All marketers are liars. The likely story… that likely happened but not really

All marketers are liars. The likely story… that likely happened but not really

all-marketers-are-liars-by-seth-godinI have been muscletesting, diligently, if the stories that sell products, courses, software, are facts or made-up likely stories.

A likely story is a lie.

We, marketers, are taught: facts tell, but stories sell.

And so every sales letter is one story of another.

I used to be a liar, because I didn’t think life was interesting enough, so I embellished it. I was caught, and it didn’t matter. I just kept making up interesting stories, mostly sob stories about myself.

I was selling myself… and because I didn’t think I had anything to offer, I lied.
Continue reading “All marketers are liars. The likely story… that likely happened but not really”

Some stories make you cry… because you identify with a person in the story.

Some stories make you cry… because you identify with a person in the story.

make-you-cryOther stories, like this one, make me cry from two sides…

If you found that you stopped growing beyond a certain age… please cry with me… It may flush away the blockage, and allow you to catch up. Then, maybe, cry for Mrs. Thompson… I cried for me, and I cried for her. Because I had my “favorite and best teachers” of my own. And I have dropped the ball on some of my students…

As she stood in front of her 5th grade class on the very first day of school, she told the children an untruth. Like most teachers, she looked at her students and said that she loved them all the same. However, that was impossible, because there in the front row, slumped in his seat, was a little boy named Teddy Stoddard.
Continue reading “Some stories make you cry… because you identify with a person in the story.”

When you decide to do something for yourself… to grow…

When you decide to do something for yourself… to grow…

992c7c4d24d13d506d6c5fd87c3f536cBetween two chairs I find myself fallen and sitting on the floor

I don’t know if you can recognize this situation, but my hunch is: you should.

Your attention is divided. Your intentions are divided. And NOTHING gets done.

It should be a daily concern… if it is not, you are probably in a rut.

What is a rut? A trench… you can either go forward or you can go backwards… Or stand still, hoping that it will give you a sense of being alive.

Whenever you add a new task, you have to go through this state: if you don’t, then you didn’t mean to add the task.
Continue reading “When you decide to do something for yourself… to grow…”

Stuck in an ess? Not a good place? how to create a new ess?

Stuck in an ess? Not a good place? how to create a new ess?

Primates-Playing-Poker-by-Nathaniel-GoldHow to create a new ess that is more conducive to health, wealth, and fulfillment?

OK, let’s start at the beginning. What is an ess… right? lol. Evolutionary Stable Strategy… ess.

Unless you are my student, or you’ve read about the selfish gene, you don’t know what I am talking about.

It’s about evolution. It’s about the genes that use life-forms as vehicles for their own purposes. Continue reading “Stuck in an ess? Not a good place? how to create a new ess?”

Dyslexia – the good news and the bad news…

steven-spielberg-dyslexiaUPDATE: I have some underachiever friends and students. I suspect that they may have dyslexia. It just occurred to me… after two excruciatingly difficult conversations in a row… where the partners in the conversation felt stuck, dense, and their level of comprehension is low.

Both are men, both are making a living in their own business, both shy away from learning anything new.

It is one of the worst things for me when I try to teach someone something that they need, and they nod and yes me to death, only to do the opposite or nothing.

Every human wants to make a difference, wants to matter, more than anything, and this flies in the face of that…

But maybe they are dyslexic. Hm.

Continue reading “Dyslexia – the good news and the bad news…”

Will you Take Action Toward a Goal or Dream?

When I watch or coach people: most people quit… first they pretend to be still in… but they stopped generating that goal or that dream.

Brendon Burchard, in this video and pdf give you a tool to evaluate where you are standing with regards to a certain goal or dream… and make the necessary changes so you can be closer to being a person who will accomplish what they dream about, what would really serve them and their lives.

here is the video, and below the video is the link to the pdf… the evaluating guide.

By the way, this is the perfect time for me, given that I just committed to spending two grands on a course… and I don’t have two grands to waste… so I am going to do exactly what I am asking you to do.

Go do it.
Continue reading “Will you Take Action Toward a Goal or Dream?”

A good method to find yourself and know yourself: your core

A good method to find yourself and know yourself: your core

I often catch myself stingy… if that is really what the beingness is…

Some 30 years ago I started a magazine. I didn’t want to put my own picture in the magazine, so I put a woman’s picture there who was a lot like me, instead.

It was self-protection, the sign of an intense aversion of being touched by someone I didn’t want to be touched by. I can feel it now that I am talking about it.

The same feeling but weaker comes up when I think of all the people coming to my site who I would not want to talk to.

A few years ago I listened to a talk by Frank Kern (personal vibration: 300). The video of that talk… Continue reading “A good method to find yourself and know yourself: your core”

Why are you holding your breath? to manage your emotions?

Why are you holding your breath? to manage your emotions?

732290Why are you holding your breath? And why it is an ineffective way to manage your emotions…

I get insights in bite size chunks… here is a new insight I just got.

Your attention, that force to reckon with, that power you wield to bring life to stuff is connected to your breath.

They say: what you pay attention to starts moving. This is why, when you are at the chiropractor, they say: breathe into your hip, or your knees…

You see, they know breathing into something brings it mobility, awareness, and life… what they didn’t know is that it is your attention that is brought to the sore or stuck part with the breath.
Continue reading “Why are you holding your breath? to manage your emotions?”

Rewiring the brain: The chains of habits…

Rewiring the brain: The chains of habits…

Most of you live life as if you lived forever. You are patient when it comes to doing what you set out to do, have long term goals and aspirations for your life, that you do nothing about. You are patient.

But when you start doing something, you want instant result. You want it yesterday. Impatient.

This patient impatience renders you an unhappy loser, an underachiever, a never do well… Guaranteed.
Continue reading “Rewiring the brain: The chains of habits…”

Updated: The secret of being able to change

Updated: The secret of being able to change

becoming independent from society's pullThe original of this article was published a year ago… I have added new insights today

The secret of my being able to change, and be reborn with a higher frequency, a higher vibration, is that I have been able to keep in check the societal imperative to care about other people more than I care about myself. And in addition to that, I have been able to admit to myself all the errors of my ways that I can see. So I don’t even want to look good to myself. I am willing to accept myself, warts and all… for all I am and for all I am lacking.

This comes with giving up the emotional impact of others view of me, of others opinion of me, of others praise or hate of me, and my opinion of me… especially when I make a mistake, a false step, or when I make a fool of myself.

This attachment to opinions needs to be actively given up: no epigenetic shift, no transformation, no energy remedy will make these opinions neutral: we do live in a society, and others opinion of you and your products determines your money: and your money determines whether you eat, be sheltered, have leisure time, and a lot more. And your own opinion about yourself will determine whether you are going to play fully… or shrink.

So opinions are important, but they are not important emotionally.

Fear is emotional. Careful, thoughtful pro-action is not.

Continue reading “Updated: The secret of being able to change”