How to use the energy audios on your iphone?

If you got any of my energy audios and want to use it on your Iphone… I recommend the “AudioShare” app. It allows you to unzip the files right on your phone…and you can loop them individually. (Thank you John, your fellow student. I would not have known…)

I googled if there is a similar app for Android phones… and this page popped up

I know nothing about Android, sorry.

Disgust is one of my superpowers. What is your superpower?

Disgust is one of my superpowers. What is your superpower?

superpowerOne of the questions you can ask yourself frequently is this: what is my superpower?

I could have said: what am I good at?… but that is not what I want to know.

A superpower is that little thing that I add to life that is not expected, and may not be obvious to people, maybe even not to yourself. And that is the reason to ask the question, and ask it often.

I have some students who definitely can’t see their superpower. Continue reading “Disgust is one of my superpowers. What is your superpower?”

Is it burnout? Is it resignation? Is it hopelessness?

Is it burnout? Is it resignation? Is it hopelessness?

is it bornout? deperssion. overwhelm? hopelssness?It is hard to remain motivated nowadays. I watch and this year only about 4% of the people work out in the park next to where I live. Only 5% of the people do much of anything that they used to. It is hard to stay hopeful.

People look and feel burned out.

Burnout is when activities that made sense in the past, that maybe even excited you in the past are now drudgery. It can happen with anything: talking to someone, making love to someone, taking care of the garden, cooking, building a business, reading…

It’s not the what, it is the who.

You. You lost what it was…

But what was it? Without recapturing what it was, or creating something just like it, you are going to have a life of meh…

Or a life where you are going to be an excitement seeker, an addict.

It is human nature to look into the future for our mood…. Continue reading “Is it burnout? Is it resignation? Is it hopelessness?”

Emotional toughness, resilience can help you getting there

Emotional toughness, resilience can help you getting there

emotional resilience toughness high TLBDo you hate to learn new things because every time you do, it somehow tells you that you have been wrong? Or not enough? Not good enough?

Well, toughen up princess…

But otherwise it’s normal. I know.

As a child I lived across the street from my elementary school.

I was nearly seven when I went to school, I was born September 4. My mother held me back because I was so tiny. My brother was two years older.

On the first day of school… Continue reading “Emotional toughness, resilience can help you getting there”

Confession Video? What are you confessing?

Confession Video? What are you confessing?

dance is divine. live your life like a danceYesterday I was on a zoom training with a known videographer.

He gave an assignment to us, participants, to make a five-minute ‘confession video’ of why we do what we do, being vulnerable, authentic, and firm in the declaration of the intention for what we do.

Each their own… not as a group. Continue reading “Confession Video? What are you confessing?”

Can you grieve over the loss of something you never had?

Can you grieve over the loss of something you never had?

from anger to griefIt’s Saturday and I cancelled all my engagements so I can have some time to clear my head

And then… this persistent inner weeping came up… again.

I asked Source: do I have a reason to grieve? yes. did I lose something? yes. was it ever mine? no. was it love? yes.

So I have been grieving over the loss of something that was never mine, that I never had… so I could not have lost it… and I am grieving nevertheless.

so I ask Source: is that stupid? yes… was the answer.

But what is really happening? I say: the feelings meditations are doing their work.

I had anger for decades… now I have the grief… and when it’s gone I’ll have maybe sadness… and when that is gone, I’ll be free. Continue reading “Can you grieve over the loss of something you never had?”

Unwilling to commit and soul-correction… are they connected?

Unwilling to commit and soul-correction… are they connected?

unwilling to commitIn the late afternoon of April 18, 1521, in the city of Worms, Germany, Martin Luther, 37 year-old Catholic monk appeared before Charles the Fifth, the Holy Roman Emperor at the imperial assembly. Luther was called to answer certain charges and to make public confession to the ‘errors’ found within the multitude of books he had written.

The speech he delivered that day, ‘Here I Stand, I can do no other’ marked the beginning of the Reformation, a critical turning point in Christian history that decisively altered the spiritual map of the world. Continue reading “Unwilling to commit and soul-correction… are they connected?”

The path to plenty is not more… it’s pruning

The path to plenty is not more… it’s pruning

pruningMercilessly pruning, mercilessly weeding… this is the counter-intuitive path to plenty.

Everyone thinks, and it is natural to think that, that if they could add this and that to their lives, then they could be happy, healthy and wise…

Whether it is a sharper brain, whether it is a supportive family, whether it is more education, more money, more people to love them… it is easy to think that your life would be better. Continue reading “The path to plenty is not more… it’s pruning”

A practical and easy method of changing your personality

A practical and easy method of changing your personality
Can you go back to the past and change it? Will YOU change with it? Your personality?

Silly sounding question, but it is not as silly as it sounds.

Because we look at life, at what is happening, through the limited perspective of the human mind, we actually don’t know what is happening, only

  1. a slice of what happened
  2. only a skewed version of what happened

Ultimately we can only experience and react to what we see, and what we see is both limited and skewed.
Continue reading “A practical and easy method of changing your personality”

April’s fool… always asking: what does that mean?

April’s fool… always asking: what does that mean?
The Hungarian saying about April Fool is ‘April’s fool, May’s stupid ass’

But when you look closely, the human mind makes us an April’s fool all the time.

I look out the window. the trees are covered with snow.

What does this mean? This is the first question any human asks, isn’t it? What does this mean? Continue reading “April’s fool… always asking: what does that mean?”