Headphone special offers… limited quantity. USA address only.

Headphone special offers… limited quantity. USA address only.

Have been thinking of getting something for yourself?

I have two limited special offers for you:

I just re-ordered a bunch of headphones… and have only one, a black one… So I won’t have this available unless you are willing to wait…

Deal #1:

Get get the whole 67 steps on a chip shipped to you with the best headphones I have ever owned

Continue reading “Headphone special offers… limited quantity. USA address only.”

What is a more important, what you do or what you don’t do?

What is a more important, what you do or what you don’t do?

Dr Wallach says: what you don’t put in your mouth is more important to your well-being, than what you do put in your mouth. Is he right?

An article I just looked at says: what you don’t do is more important to your productivity, money, well-being, than what you do… Is the article right? Continue reading “What is a more important, what you do or what you don’t do?”

Why things are the way they are… and what about diets?

Why things are the way they are… and what about diets?

Some insights on health, and why things are the way they are, and why are people different in their needs…

Yesterday I spent three hours to listen to Dr. Joel Wallach. 1

I think I have spent, to date, about a hundred hours listening to him. Why so much? He talks too fast, and he isn’t saying the things to be understood, but to impress… In that he is a typical doctor: big ego… holding his cards close to his chest.

But… But knowing where to look, knowing what sort of things to expect, to always expect wrong eating, nutritional deficiency, misguided knowledge, has been my tool, in addition to being able to muscletest, while I am connected to Source.
Continue reading “Why things are the way they are… and what about diets?”

On Venus, Have We Got a Rabbi! A Jewish story

On Venus, Have We Got a Rabbi! A Jewish story

A long-lost space age satire about what it means to be a Jew from one of science fiction’s greatest humorists

By William Tenn

source: https://www.tabletmag.com/jewish-arts-and-culture/202356/on-venus-have-we-got-a-rabbi
Continue reading “On Venus, Have We Got a Rabbi! A Jewish story”

What did you get for yourself for Christmas?

What did you get for yourself for Christmas?

What did you get for yourself for Christmas?

I have been seeing that everyone is trying to make a last sale to spruce up the bottom line. This sale and that deal…

I ponder if the distaste I have for haggling and pitching and forcing people to buy is going to render me, forever on the poor side. Continue reading “What did you get for yourself for Christmas?”

Cooking the Food System We Want

Cooking the Food System We Want

article is from here

The Future of Food depends on our society’s ability and will to cook. Doing so rewards us in the short term with nourishment, and in the long term leads to us becoming a more informed and engaged food public.

If we as a society want to advocate for a certain type of food system, we can’t get there by ceding the knowledge gained through cooking to the packaged food companies and chefs who we’ve outsourced our diets to. To engage with the food system at large, we need to cook.

There are few things in life that we consume that we can also create with relative ease. We consume music, but how many of us are songwriters? We consume apps, but how many of us can code? The learning curve for assembling a home cooked meal is comparatively low, yet the rewards of knowledge over time are incredibly high.
Continue reading “Cooking the Food System We Want”