What is an Avatar? What is the Job of an Avatar?

What is an Avatar? What is the Job of an Avatar?
What is an Avatar?

There is a huge confusion about avatars on the Internet. The recent blockbuster is partially to blame, Avatar.

I watched the movie. I enjoyed it. A certain point I had to go and do something for like 20 minutes: the conflict in the movie was impossible for me to bear. Continue reading “What is an Avatar? What is the Job of an Avatar?”

Path To Enlightenment: I Recommend Eliminating Drama

Path To Enlightenment: I Recommend Eliminating Drama
Drama is a human phenomenon. Animals, trees, don’t know drama. Nature doesn’t know drama. Existence doesn’t know drama.

Drama is the result of ego-mind.

If you closed your eyes, and managed, for a moment, pulling your attention back from the future, and pulling your attention back from the past, you would get to a space, I call existence. Existence is not part of the time/space continuum, existence is part of the beyond. Continue reading “Path To Enlightenment: I Recommend Eliminating Drama”

Path To Enlightenment: What Is Enlightenment?

Path To Enlightenment: What Is Enlightenment?

Enlightenment is not a place to get to: it is a state, it is a relationship to existence, that exists outside of duality, outside of right and wrong, outside of time, outside of comparison and outside of competition.

In spite of what everyone says, enlightenment is not something that you arrive to and then you are set for life. Continue reading “Path To Enlightenment: What Is Enlightenment?”