. Continue reading “The role of the size of your visual field in life”