What is the Strength of YOUR character? A must look…

What is the Strength of YOUR character? A must look…

I know you don’t want to talk about this topic, but I am afraid we need to. Hate me, I can take it.

I know it is holiday month, you only want to think of Christmas, and nice-nice, and gifts… but the quality of your life depends on what you do every day… so maybe you want to talk about that…

So what is character? Character, some say, is how you behave when no one is watching.

But that is vague… so let’s look at Wikipedia… here is a short quote from there Continue reading “What is the Strength of YOUR character? A must look…”

Everything is a gift… though it isn’t what you expected…

Everything is a gift… though it isn’t what you expected…

One of the things that most people lack I have in abundance. It’s not all good… so don’t envy me just yet.

First I was born premature… very premature. Less than 2 lbs of bodyweight.

I was fed formula, because, I guess, the hospital thought it was a good idea… or my mother didn’t want to provide breast milk… so I developed a daily/nightly vomiting thing… ugh.

I was, as it turned out, dyslexic, and slightly autistic… which is an of course: dyslexia is on the autistic spectrum.

I would consider myself learning disabled… THEY considered me stupid…

When I was about seven, my father entered the room where my mother was beating me. My father said: Don’t beat her head, she is already stupid!

I was also severely nearsighted… got glasses when I got 9. finally I could see the blackboard. Yay. Continue reading “Everything is a gift… though it isn’t what you expected…”

I just had an insight that may be worth sharing.

I just had an insight that may be worth sharing.

Yesterday, or maybe the day before I got an order for a Starting Point Measurements.

I delivered it… and got an answer back looking for the mp3. What mp3? Turns out that the person clicked on a page that talked about the Harmonizer Avatar State audio, but the buy button was coded to sell the Starting Point Measurements.

I checked, I corrected… and offered to refund the buyer’s purchase.

She said: I’d prefer the mp3.

I explained what the mp3 is, so this time there is no misunderstanding, wrong link… My explanation said: do not use the audio through an earphone: the energy is too strong: it can scramble your brain.

She said she certainly didn’t want her brain scrambled.

Simple: don’t listen to the audio through headphones… Continue reading “I just had an insight that may be worth sharing.”

Revealing some secrets… secrets you probably don’t expect…

Revealing some secrets… secrets you probably don’t expect…

The secret why you are poor, struggle financially and emotionally

I would have never known, hadn’t I signed up with a dude about a year and a half ago… take his advice to heart about a year ago, and observe some struggling and unhappy (flat?) people this past year… latest a few minutes ago.

I was on a call learning some technical stuff useful in running my business. At the end of the call the dude took his time to promote some ‘change your life’ online summit, a multi speaker event going often for days… So I butted in, and ask if the speakers are selling their stuff…

He protested, saying that this is a do-gooding event… I said: if you have something that makes people’s life better, and you are not offering it, you are a criminal. Evil, stingy… a criminal.

He protested. Found out in what he said that his definition of selling is pushing something at you that you don’t want.
Continue reading “Revealing some secrets… secrets you probably don’t expect…”

Mayday, Mayday… I am attacked, screams my brain…

Mayday, Mayday… I am attacked, screams my brain…

I have another article I have already written this morning, but I am interrupting my regularly scheduled broadcast to deal with an emergency… did that sound like a public service announcement?

OK, this is what happened.

I get an email every time someone buys something. Which is often. But it is an interruption I like… after all money is almost always welcome.

Except when I decide to refund it… like just a few minutes ago.

I went to look at the person’s facebook profile, and to the linked pages: the person is doing personal development work with people. Continue reading “Mayday, Mayday… I am attacked, screams my brain…”

Why, how, and what do I procrastinate on?

Why, how, and what do I procrastinate on?

There are some things that I can do, I can do well, but every time I am paid to do it, I procrastinate. Why? Because it is wicked hard.

What is the difficulty?

You’ll laugh, but the difficulty is staying with the activity.

The task is energy transmission.

Unless you stay with it, the energy doesn’t flow. You direct the energy with your empty mind, and in my case: my breath. Continue reading “Why, how, and what do I procrastinate on?”

Emotional Shock Absorber…

Emotional Shock Absorber…

One of the technical things a human could apply to their own life, to their emotional life, is the shock absorber, other than alcohol or sex.

A shock absorber reduces the load on every part of the vehicle, your foot, on your head… wherever you are using it… and if used properly, your it can do the same thing for your emotional and physical self.

The bombardment of humanity with negative emotions is continuous. There is no shield, there is no distance, there is no bunker that can protect you… but you can use a shock absorber… A shock absorber that works fast, and doesn’t take you out of life, but allows you to continue life as if nothing happened.

An emotion only wreaks havoc when it’s resisted.

Even LOVE resisted, will wreak havoc in your system. Continue reading “Emotional Shock Absorber…”

The secret of changing: beat your projecting mind

The secret of changing: beat your projecting mind

beat the projecting mindI wrote this article five years ago, but today I remembered it and here you go: I’ll republish it.

What happened? Two things. I now get asked for a health measurements muscletesting where the result is frightening. And the other thing is: I am taking Hyaluronic Acid capsules, and was pondering why Source said that it is good for me… It won’t make my face smoother… but I now have no heartburn, and I am noticing that walking is easier on my knees… So it is, in this regard a ‘shock absorber’ for my knees.

So that is how come I looked up this article and this activator I’ll talk about in this article…

And surprisingly, it connects really well to my Flexibility/changeability activator too… I like when things connect through and through.

OK, here starts the original article: Continue reading “The secret of changing: beat your projecting mind”

I am not your mother! I.am.not.your.mother, damit!

I am not your mother! I.am.not.your.mother, damit!

I am not your mother! Yelled the chiropractor. Thank god, I thought, but she continued, and then, ultimately refused to provide care.

This happened to me several times, in several environments, not just with chiropractors and not just with women.

Like every person on this planet, I live my life out in a machine. No, not the Matrix, albeit I may, but I am not aware of that. But I am painfully aware about the personal hell machine I created with my words. Continue reading “I am not your mother! I.am.not.your.mother, damit!”

You don’t actually create your own reality

You don’t actually create your own reality

Yesterday I had one of the rare one-on-one calls, and the client said: “You create your own reality”

You’ve heard me say: truth repeated is a lie… and most of the time I don’t know how to explain why it is… but this is one of the times when I can.

You see, reality is the same no matter who is looking at it. What you create is not reality. What you create is your vantage point. Your attitude. The context inside which you look at reality.

But not reality.

So what really changing is is the occurrence.

Occurrence is a technical term for reality plus what you say about it. Continue reading “You don’t actually create your own reality”