Are you a Frank or a Matt? In business, in life…

Are you a Frank or a Matt? In business, in life…

Frank vs Matt is a concept Andre Chaperon came up with to help demonstrate the two camps or categories (or models) that us marketers operate within.

Although Frank and Matt are not real ‘flesh and blood’ people per se — their traits are absolutely real and based on real people.

You’re currently one of them. Continue reading “Are you a Frank or a Matt? In business, in life…”

What brings something out of the invisible?

What brings something out of the invisible?

What brings something out of the invisible? So you can see it. So you can stop it if it doesn’t work. Or have more of it if it does…

I have started to watch movies again, on Amazon Prime. Not Netflix? Not Netflix.

Anyway, yesterday I watched two Jesse Stone movies with Tom Selleck. Continue reading “What brings something out of the invisible?”

Unhappiness is doing things, being busy, trying

Unhappiness is doing things, being busy, trying
busy but not fulfilledRemember, when something isn’t working, there is something you don’t know.

If your life feels empty in spite of all that’s in it, then you need to look at your life and examine it. There is something, a piece of knowledge, is missing… and you are paying the price.

Another saying that really talks to me: Continue reading “Unhappiness is doing things, being busy, trying”

What is fulfillment? And why do we want it, or lack it?

What is fulfillment? And why do we want it, or lack it?

I have been sitting here pondering if Source knows that humanity is not happy. The humanity has been taken on a path where fulfillment isn’t even a thing. Where life is all about what you have, not what you feel.

You could argue that a feeling is something you have, and you would be right. And also, you would be wrong. Continue reading “What is fulfillment? And why do we want it, or lack it?”

Fulfillment… career, family, health, happiness

Fulfillment… career, family, health, happiness

Finding a fulfilling career can sometimes feel impossible. … according to Bridgewater Associates founder Ray Dalio. If you are one of the people who is complaining that you don’t know how to get that… here is the first step is clearly setting your goals.

Your choice of goals will determine your direction,

‘There is always a best possible path. Your job is to find it and have the courage to follow it,’

He doesn’t say it, because he doesn’t know… but the number of people who simply want a happy fulfilling life without investing none of their time, none of their efforts in it is staggering.

If your desire number is higher than your ambition number, you are, for the time being, sh*t out of luck. Continue reading “Fulfillment… career, family, health, happiness”