I am Harold to your Maude… said one of my students

I am Harold to your Maude… said one of my students
Harold and MaudI am Harold to your Maude… said one of my students

I feel gratitude. I love that movie. And I loved Maude in that movie. I loved Cat Stevens’ music.

She says:

When I think of Maude I smile: I see you like that. And we, your students, are like clueless Harolds. But eventually even Harold turned his life around. Such a great movie.

Maude is 79 in that movie from 1971… and Harold is in his very early 20’s. Maude is ready to die, Harold is not ready to live.

  • Maude knows how to be happy, joyful: she lived full out, whatever the circumstances.
  • Harold hasn’t lived at all. Unless you call seeking attention from his mother living.

And that is a 90% accurate assessment of our relationship. 90%.

Continue reading “I am Harold to your Maude… said one of my students”

Is it disappointed or frustrated? What is the difference?

Is it disappointed or frustrated? What is the difference?
Clarity of language reflects your clarity of thinking…

It is becoming clear that the parts that maybe are the most important ones (to you) in my articles are too new for you to hear.

I didn’t realize that I need to bring special attention to them, explain them, or they will be lost, maybe forever. And give me an unwelcome experience: frustration.

This is a great opportunity to bring some clarity to the use of two words that you, mistakenly, have been taking ans synonyms… meaning the same. They don’t.

The two words are disappointment and frustration.

They feel similar, yes, but the underlying cause is different. Continue reading “Is it disappointed or frustrated? What is the difference?”

Do you feel that you are locked out of abundance?

Do you feel that you are locked out of abundance?
do you feel locked out of abundance?Do you feel locked out of abundance? There is a reason…

There are two main ways to be an entrepreneur

  1. One way is to be in love with yourself, with your product, with your process, and push it. Sell it. Promote it.
  2. The second way is to take your eyes off of what you want, of what you need, of what you want them to have, and listen keenly to what they want and need.
But then the question comes: how do you look? how do you listen?

If you look ordinarily, with your eyes… if you listen ordinarily with your ears, you’ll probably be in trouble. Continue reading “Do you feel that you are locked out of abundance?”

Why no one gets ‘choice’ in the Landmark Forum

Why no one gets ‘choice’ in the Landmark Forum
It seems everything is a learning curve. Or a ramp-up curve.

In a world where people resist learning anything, the ones that don’t resist are winners. Maybe even THE winners.

One of the things I notice is that when I sign up to a program, or buy a book, an equipment, I am excited. Until I get what I paid for. Then I am scared. Hesitant. Now comes the moment of truth.

It’s the 7 in my numerology, I think, trust. Trust in myself, mainly.

I don’t think the issue is limited to 7… Everyone has their own ‘reason’ to not pursue what they thought they wanted. 5’s, for example may have a weak ability to hold a vision of the future…

Whatever is standing between you consistently pursuing what you said you wanted is the most important thing, maybe even the one-thing that you should never forget to attend to. Continue reading “Why no one gets ‘choice’ in the Landmark Forum”

If you had access to a portkey, where would you want to go?

If you had access to a portkey, where would you want to go?

A portkey is a magical transportation device. You ask it to take you somewhere.

In essence the question in the title asks:

What do you want for yourself?

I don’t know who said it, maybe Aristotle, that asking questions is smart, having answers is no so much.

And even if those questions aren’t yours, you didn’t make them up, asking questions is still very smart.

In yesterday’s Inner Authority final session we were working with ‘the questions’ I gave all of my readers and not readers.

Turns out that questions, doing something that is smart is not the favorite activity of my ‘students’, I only heard back from three people who actually did it. The rest dabbled at best.

I have some really resistant people to smartness… That may be my claim to fame? Ugh.

Continue reading “If you had access to a portkey, where would you want to go?”

Dead as a doornail or flying the spirit? choose

Dead as a doornail or flying the spirit? choose

dead as a doornailIf I don’t manage to fly someone else will. The Spirit wants only that there be flying. As to who happens to do it, in that he has only a passing interest. ~ Rainer Maria Rilke

I never knew I was competitive… but the first sentence in that quote above is what gave me the impetus I needed to make it my work to fly the spirit. Hell no will I be dead as a doornail… Hell no will I be OK if someone else flies and I don’t… So help me god. Continue reading “Dead as a doornail or flying the spirit? choose”

Becoming like god remedy: access the 99%. Testing, testing

Becoming like god remedy: access the 99%. Testing, testing

becoming like godOne of the puzzling part of being human, or even a human being (not that I actually know that, but I suspect) is that…

…when things are not working, or not quite working, we don’t know what question to ask.

We actually don’t know what is the problem, so we cannot ask an intelligent question.

The trouble and therefore the solution is in the 99% of reality, the part is hidden from our view.

Is it hidden from everybody’s view? No.

When you put together all the people of present and past… only 90% of reality is not known… but individually we have 99% of reality hidden from us.

This is when others can be extremely useful to us. Continue reading “Becoming like god remedy: access the 99%. Testing, testing”

Will my work, like others’, survive my death? Immortality?

Will my work, like others’, survive my death? Immortality?
Immortality? Yeah… even before you die…

I have been listening to a lot of audios from Werner Erhard, the founder of the est training (Erhard Seminar Training). Some are as old as 30 years… 40 years… old. Keeping the person who speaks in the foreground of some people’s minds.

The question, as usual, is what is the truth value, is the person who is speaking able to do what they are saying to do, etc? Because it is one thing to be the millionth person to listen to a talk, and quite another being the first person who can see that the emperor is naked.

Often I am hesitant to say it. Often I am dismayed to say it. But somebody has to say it for evolution to happen… instead of pretending that it has happened already. Continue reading “Will my work, like others’, survive my death? Immortality?”

But I am smart! Are you Teddy from A Gambler’s Jury?

But I am smart! Are you Teddy from A Gambler’s Jury?

hardware errorThe idea that it is up to you… that you have power… beyond your brain (hardware): that is alien to most people.

The feedback I am getting from Friday’s article is that I accidentally spoke from the penthouse of consciousness, and didn’t speak to where people, where you are.

Oops… didn’t realize.

I just finished reading a novel I started and re-started 6-7 times, because it was barely tolerable what was happening in the story. Emotionally, to my sense of right… intolerable.

You see, my TLB is only 70 on a scale of 1 to 100… and abuse, betrayal, no regard for another are difficult for me to stay with, and not run away. So I did 5-6 times… until I buckled down and read the book. I am glad I did… but it was hard for me. Emotionally.

The average TLB on the planet is 1.

As a sidenote: not in a insignificant way, reading what is hard to read, emotionally, has increased my TLB a lot, my estimation 20 of those 70 came from that. Not hard as hard to understand, but hard as hard to be with… emotionally.

In the book there is a mentally challenged, probably brain damaged young man, his lawyer, and a whole society hostile or apathetic… but that is not what I wanted to talk about. Continue reading “But I am smart! Are you Teddy from A Gambler’s Jury?”

You can get unstuck only if you see what keeps you stuck

You can get unstuck only if you see what keeps you stuck

racket, the man eating machineMy teacher, Robert Hartman famously said: to know good you need to study evil. To turn your life around, you need to study what keeps you stuck.

As I am gearing up to teach the machine that we call the racket, I am getting emails from participants, people who registered in the workshop.

Those who are smart (not many :-\ ) come prepared. Armed in having witnessed enough of the distinction and the process to be able to recognize it on themselves by buying the Racket Course… have questions.

I am sure the rest of them want me to do all the work, and make them good, pretty, slim, smart, happy, rich… did I leave anything out?

The racket is a machine. It has a trigger that is an on-switch… and it even has an off-switch. Continue reading “You can get unstuck only if you see what keeps you stuck”