The personality habits that keep you feeling safe, small, bankrupt, and not moving

The personality habits that keep you feeling safe, small, bankrupt, and not moving

During a webinar, or a personal call I can often see what in someone’s personality, the way they are, the way they react is not natural.

Sometimes I notice something that doesn’t fit the picture, and just like a good detective, I latch onto it, and watch it, and if I can, I use it to unravel the mystery someone’s story is.

Sometimes it takes a while to identify exactly what doesn’t fit… it is a hunch, it is a feeling… like the faint scent for a search dog… Continue reading “The personality habits that keep you feeling safe, small, bankrupt, and not moving”

No skills? Even superpowers can’t change the underlying reality

No skills? Even superpowers can’t change the underlying reality

no skills? every job requires skillsI want to continue yesterday’s article about the superpower, the ability to create empowering context for work, my superpower. I want to attend to the sad fact that most people have no skills to mention.

Google has 1,410,000,000 results. That is one trillion… And the most frequently asked question: what jobs can I get if I have no skills.

I got an email from one of my teachers, Ben, one of his 1-3 emails a day… I read 99% of them, and love them or hate them, they never leave me neutral.

But how does this connect to the context? Or skills? It does, don’t worry.

He started out as a copywriter. He learned the skill… Continue reading “No skills? Even superpowers can’t change the underlying reality”

2 ‘Getting Things Done’ systems, and what people really do

2 ‘Getting Things Done’ systems, and what people really do
getting things done. get rid of the ball and chainI have always liked getting things done.

I like getting things done. Why? Because everything that doesn’t get done is like an energetic attachment, like a ball and chain on your ankle, slows you down, and prevents you from soaring… having a good time, feeling free and unencumbered.

I don’t like feeling heavy, burdened, or guilty, so I learn, test, experiment with methods that allow me to be free.

I even like to be lighter in weight because I don’t like to be heavy in any way, including physically.

I handle problems, issues, doubts, the same way… handle them so the weights can disappear.
Continue reading “2 ‘Getting Things Done’ systems, and what people really do”

Caterpillar, what does it take to enter butterfly state? At least temporarily…

Caterpillar, what does it take to enter butterfly state? At least temporarily…

insight must precede application... caterpillar to butterflyYou can’t talk to a caterpillar in butterfly language: It won’t land.

I read my Rob Brezsny horoscope every Tuesday morning. I use it as guidance, I use it as a possible context for my week.

Last week my horoscope was:
Continue reading “Caterpillar, what does it take to enter butterfly state? At least temporarily…”

The fallacy that slow is better. Slow is not better…

The fallacy that slow is better. Slow is not better…

slow is not betterSlow is better,  slow is not better…

First off: what is a fallacy? A fallacy is a belief, a behavior, a theory that is based on a premise, an argument that is mistaken. The low truth value of most science, economic theories, spiritual teachings, or most non-fiction book is because of this: the premise, the foundation, the argument is mistaken. The fact that someone got a Nobel Prize only shows that this is hidden from plain view.

This article will deal with one unsound argument, one premise that is false but invisible.

When T. Harv Eker said: when something is not working, there is something you don’t know… The “something you don’t know” is always from the invisible. ALWAYS. And more often than not, it is a premise, undebated, unconscious, taken for a fact.

So, here you go: the title says it all: it is believed that slow is good. That slow is “mindful”. Continue reading “The fallacy that slow is better. Slow is not better…”

What causes disease: a lack of ease, feeling bad? Can your health measurements answer that question?

What causes disease: a lack of ease, feeling bad? Can your health measurements answer that question?

health measurements show the 90%, the invisibleI have a number of people who subscribe to getting their health measurements monthly.

Today I measured four of those. I played Freecell in between to cleanse my system.

Of what? Of the previous person’s energy.

This cleansing serves two purposes: 1. I won’t accidentally remain connected to the person I just measured 2. I steel myself to the experience of being them.


Yeah… When I am connected to you, I am, physically and emotionally merged with you. My brain, luckily isn’t, that’s why I can stay connected to Source, that’s why I can measure stuff about you. Continue reading “What causes disease: a lack of ease, feeling bad? Can your health measurements answer that question?”

What is your issue with work? Because you have one!

What is your issue with work? Because you have one!

The secret of big success in most any endeavor is to outwork the competition.

But humanity, you, have a problem with that.

I watched IP Man, four movies on Netflix, yesterday. Binge-watched. I considered it work.

Work? Yeah. Character study, life study, I learn from books and movies… so I can work with you better. I love working. Continue reading “What is your issue with work? Because you have one!”

How do you model after a successful person? Emulate him.

How do you model after a successful person? Emulate him.

model after a successful personHow do you model after a successful person? You emulate him. But what can you emulate?

Do you do what they say? Do you do what you see?

They say if you want to become successful, you need to find a mentor and model after him. Emulate him.

I have a very successful teacher who teaches what he does: email marketing.

I am on quite a few people’s mailing list who are also his students.

I watch what they do. I read their emails. And I can see that they model after his email style, they model after his relentless work ethic, some models after his edginess, but none has seen or felt, or taken notice to what degree he cares about his customers. He says he doesn’t, but he does. Deeply. Continue reading “How do you model after a successful person? Emulate him.”

Wordless, non-linear, real thinking is wordless

Wordless, non-linear, real thinking is wordless

Real intelligence is wordlessWhy would non-linear anything be so difficult for you? So difficult that you can’t even fathom what I am talking about, let alone do it. I am talking about wordless thinking

The answer will surprise you, but not for the reason you think.

Here it is: real thinking is wordless.

This means a lot. It definitely means that the mind can’t help you think… the mind is all words. Words upon words, meaning upon meanings.

The mind is not the organ of thinking. Continue reading “Wordless, non-linear, real thinking is wordless”

What is the next step after I pull your anchor to doom?

What is the next step after I pull your anchor to doom?

anchor to doomIt is snowing heavily and steadily in Syracuse where I live. Right now. I just took out the garbage, and the snow is almost knee-deep. The mind goes, instantly, without any pausing, thinking, or consideration, the mind goes to doom.

Depending on your soul correction, it will say something like: I won’t be allowed to go out, My car won’t start, I’ll have an accident, I’ll die, I have to move somewhere where there is no snow…

What it rarely says: so what? Big deal.

Why? Because the mind, egomind really, is anchored to doom. Some doom that seems unavoidable for the egomind. Continue reading “What is the next step after I pull your anchor to doom?”