Words create your emotions, your reality, your next action

Words create your emotions, your reality, your next action

Words create your emotions, your reality, your next action, your beingness, your attitude… everything

‘Law of attraction’ teachers abuse this fact… and fleece you, dupe you, and infuse you with delusional beliefs. But regardless… it is true. Words create worlds. But not all words, and definitely not imprecise words…

In this article I’ll deal with that imprecision.

Words create your emotions, your reality, your next action, your beingness, your attitude… everything. Everything you can’t wrap some words around don’t exist for you.

Do you think it would be a good idea to use the words with some finesse, precision, instead of doing it with sloppiness?

Of course, how you do anything is how you do everything: if you are a sloppy person, your language will be sloppy too.
If you are stingy…
If you are a time waster…
If you are cowardly…
If you are a liar, a cheater, a bombastic promiser who never delivers…

You get the drift, I hope. Continue reading “Words create your emotions, your reality, your next action”

Why you are fat, tired, listless, dumb, moody, and lack libido (if you do)…

Why you are fat, tired, listless, dumb, moody, and lack libido (if you do)…
tired, listless, dumbUltimate healing is possible

You are tired, you are fat, you are listless and you are dumb… oh and moody, argumentative, resistant, edgy… Hard to be with… Or maybe you are meek and don’t have the courage to take care of yourself… Maybe it is not only in your head, maybe it is not only your personality… Maybe it has a lot to do with what you eat, what you drink, and this article is about that…

You have pieces of information here, pieces of information there, disconnected, most of it is untrue. In fact, the average truth value of information on the planet is 1%

The market is flooded with information and products that claim that all your misery is caused by a single cause… It’s bacteria! It’s viruses! You simply lack of enzymes! You are not breathing enough! You lack minerals, here is Youngevity! You’ll get well! You lack essential fatty acids, here, take this! You need to move! Start exercising! You are too acidic, you need to drink alkaline water! You lack of this, you lack of that. And, of course, those products will fix that one single cause… or not even that.

These bombastic claims hit a nerve in you, and you buy what they are selling. Then, for a month (or so) you’ll feel better… only to go back to feeling weak and sick, and sore, and sluggish, and depressed… etc. again.

Then comes along another product and you try that… another good month… and then come a slew of other products… but nothing really ever changes. You are tired, sluggish, fat, dumb… however you were before you started.

How do I know? I used to do that myself.
Continue reading “Why you are fat, tired, listless, dumb, moody, and lack libido (if you do)…”

Ask Source: Leptin Resistance, is it a racket?

Ask Source: Leptin Resistance, is it a racket?

What is up with the ever growing number of sales videos pushing Leptin resistance supplements?

Leptin is sometimes called the satiety hormone.

First guestion to Source: is leptin resistance real? yes, says Source. It is.

Source says that people who never diet, have never dieted, don’t get fat.

The next question: even if they eat the same food that makes us fat? the answer was ‘no’. If they eat the same food as dieters eat, everybody gets fat.

WTF? Continue reading “Ask Source: Leptin Resistance, is it a racket?”

Gratitude, appreciation is a context. even coherence

Gratitude, appreciation is a context. even coherence
You either live in a context you create, or you live in a context that is given to you.

The more you live in a context created by you the more you have a Self.

It can even be said: Self is a context… or maybe it is the sum total of the contexts you live in, you live through.

The reason my own numbers are consistent is because I live my whole life, public, private, unconscious, even my dreams, out of a consistent sets of contexts: gratitude, appreciation, expanding, service, joy, curiosity, flying the spirit, etc. Continue reading “Gratitude, appreciation is a context. even coherence”

Nowadays everyone wants to know their eating style

Nowadays everyone wants to know their eating style

This COVID nonsense has caused a lot of change in how people live… one of them is being on the seefood diet… eating anything that looks like food…

I myself packed on 20 lbs before I could first slow it down and reverse it. 20 lbs when you are 73 years old is a lot of pounds… by the way. I have less muscles to burn it off… and the other non-beneficial side-effect: now I want to eat more than I was eating in ‘peacetime’… all working against me.

And when you are on a ‘seefood diet’ there are other problems as well.

Your body is not willing or not able to digest completely what you eat. Continue reading “Nowadays everyone wants to know their eating style”

Why is my food list so restrictive all of a sudden?!

Why is my food list so restrictive all of a sudden?!

The food list for my clients seems to be getting more and more restricted… and I started to wonder why.

I have only six vegetable items on my list, for example.

Some of my clients ditto… some even less than six…

I could not figure out why, until this past week. I stumbled on a novel by an author I have thought I had read every book by… except the one I borrowed through my Kindle Unlimited from Amazon.

To my surprise the book is fully about food, the food supply turning into toxic by GMO practices.

Although I had no idea about this whole thing… Source, who/what is my secret ‘partner’ in muscletesting, knows this… and removes every item of food that in a particular market is known to be GMO. And even if an item has an Organic label, if the lands around are GMO crops, or if the seeds are GMO, there is no such thing as healthy organic.

Such is the state of matters nowadays… the Biotech companies have conspired to kill off humanity… there is no nicer way to say what is going on. Continue reading “Why is my food list so restrictive all of a sudden?!”

Your ignorance in the area of health is killing you

Your ignorance in the area of health is killing you

grm_newI have a simple, cheap, and accurate report you can order… and I’ll be able to tell you some 20 health measures… and also where your problems are coming from.

Lately I have had a slew of people with cancer of all kinds asking for this report. Continue reading “Your ignorance in the area of health is killing you”

Everything and its opposite is true or a lie… oh my!

Everything and its opposite is true or a lie… oh my!

It’s hard to make sense of things… because everything seems to be true, and then the opposite seems to be true too.

This is especially true nowadays, in the year of Covid whatever it is, and the election year. Global warming, and rapidly approaching uncertainty about the economy, about the future, about our ability to make a living.

Is this a conspiracy to enslave humanity?

Is this an accident? Is the virus manufactured and released? Are the face masks do anything worth doing? Should we worry, or should we look for the silver lining, and use the time as a way to become our best self?

If you were prepared like very few have been, this Covid thing can be, could be an opportunity… but very few ever does anything that prepares them for an opportunity.

And even the ones that could use these new circumstances as a springboard to go higher, don’t. Continue reading “Everything and its opposite is true or a lie… oh my!”

You don’t actually create your own reality

You don’t actually create your own reality

Yesterday I had one of the rare one-on-one calls, and the client said: “You create your own reality”

You’ve heard me say: truth repeated is a lie… and most of the time I don’t know how to explain why it is… but this is one of the times when I can.

You see, reality is the same no matter who is looking at it. What you create is not reality. What you create is your vantage point. Your attitude. The context inside which you look at reality.

But not reality.

So what really changing is is the occurrence.

Occurrence is a technical term for reality plus what you say about it. Continue reading “You don’t actually create your own reality”

We are all at the mercy of cancer… old age, etc. eventually

We are all at the mercy of cancer… old age, etc. eventually

I want to ‘muse’ about cancer a little bit more… not because it is my or anyone’s favorite topic, but because we are all at the mercy of cancer.

I will only say what I actually KNOW, I am not repeating anything I haven’t seen, experienced, checked with Source.

So this will be a really short article… And I know I am going to make a lot of people angry… So be it…

The question is not what causes cancer… cancer isn’t caused by anything, cancer is ever present in the body. Cancer cells are born all the time.

Cancer isn’t caused by anything

The problem begins when the cancers cells are not removed by the immune system. When your immune system is sluggish, or too busy working on some other issue that you caused, the cancer cells behave like mice when the cat is busy. Proliferate. Continue reading “We are all at the mercy of cancer… old age, etc. eventually”