What is a bigger threat than global warming?

What is a bigger threat than global warming?

Oxygen. Just google “air oxygen content historically” without the quotation marks, and be amazed how much you don’t know.

Humanity, life, evolved to a certain mix of conditions on Planet Earth, long long time ego. Billions of years? Long time.

Billions of dollars I may understand… 1-2-3 and I count to billions. But billions of years? So between 1 and 2 I have to wait a year? lol… I can’t fathom that. So a long long time ago is enough for me. Continue reading “What is a bigger threat than global warming?”

Starting something new, especially if you need the results

Starting something new, especially if you need the results

Starting something new, especially if you need the results is an arduous process. Whether what you start is in health, wealth, love or fulfillment… the process is the same. Difficult.

Because the process requires several spiritual capacities, and abilities that most people don’t have.

I am going to assume that you already have some capacities…

you are Continue reading “Starting something new, especially if you need the results”

How the Canadian Government controls its people

How the Canadian Government controls its people

For years I have been pondering what the Canadian government does that makes its constituency so miserable and feel so superior at the same time.

Today a little corner of the mystery lifted.

A client of mine, “Finish What You Start” soul correction, has written me a long message describing his feelings and his behavior of being taken off task, off focus by idle curiosity, sensation and excitement seeking, while he would like to be focused, calm, well… and among others: sleep well.

I recommended that he takes Lithium Orotate, an inexpensive mineral supplement, that has worked miracles with my clients who had a difficulty staying focused, staying on target, getting to sleep on time, and getting enough restful sleep. Continue reading “How the Canadian Government controls its people”

When human arrogance puts its feet in the door truth escapes

When human arrogance puts its feet in the door truth escapes

When human arrogance sticks its feet in the door truth escapes

The average truth value of medical and body science is 3%. The 97% combines what we don’t know, and what arrogance says… and is not true.

Today I had luck on my side, and I was taken to a site and to a ‘technology’ that has a higher truth value. It is a whopping 10%. Which means 90% is b.s. Continue reading “When human arrogance puts its feet in the door truth escapes”

What I learned in a heart to heart with Source today…

What I learned in a heart to heart with Source today…

I had a heart to heart with Source today. I wasn’t happy. Source didn’t care… lol. What is Source? It seems that it is the Source of all ‘light’, life, of everything on the side of Life.

The conversation was about what Source considered well… What Source considers good.

Homeostasis, ess… and growth. Continue reading “What I learned in a heart to heart with Source today…”

Lethargy, aimlessness, listlessness, the blahs, no ambition?

Lethargy, aimlessness, listlessness, the blahs, no ambition?

In the Wisdom Course I took more than 25 years ago, between Saturday and Sunday we had a homework. To write an autobiography through a filter of our choice.

The filter could be where you lived, who you live with, your love affairs, your schooling, your health, the sports you participated in… anything.

I don’t remember what filter I used then, but in this article I’ll do a little of that homework through the filter: depression. Continue reading “Lethargy, aimlessness, listlessness, the blahs, no ambition?”

Entitlement, pretense, cancer. Are we all dying?

Entitlement, pretense, cancer. Are we all dying?

Some conspiracy theorists say that the COVID virus was intended to reduce the world’s population by a lot… but it escaped the laboratory before it was ready.

I have read several books that talk about human manufactured pathogens for the express purpose to create a new earth with just the rich and powerful continuing to exist. Continue reading “Entitlement, pretense, cancer. Are we all dying?”

It’s not your fault. No one has taught you this…

It’s not your fault. No one has taught you this…

So let’s agree on what we’ll call ‘powerful’ in this article, shall we?

Power is measured with the speed at which we take a thing from A to B. To make things happen.

Most of us don’t take many things from A to B… So we pretend that we do. We lie about it. And we pretend to be faster than we are… while we are doing none of the ‘taking a thing from A to B’. We talk. We look busy. And we do busy-body-ing… advising others, lording over others. Continue reading “It’s not your fault. No one has taught you this…”

Are you a Frank or a Matt? In business, in life…

Are you a Frank or a Matt? In business, in life…

Frank vs Matt is a concept Andre Chaperon came up with to help demonstrate the two camps or categories (or models) that us marketers operate within.

Although Frank and Matt are not real ‘flesh and blood’ people per se — their traits are absolutely real and based on real people.

You’re currently one of them. Continue reading “Are you a Frank or a Matt? In business, in life…”