Everything is a gift… though it isn’t what you expected…

Everything is a gift… though it isn’t what you expected…

One of the things that most people lack I have in abundance. It’s not all good… so don’t envy me just yet.

First I was born premature… very premature. Less than 2 lbs of bodyweight.

I was fed formula, because, I guess, the hospital thought it was a good idea… or my mother didn’t want to provide breast milk… so I developed a daily/nightly vomiting thing… ugh.

I was, as it turned out, dyslexic, and slightly autistic… which is an of course: dyslexia is on the autistic spectrum.

I would consider myself learning disabled… THEY considered me stupid…

When I was about seven, my father entered the room where my mother was beating me. My father said: Don’t beat her head, she is already stupid!

I was also severely nearsighted… got glasses when I got 9. finally I could see the blackboard. Yay. Continue reading “Everything is a gift… though it isn’t what you expected…”

Eudaimonia… living a life you love and live it powerfully

Eudaimonia… living a life you love and live it powerfully

This morning I woke up and have been up now for more than two hours, and not a lick of work has been done… I have been musing.

Hungarian songs swirl in my mind, I look up words I never knew what they meant… but in the age of google you can look up anything, and find…

Old, forgotten words in songs belie the history of the people changing… what they eat, what animals they keep around, how they think.

And then this old movie song sneaks up, in my mind, and I cry and cry again. Continue reading “Eudaimonia… living a life you love and live it powerfully”

What does the 3-wishes workshop reveal about you?

What does the 3-wishes workshop reveal about you?

It is becoming quite clear that the dark cloud I lived under was a Dark Side attack. And it wasn’t personal, quite a few of my clients and students have reported being effected by it.

In Ireland it even effected the water… it didn’t energize for quite a few days… and some other reports on well-being.

One good thing is coming out of this though is quite unexpected: Continue reading “What does the 3-wishes workshop reveal about you?”

Human Design eating style, words… tiny pieces… enjoy

Human Design eating style, words… tiny pieces… enjoy

One of the most important things about humanity is arrogance: I know everything, except a few things… and once I know that, I’ll know everything I need to know.

  • What is knowable is 10% of all knowledge.
  • And a normal person knows about 1% of that 10%.
  • 90% of that 1% he knows wrong… what he ‘knows’ just isn’t so.
  • And he thinks he knows at least half of it.

This is true for everyone, PhD, Nobel Prize winner, Maven… What you know doesn’t really grow, only what you think you know grows…

Just watch the millions of books self-published on Amazon… Average truth value: 3%. Which means: 97% is not true.

13 or so years ago I ordered a report for $97. It came in an audio, a woman with this breezy spiritual voice, you know the voice, said what she said.

The report by Human Design told me how to eat. My eating style that will keep me healthy, smart, and slim. Continue reading “Human Design eating style, words… tiny pieces… enjoy”

Validation: The Fastest Way To Raise Your Vibration.

Validation: The Fastest Way To Raise Your Vibration.

As we are embarking on another 30-day challenge to activate seeing in reality… I change the focus and therefore the process, but want to achieve the same thing: accuracy, astuteness, intelligence… in seeing what is in reality and have accurate, astute and intelligent responses in return.

Because, as weird as it sounds, the best the collective human race can do, at this stage is a 1% accuracy… which isn’t sufficient for happiness, peace of mind, powerful life… none of it.

Why? Because we look not out there, but in here… in the mind, and we keep seeing the same thing, regardless what is outside.

Your vibration, everyone’s main concern, can only be high as your astuteness is… this is why the average vibration on the planet is falling like a rock… it is 100 in 2020.  When I started this website, in 2011, the average vibration was, if I remember correctly, 150… 100 is the level of religion, any ideology, fascism, communism, racism…

So, although I can’t do much for the Planet, I can help individuals lift themselves from the morass and see more, and see more accurately.

The easiest method and fastest method of doing that is validation, the practice, coupled with the DNA capacity activation.

To be able to get into the vibration of appreciation (300 on the map of consciousness) or get into the vibration of gratitude (above 300 on the map of consciousness), you would need to be a vibrational match to either, and 99.99% of the population isn’t.

The good news is: the act of validation will temporarily raise your vibration to that same vibrational frequency and that is the vibrational frequency where you can TEMPORARILY activate the Law of Attraction and have your desires be fulfilled. You can start exactly where you are.

If you diligently practice validation, you will be able to keep your vibrational frequency at this high level. You will experience first-hand what having a higher vibration is like: pure bliss.

Let me explain the process of validation

You find something worthy of acknowledgment in another.

It can be big or small. You can always find something easy to start with: you have nice teeth, or you smell good, or your socks are a fabulous color. Practice this first to find out that people, if you are honest, will appreciate being seen…

Next, a step harder, is to have a goal in mind: one could be: to experience being heard by another. I have a student for whom that would be reason to celebrate.

Another goal could be to bring a smile to another’s face.

Mine is often to experience people returning to the present moment. I’ll feel it because I will experience that they can actually see me. Not an easy feat… I don’t always succeed. You show up for them as a disruption… ok, I do… lol. Hey, I am a disrupter…

Why does validation work? Why it alters YOU? Why it’s worth doing?

Validation coupled with the DNA activation is like getting glimpses of heaven.

Validation is much like smiling. Once you start it, it causes a state change. Your mood start matching the smile, it goes up with it. You don’t have to feel like smiling when you start, and when you end it, you can’t help feeling happy.

In the beginning you will have to strain yourself to find anything worthy of acknowledgment. But as you practice, it will be easier and easier.

I remember when I started I looked at people’s clothing, their bodies, their hair to find something to acknowledge. Then I graduated to behavior, and later to who they really are. Today I am able to connect to their real self and acknowledge that.

validationCatch: in order for validation to work for you, you actually need to look before you speak. Which means, you can’t just become a robot, and spout nice things, that will actually lower your vibration. Trickery doesn’t work in the world of vibration.

Remember that this exercise only raises your vibration while you are doing it. So doing it diligently is your best bet.

Eventually you’ll be able to keep the DNA capacity open… but continuing living a life of a validator is, I say, mandatory to keep the capacity open so you can see

Put up reminders around you. After a long while it will become second nature to you. By then your vibration was permanently impacted.

The 30-day Validation challenge starts on Monday, 10/26/2020

I activate the capacity and let you know in an email.

So, as you see, the first exercise for validation asks you to see… and tell them. See more every day, and tell them.

A second exercise for validation is different

It talks to something you can’t see. It is designed to open up your sight to see what you have been denied access to by your own mind.

Some twenty years ago I had a homework in one of the courses I did to acknowledge a missing item, something I could not see, something that was missing for me. The instructions were: lie authentically.

That sounds like an oxymoron, doesn’t it? lie and authentic in the same sentence? Bah.

But it worked brilliantly. It took me a week and 43 people, but by the 44th I could actually see free, my missing item, and acknowledge it authentically. Until that point I just said the words, and was very surprised that people thanked me for noticing it, or just nodded in agreement. I really could not see… but they could. They had a different missing item, not the same as mine.

I have used this in my coaching with the same surprising results.

My missing item was “free.” Yours will be likely different.

So my acknowledgment was: “I see that you are free.” Or “I acknowledge you for being free”.

If your missing item is powerful, then you would say: “I can see that you are powerful”. You’ll be surprised to see how many people will be pleased to hear it.

How do you get your missing item? Go and read my post on the three wishes… it’s given there exactly.

This second exercise, done properly and past the time that you can actually see your missing item, raises your vibration permanently.

I just got an email from a long time student who said:

how can something that is all about me raise my vibration? After all my missing item is ‘belonging’… and it is all about me.

My answer is: the exercise is to acknowledge that they have your missing item… and that is not about you. If I tell you: I see you are loved, and you smile and feel warm all over, and say, thank you… was that about me? No.

So none of the validation exercises are about you. If at any point you feel it’s about you, then you are doing some ego exercise.

If you think you are ready to make the jump, please do so before Monday

Get your ‘recognizing/seeing value’ capacity activated

PS: It’s a good idea to watch the movie “Validation” before you start.

The best way to predict the future is to create it

The best way to predict the future is to create it

I have written extensively about the fact that you want someone else to wipe your ass…

OK, not literally, not factually, but in essence.

One of the areas where this is completely clear is the number of people who want to be entrepreneurs, they want to own and run a business, but the above attitude is in their way.

It is a whole different thing to take a job, even to freelance, even to be self-employed, and creating and running a business.

I have two brothers. Both shied away from that option: they preferred a situation where someone else buys the chair, the computer, the software, the solutions, the bookkeeping, the location, the everything… and they just do the work, however many hours a day, and get paid.

It drives me bonkers to hear the expression, so and so business owner did this and that, to give back to the community.

Give back what? Continue reading “The best way to predict the future is to create it”

Everything and its opposite is true or a lie… oh my!

Everything and its opposite is true or a lie… oh my!

It’s hard to make sense of things… because everything seems to be true, and then the opposite seems to be true too.

This is especially true nowadays, in the year of Covid whatever it is, and the election year. Global warming, and rapidly approaching uncertainty about the economy, about the future, about our ability to make a living.

Is this a conspiracy to enslave humanity?

Is this an accident? Is the virus manufactured and released? Are the face masks do anything worth doing? Should we worry, or should we look for the silver lining, and use the time as a way to become our best self?

If you were prepared like very few have been, this Covid thing can be, could be an opportunity… but very few ever does anything that prepares them for an opportunity.

And even the ones that could use these new circumstances as a springboard to go higher, don’t. Continue reading “Everything and its opposite is true or a lie… oh my!”

Why you feel lost when you feel lost, find yourself…

Why you feel lost when you feel lost, find yourself…

What does it mean feeling lost?

When you don’t feel at home in your body, when your feelings, your thoughts pull you out of yourself, you have a sense that you are, somehow, lost in the shuffle. That you don’t have any say in the matter of your life, what you feel, what you do, what you say…

You feel you are put on a roller coaster, and it wasn’t you who put you there…

How did it happen and what can you do about it? How can you find your way back home, to your own self? this is what this article is about.
Continue reading “Why you feel lost when you feel lost, find yourself…”

Collaging to activate Spiritual Capacities

Collaging to activate Spiritual Capacities

god works in mysterious waysLife works in mysterious ways…

The Law of Process is one of the most important laws of nature, of Life… and one of the laws the least number of people know about, or honor.

People are duped to believe that things just happen… and there is no process behind them happening.

Advertising, testimonials, articles, books, talk about the results, and talk about the path to them in a sketchy way… if at all.

So it is no surprise that any and all my students and clients expect instant results, instant enlightenment, instant happiness, blah blah blah when they deal with me. After all I wield energies… right?

Even people who have gone through a process to be as successful, or as unsuccessful as they are, cannot see the process. Not even in hindsight.

I remember when I first began teaching and found out that I cannot teach what I know because Continue reading “Collaging to activate Spiritual Capacities”

Are you stuck? What IS stuck? How do you know you are?

Are you stuck? What IS stuck? How do you know you are?

What is stuck? Here are 15 ways of being stuck…

  • 1. stuck is when you can only see one way forward and you don’t like what you see
  • 2. stuck is when you have too many options and you are paralyzed by choice
  • 3. stuck is when you know what you want to do but can’t get started
  • 4. stuck is when you don’t know what to do and don’t know where to begin
  • 5. stuck is when you know things aren’t working and can’t step back to see why
  • 6. stuck is when you are doing something but not what really needs to be done
  • 7. stuck is when you know what needs to be done but you lose your nerve
  • 8. stuck is when you make a start but get lost along the way
  • 9. stuck is when you are waiting to be rescued and your superhero isn’t going to show up

Continue reading “Are you stuck? What IS stuck? How do you know you are?”