Everything you ever wanted is beyond entitlement, not fear

Everything you ever wanted is beyond entitlement, not fear

Everything you ever wanted comes to you through people. And everything you ever wanted is on the other side of NOT FEAR but entitlement.

Not some deity, not the Universe, but people. Darn! right?

Because we are lousy at this people thing, aren’t we? Continue reading “Everything you ever wanted is beyond entitlement, not fear”

Being stupid opens the door for learning…

Being stupid opens the door for learning…

I am stupid. Being stupid opens the door for learning, curiosity, and a life.‘ ~ Jodie, one of my students.

Today’s shares were like soothing ointment on blistering skin… I have been living with that blistering skin forever, it seems.

What is that blistering skin? The heat I generate in my articles, in my workshops burns my skin, but doesn’t often reach the clients… So I burn and they don’t.

Until just now. Continue reading “Being stupid opens the door for learning…”

What factors decide the quality of your life?

What factors decide the quality of your life?

What factors decide the quality of your life the experience?

Lots of sites talk about the quality of life… but essentially it can be boiled down to an experience. Emotional, environmental, financial, intellectual, physical, social, and spiritual well-being. All feelings. All experience.

On the other hand we live in a culture that focuses on possession, on selling you something. So it says that owning stuff is what gives quality to your life. Luxury, riches… Continue reading “What factors decide the quality of your life?”

When and if you are entitled, you live in make-believe

When and if you are entitled, you live in make-believe
Entitled, the worldview, the beingness is the seed level of your life.

A whole life grew out of it, on top of it. A life that is unaware that it is not a natural state of being. That it makes you less suitable for life than those who managed to shed the genes off at age three and six.

This worldview envelops you in a fake suit of invulnerability. A fake suit like the emperor’s new clothes… there is nothing there other than what you imagined.

Continue reading “When and if you are entitled, you live in make-believe”

Entitlement, pretense, cancer. Are we all dying?

Entitlement, pretense, cancer. Are we all dying?

Some conspiracy theorists say that the COVID virus was intended to reduce the world’s population by a lot… but it escaped the laboratory before it was ready.

I have read several books that talk about human manufactured pathogens for the express purpose to create a new earth with just the rich and powerful continuing to exist. Continue reading “Entitlement, pretense, cancer. Are we all dying?”

What blocks humanity’s access to truth? Limits it to ~3%

What blocks humanity’s access to truth? Limits it to ~3%

Yesterday I had my doorbell ring. I rushed out, and opened the door.

It wasn’t my landlord, as I expected, it was a young man with a clipboard. He started to talk before the door was even fully open… It took me some time to distinguish the words through fear, I guess.

Anyway, I spent about half an hour with him, while he took care of what he was sent to do… Took care of it on MY cell phone… and I had to answer questions I didn’t understand… Something about solar power… Continue reading “What blocks humanity’s access to truth? Limits it to ~3%”

What is the opposite of arrogance? Any ideas?

What is the opposite of arrogance? Any ideas?

I wrote about the Baby genes yesterday… The two entitlements genes that were supposed to turn off, one at age 3, the other around age 6.

Thinking that it is an end point would be a mistake.

A bunch of people paid me to disable the baby genes for them, some paid me for the second time. And I was left with a sense of ‘it is not over till the fat lady sings‘ and the fat lady hasn’t sung yet.

So in this article I am continuing this whole entitlement issue… and look to see what’s underneath it… Continue reading “What is the opposite of arrogance? Any ideas?”

You are not the arbiter of the Universe… Disappointed?

You are not the arbiter of the Universe… Disappointed?

You are not the arbiter of the Universe

It’s hard to know if you still have the baby genes working, even though you are an adult.

Here is one of the ways you know:

This is one of the things I have recently found out about the entitlement genes: They say: you have the right to call things wrong and then they ARE wrong. Continue reading “You are not the arbiter of the Universe… Disappointed?”

Let’s redefine who you are for yourself, permanently

Let’s redefine who you are for yourself, permanently

Observe yourself. Look up at the sky. What do you notice? The clouds. The color of the sky? Or the stars?

Do you know know that behind the clouds the sky is always unchanged, regardless its color?

Depending on what you pay attention to, your life will be different. Continue reading “Let’s redefine who you are for yourself, permanently”

Royals take it on the chin. Are you really a prince?

Royals take it on the chin. Are you really a prince?

Real Royals… Like Muhammad Ali…

Real Royals take it on the chin… If you were really a princ(ess), you would too.

Disappointments, slights… yeah, those are what I am talking about.

I read every book some writers write. Or have ever written.

One of these is Neal Stephenson. Continue reading “Royals take it on the chin. Are you really a prince?”