You believe many impossible things to get a dopamine rush

You believe many impossible things to get a dopamine rush

do not commitImagine the scenario. The guy gets on one knee, pulls out a little box from his pocket, opens it to show a beautiful ring… and asks: Will you marry me? And the woman answers: I am willing to marry you…

Oops… all the magic is gone.

Or maybe the woman answers: I will commit… When? asks the distraught guy… putting away the ring… weeping inward.

Not romantic, not straightforward… very um, I don’t even have a word for it. Continue reading “You believe many impossible things to get a dopamine rush”

What does the 99% do that the 1% doesn’t? Bread and circus

What does the 99% do that the 1% doesn’t? Bread and circus

Panem et circenses. That is Bread and circuses… in Latin, the language of ancient Rome.

Give the masses bread and circus (entertainment) and they won’t look at what you do on the top. Superficial appeasement. Continue reading “What does the 99% do that the 1% doesn’t? Bread and circus”

Politically incorrect or are you working with what is yours?

Politically incorrect or are you working with what is yours?

politically incorrect hair envyAre you working with what is yours? Or are you vying for what others have?

Politically correct… politically incorrect

These are expressions that people use but have no idea what they mean.

Do not be naive: language and the lack of clarity of what words mean is one of the ways people are kept from becoming powerful.

So let’s consider ‘political’ everything that is about keeping the power in the hands of the few, and the masses in a state where they are sheep but they think they are powerful. Like once every four years they can exercise their immense power to say which bozo will be president.

They have no say in pretty much anything else, or not really. They could vote with their wallets, but they don’t. Continue reading “Politically incorrect or are you working with what is yours?”

Levels of consciousness and other important distinctions

Levels of consciousness and other important distinctions

When you look at the consciousness level chart, as much as I don’t like David Hawkins, he is right about some things… And dead wrong about many others.

When you want to accomplish something, in addition to know what is the next step, you need to know what is the ‘final’ or ultimate target, so you can stay your course. Continue reading “Levels of consciousness and other important distinctions”

Commitment comes from the soul. What are you committed to?

Commitment comes from the soul. What are you committed to?

Committed? Commitment? What are we talking about?

I was in the Wisdom Course some 20 years ago. The leader asked us to open a new page in our notebook, and draw a vertical line in the middle, separating the page into two columns.

In the left column, he said, write down what you are committed to.
In the right column write down the actions you take regularly in those commitments. Continue reading “Commitment comes from the soul. What are you committed to?”

Fix Broken Sh!t First… AKA: remove what is broken

Fix Broken Sh!t First… AKA: remove what is broken

Fix Broken Sh!t First; I got an email with that title this morning, so I am using it. This is the perfect title for this article…

You see, human nature is weird… It tries to fix everything by throwing stuff at it making it more broken. Add stuff…

When you have indigestion, or when you are sick, or when you are tired… You want to put food on it. You buy stuff… You throw sex on it. Coffee on it. Complaining on it. The kitchen sink on it.

I have noticed that anything anyone says about you or your stuff triggers a self-protection mechanism, as if you have anything about you that is not perfect means you are wrong, or don’t deserve to live, or maybe deserve to die.

Totally out of proportion reaction to the size of the threat. Continue reading “Fix Broken Sh!t First… AKA: remove what is broken”

Rules, concerns, or why the energies would not work for you

Rules, concerns, or why the energies would not work for you

path to what you wantIf you have hopes to become happy, Today’s Monday Morning Memo is right up your alley… it teaches what you CAN do, HOW you can look and see reality, and be happy, excited, joyful… instead of how and what you are now.

Without gene adjustment. Probability that it will work… without energetic adjustment: 3%. The effectiveness of words to your behavior and worldview.

Yesterday’s Inner Authority class was very instructive to me: I found out that many people consider that what they get from me, energies, adjustments, etc. are non-important, non-essential, maybe even non-real… as in ‘they are my way to extort money‘.

The more you can consider my energy interventions real, real-real… the more willing you’ll be to do what co-creative actions you need to take.

Energies, for the most part, can only change physical reality if and when some action is added, concurrently.

Example: … Continue reading “Rules, concerns, or why the energies would not work for you”

Genes, gene adjustment are great, but the human machine

Genes, gene adjustment are great, but the human machine

the human machine is more complicated than a fighter jetGenes, gene adjustment are great, but if you continue looking in the mind to see what to do next, all those gene changes will leave you, most probably, unchanged.

I am doing a lot of ‘gene adjustments’ suddenly. And with that a lot of pondering.

The adjustment takes only a few seconds, because all I need to do is connect to the person, connect to Source, and utter the ‘command’ or request… So it is relatively painless.

But a lot of people also asked for their Starting point measurements… which means I need to stay connected to them for a long time.

And because the non-compliant genes, the baby genes that didn’t turn off, or the permission gene that makes people cling to safety, I am looking at all those 43 measurements suddenly differently… Continue reading “Genes, gene adjustment are great, but the human machine”

Knowing is a lot like emotions… give you an eye-patch…

Knowing is a lot like emotions… give you an eye-patch…

knowing realityKnowing is a lot like emotions… give you an eye-patch… or a virtual reality eye piece.

A student of mine reacted to yesterday’s article.

Thank You Sophie,

For being my connection to reality.
Sometimes it seems the world is full of pettiness and silliness and unreality. You are like a beacon of hope and sanity, lighting a path to clarity with relentless determination.

Thank you. I am grateful to have you in my life. And thankful for your patient guidance.

In your post today you said that seeing was more important than knowing, and you said: Knowing is a lot like emotions… give you an eye-patch… or a virtual reality eye piece. Continue reading “Knowing is a lot like emotions… give you an eye-patch…”

All emotions are toxic… Like cream, rise to the top…

All emotions are toxic… Like cream, rise to the top…
Toxic emotions?

Most mornings the first thing I look at in the morning is a reddit email with 4-5 reddit posts, And then I read email from You watch Cnn, or Fox news, or whatever… I read these posts.

I don’t watch TV, don’t go to news sites, don’t talk to people, so this is the closest I get to witness what emotions people go through in the world.

This and my coaches’ Social Lair rants… but I definitely prefer Reddit and digg.

Today the ‘harvest’ was rich and heartwarming.

In one reddit thread a dude posted a dozen or so little clips combined into a minute long movie of his girlfriend getting off work and alternately running, flying, skipping, or dragging herself to his car… Watch the video below: Continue reading “All emotions are toxic… Like cream, rise to the top…”