What does the 99% do that the 1% doesn’t? Bread and circus

What does the 99% do that the 1% doesn’t? Bread and circus

Panem et circenses. That is Bread and circuses… in Latin, the language of ancient Rome.

Give the masses bread and circus (entertainment) and they won’t look at what you do on the top. Superficial appeasement. Continue reading “What does the 99% do that the 1% doesn’t? Bread and circus”

Questions that turn on your power, your personal power

Questions that turn on your power, your personal power

What are the questions that awaken and pull things to yourself to become cause? To get access to your personal power?

Agreement 1: Be Impeccable With Your Word: question: was I impeccable with my word?
Agreement 2: Don’t Take Anything Personally: question: did I take something personally?
Agreement 3: Don’t Make Assumptions. question: did I make an assumption?
Agreement 4: Always Do Your Best. question: did I do my best?

more questions to ask:

  • What could I be responsible for to get access to power?
  • What am I doing?
  • what am I assuming/thinking?
  • What am I taking personally?
  • what is my attitude?
  • What am I expecting?
  • What am I going for/intention?
  • how wide am I looking?
  • What am I stingy about?
  • where am I erring on the side of ‘it’s my way or the highway’?

Until you get responsibility good and going, nothing else can change in your life. Continue reading “Questions that turn on your power, your personal power”

How to start using your capacity once you had it turned on?

How to start using your capacity once you had it turned on?

use your capacityHow to start using your capacity once you had it turned on?

There are certain abilities, that are controlled by genes, that I don’t have, and I want.

So I have asked Source to turn on for me self-control…

Long term meditating properly turns that gene on… Causes an epigenetic shift. This is what is the reason long time meditators, especially TM, transcendental meditation practitioners can do much better in every area of life.

I paid for TM, back in the year 2000, and hated it. I even read the book, and I just could not do it.

It is the self-control gene that was missing… I am like a wild child… Don’t like to be pinned down, even if it is me who is trying to pin myself down.

But… But as an insomniac, it would help me fall asleep faster. Continue reading “How to start using your capacity once you had it turned on?”

Adjustable genes leave you unable to change?

Adjustable genes leave you unable to change?
Want to change your life but have been unable to change yourself?

Your WHO is producing all the WHAT… Unless the WHO changes, nothing will change permanently.

You seem inexorable, unchangeable… and misery is the result. Continue reading “Adjustable genes leave you unable to change?”

Still stuck at the bottom after so many years?

Still stuck at the bottom after so many years?

when you are stuckI have clients and students who have been in touch, buying stuff or courses since the beginning. That means about 10 years.

There is a certain kinship between us… they look out for me, they consider me, in addition to be their teacher, they consider me someone they want to be well, want to live long, want to succeed.

It is a very interesting experience for the teacher, because often the only thing that makes people listen is the authority the teacher has, by virtue of some achievement. So when they come to me with an idea to help me, I have to go through a process taming my ‘ego’ that wants to stay i the upper position. I ultimately manage to say: they are doing this because they love me… whether it is true or not, ego is willing to listen. Continue reading “Still stuck at the bottom after so many years?”

Life is like a jigsaw puzzle that came without a box

Life is like a jigsaw puzzle that came without a box

this is how your jigsaw puzzle of life looks... wrongWe as children did our best to put a picture together. Margoczi writes: Life is a jigsaw puzzle where our own life is at stake. Some of the pieces we find and put together during our life but others are given to us already put together in bigger chunks by our parents and teachers.

Given that life comes without a box cover, the picture of how the finished product should look, we do our best to put a coherent picture together, using the elements we find and using the elements our teachers, our parents give us, who also don’t know what the finished picture should look like.

We are really screwed. eight billion different pictures, each with elements of how it should be, how it ought to be, how it’s fair and how we should be treated, how we should rank in the world, what we should do.

A total mess. Continue reading “Life is like a jigsaw puzzle that came without a box”

Your life script and how to tweak it so you start getting what you want?

Your life script and how to tweak it so you start getting what you want?

mind patternSuccess or Failure in life… where do they come from? Do you ever ponder that question? How come some people are successful and others are not, even though seemingly they do the same things?

Consider this: The mind is a pattern creator. It is not interested, fundamentally unconcerned about your thriving or success, it is interested in surviving itself and once survived, staying the same. It creates the beginnings of a pattern every time you survive. And it continues to do so till you die. That’s why behavior scientists say it takes 21 days to change a behavior: a new pattern needs to be created.

Some patterns are deeper than others…

Continue reading “Your life script and how to tweak it so you start getting what you want?”

Are you a lump of coal dreaming itself a diamond?

Are you a lump of coal dreaming itself a diamond?

dreamingKarl Marx, the author of Communist Manifesto and the whole ideology of socialism and communism, where there is forced equality, said:

Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people

Religion was constructed by people to calm uncertainty over their role in the universe and in society.

I can see that. Continue reading “Are you a lump of coal dreaming itself a diamond?”

How I got myself unstuck on a project to double my income…

How I got myself unstuck on a project to double my income…

get unstuckI have been working on the project of doubling my income by adding a new revenue source.

This article is my private process. I wrote it to document how I got myself over the hump. To clarify some things. To get unstuck. And to be able to do it again and again.

At some spots it’s sketchy… it is my process and it has fulfilled its purpose: I have gained the clarity from doing it, the clarity that will help me to get to over the next hump when I want to or need to do it again… because that is how life works.

If life is smooth sailing, then you are not growing.

Then you are not challenging yourself. Then you are most likely going down on a greased chute. Continue reading “How I got myself unstuck on a project to double my income…”

How to become whole and complete? Like good soup…

How to become whole and complete? Like good soup…

What kind of soup are you?Tai Lopez uses an analogy that really talks to me. He says that we need to be like a soup. Our knowledge, our lives needs to be like good soup.

What does it mean to be a good soup?

You can’t make a good soup with just a few ingredients. You need a lot of ingredients to make a soup that you don’t have to make edible by crumbling crackers into it, or bread.

Some poor man’s soups, onion soup, garlic soup, ‘rue’soup in Hungary, are so uninteresting that you can’t eat it without putting bread in them. The versions with poached egg, cheese melted on top, etc. are the restaurant versions of the same soups… but the soup itself is a poor man’s soup. Poor as in not having much to give. Continue reading “How to become whole and complete? Like good soup…”