Why unconditional love is damaging but what is loving?

Why unconditional love is damaging, and why setting conditions is healthy… even loving?

My new 20-day skill learning challenge is to listen and internalize 20 videos by Hungarian, now dead, psychologist, Peter Popper.

Why am I doing this challenge? What will this give me?

I am self-taught… or more precisely: I have an education that is hodge podge, eclectic: I gathered knowledge from all over the place, and I have gaping holes, that until this day I had no idea where to fill or how.

The gaping holes are so big, that some of my students could slip through: Whatever I knew didn’t help them to become all they can become.

With that said, I listened to a Dr. Popper masterclass on youtube, sadly, it is in Hungarian, with subtitles that you need to set to your own language…

Dr Popper’s masterclasses, a whole lot of them, have 60% truth value, 30% of what he says fills in my gaping holes. Continue reading “Why unconditional love is damaging but what is loving?”

You never feel bad about what you think you feel bad about

Homo Sapiens, as a species, is pretty messed up. Everything sets its emotions off, and the specimen gets all emotional, angry, afraid, violent, or sad and depressed.

This emotional reactivity makes getting things done near impossible, learning, or having people together pretty hopeless.

Almost all diseases are a consequence of this phenomenon… people eat to soothe themselves. People eat to eat another out of their fortune. People eat to feel superior. People eat to get some enjoyment out of life.

And they eat to fix the damage that overeating caused, and do all kinds of unnecessary things to reduce the damage. Continue reading “You never feel bad about what you think you feel bad about”

You don’t know that you don’t know. We don’t have a word for

I am working to take some of you back to the place where we abandoned the evolutionary path that would have taken up higher, to the promised land, and made a wrong turn.

From being guided by our feelings to being guided by word.

By feelings I am talking about the sensations our bodies give us, not about the emotions that are exclusively marker feelings, created by words. Continue reading “You don’t know that you don’t know. We don’t have a word for”

Are feelings and emotions the same? Do you know?

Telling them apart will make you a happier, more accomplished person!

Why all techniques of increasing Emotional Intelligence are b.s…

…and not effecting the level of happiness, the level of well-being of people who practice it.

Same is true about the Emotional Guidance System of Abraham/ Hicks… b.s. and ineffective. Why? Because they are trying to change the fruits instead of the roots… Putting makeup on syphilitic lesions. 1 Or pimples, if you are squeamish…

Feelings are clean. They do four simple things. Make you go for it, make you stop, direct you towards pleasure and away from pain… They are the seed level. The foundation. 2Feelings are what guides you as an organism to feed yourself, to procreate, to stay safe, or to fight. To have a community to belong to, and to have enough information so you know what to do[/note.]

Emotions are a construct on the top of them, created by words, created by marker feelings, and are a veritable mess.
Continue reading “Are feelings and emotions the same? Do you know?”

Reframing… Label of ethnicity or cultural origin

One of the things that came up in the Muscletesting Course is ethnicity.

Ethnicity is “the fact or state of belonging to a social group that has a common national or cultural tradition.”

Continue reading “Reframing… Label of ethnicity or cultural origin”

The dynamics of your suffering, and misery explained

laugh with them at yourselfFeedback is a 13th floor (Tree of Life) phenomenon…

If someone mocks you, laugh with them. It is obvious that humans, on the current level of evolution, live in comparison. I am better, smarter, richer, etc. than you/others.

So they mock you, judge you, try to change you. Normal.

You allow your ego to resist: you suffer. You allow your ego to fight back: you suffer.

The best way to deal with it is to laugh with them, agree with them. It takes the wind out of their sail.

All pain, all suffering comes from from your resistance, is the feeling of your own resistance. Continue reading “The dynamics of your suffering, and misery explained”

When the empath is stumped… or what is love? Can seals love?

Seal Finds Toy Version Of Itself, Can’t Stop Hugging It

I have been looking at the pictures of this seal treating the plush version of itself with obvious feelings and every time I shake my head and say… “no, animals can’t love”.

But what if what we see on these pictures is what love is, and not what we have been calling love on the Tree of Knowledge? What if?

I have a stuffed toy, a tiny bean bag tiger, I have been acting the same way as this seal. And the feelings I feel myself, and the feelings I feel from the seal are exactly the same.

So what is love? What is the seal feeling, what am I feeling?
Continue reading “When the empath is stumped… or what is love? Can seals love?”

Become someone who is living a life worth living

I have had people, ex-students, who tried the 67 steps and decided that it is not the way to learn… no matter what Sophie says… They knew better.

I could not put my finger on the attitude. I could see that it didn’t work, I could see that it didn’t serve them, but I didn’t have a word for it.

Until today, through listening to Step 4 of the 67 Steps.

This step, step 4 is about learning through mentors. Mentors are teachers, but not classroom teachers. One-on-one instruction where the teaching is tailored to you. Where you learn through osmosis. You emulate their whole being, how they approach issues… it is largely nonverbal.

By the way, it’s took me 16 months to seriously consider picking a mentor or two… to emulate. In every other area I had some results… in this one I just got to considering it… this is an 18 month schedule, not instant results…

Continue reading “Become someone who is living a life worth living”

Feelings are running you. Do you have a handle on your feelings?

marker feelingsI am republishing this article, because of the new insights… that everything that is not need based is the not-you, the society created “IT”, the not self, and because it is very difficult to explain… I need these articles to be together… Eventually I’ll find the right words that communicate to more people.

Needs are feelings. They run you, from the inside. Need is a feeling… and it can be on many levels.

Animals have needs. Human have the same needs, and more.

Depending on how many needs you have, you are on different evolutionary levels of humanity.

In this article we’ll need with the two needs where most get stuck: the needs of the self. These are non-physical needs, resulting in non-physical pain if not met, and pleasure if they are met.

So let’s begin.

I have always wondered why it is that only people who commit to something and then work on it are ever happy.

I could not explain it with the limited knowledge I’ve had… but this is changing.
Continue reading “Feelings are running you. Do you have a handle on your feelings?”

Violence: is it innate, or is it imposed on humanity?

the path to self-actualization... the tree of lifeOne of my students wrote to me:

Self-care. I perform the poorest and I’m not consistent. Not sure what one category it fits under, in a way I can see it being a part of all big four areas of life.

To me it’s like I need to steal it in order to get it, it doesn’t come naturally or where I don’t feel guilty. Even reading by myself I feel guilty of being selfish. It’s etched in me and so when I do want to take care of myself it feels like I have to fight for the right, when I really don’t.

Now, it should be obvious for anyone who has read the Feelings book that what she is talking about is the basic needs of a human. That the phenomenon she talks about is not personal, that most women, especially in different male-centered cultures will mistakenly behave like this: violently deny their own needs. Rights vs. needs. Continue reading “Violence: is it innate, or is it imposed on humanity?”